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General Chaos

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Everything posted by General Chaos

  1. Excellent! I've been hanging out for this. Now do I get just the armour for my Hikaru VF-1J or do I get a bundled kit? I'm loathed to break up my vermillion Squad.
  2. The Triangle has been on all the valks except the TV Max. I think they plain screwed up that batch. Damn that CF-1J now I want one at full price again. Trying so damn hard to draw a line in the sand....
  3. Save? SAVE!!!? I've already paid for mine! Waaah!! I will take this lesson in account for the VE-1
  4. So 2 months away then! That's it I'm going to have to get something else in the meantime to make the wait a little less painful!
  5. Damn straight I'm spending too much! I have one of every V2 except for the Max DYRL 1-A and the Fodder 1-J (these are in my buy on sale target lest). Edit: I Tell Lies... I don't have the weathered Editions or any Destroids.
  6. Oh Man!!! I just pre ordered the VT-1 yesterday.. I really shouldn't be getting this until it has a price drop but you make it look so good!!! Curses!! Aughh.. It's out now I can order it and have a new valk within a few days!!!! What problem?
  7. meh.. I'm having fun weathering my own random valks and completing squads to bother getting their uniformly weathered limited editions.
  8. Well I ended up weathering the TV Kaki.. Here's a pic for your perusal next to an unweathered Max TV. Personally I think it came out quite well.. Still a very white valk compared with the DYRL Skulls but now a bit grubby and less plasticy/toy looking.
  9. I got mine today. It is currently in gerwalk mode covered in promodellers weathering wash and drying. Not sure if i will clean it right up only leaving panel lines or leave it weathered.. He didn't really live long enough for his valk to get weathered so....
  10. Today I weathered my Hikaru DYRL VF-1A. (I figure it is expendable since I have the 1S).
  11. General Chaos

    1/60 SV-51

    Get a Nora.. The scheme is a great colour change up for your collection and it's also got the fixes like people say.
  12. Sonofa...!! We'll on the bright side you have a super rare LowerViz VF-11B. Shall we open the bidding at $750?
  13. Hey!!! I spy a danger triangle tampo'd on under kakis canopy in that pic of of the Vermillion Squad just posted. There were complaints about Max's not getting one and that area looking barron. I was going to pass it off as that design just being deliberately bare but now Kaki has it... What's up with that? Rare First run Max with non danger tampo's -get!! I shall start the bidding at $700
  14. Just got the email from Overdrive advising me that the DYRL 1A has been delayed. Release date now TBA. Has anyones TV-1A shipped from Overdrive? I still haven't put in an order anywhere so if they have stock I'll jump in.
  15. I have voted both. Already had the DYRL on Pre order to complete my Skull Squad. Now that I have a Max TV, I Need the Kakizaki TV.
  16. So it's the 21'st and Yamato have today still listed as TV-1A release. DYRL-1A just says May which we all know means the very last day.. So have they slipped on the TV? Are we going to see any of these this month? It's been nearly a week since I got my last Valk and I am starting to get withdrawal symtoms!!
  17. I just got my TV Max today and swiped the TV Super Parts off my Hikaru 1J. Here you go: I think I like my 1J better with the Supers. The Max 1A scheme is completely obscured by the parts (though this does leave a very clean white Super valk from above).
  18. Here's my collection which I only started on around mid last year when the V2 1/60 VF-1's came out. Yamato 1/60 (Macross) Roy VF-1S (S&S) Hikaru VF-1J (S) Hikaru VF-1A (S&S) Hikaru VF-1S (S&S) VF-1D Max VF-1S + S&S Max VF-1A (TV) Kakizaki VF-1A (DYRL) -pre orderd Yamato 1/60 (Macross Zero) Roy VF-0 (V2) Nora SV-51 Yamato 1/60 (Macross Plus) Guld YF-21 25th Anniversary YF-19 Isamu VF-11B Yamato 1/48 (Macross) 25th Anniverary VF-1S Bandai 1/72 (Macross F) Alto VF-25f Ozma VF-25s Bandai 1/100 's Alto VF-25f Revoltech Hikaru VF-1J Max VF-1J Miria VF-J Hikaru VF-1A Roy VF-1S Regult Guld YF-21 Isamu YF-19 Other Jetfire
  19. Oh man those weathered Max's are too sweet! My bank does not thank you for those pics as I have just snapped and ordered the TV-1A and some weathering wash. Who was I to think I could start selectively skipping valks?! ... Now I am on the path to ruin and a complete 1/60 V2 collection.
  20. Oh did I? Oops I thought I had completed it when I put up my other shots. Man that is a lot of valks in a very short period of time.... What problem?
  21. Max claiming his place in the Skull Leader ranks.
  22. 1/60 Skull -S squad complete and under attack by a strange floating lump of wood Oh no it is manned by hundreds of filthy transformers!! Aka: My updated collection since my last shot. Now with added Max VF-1S, Nora SV-51, Guld YF-21 and Isamu VF-11B. Only the Kakizaki VF-1A to complete my skull squad to come and I can call it quits for a while...
  23. Mine came in today. I'm impressed. Looks good in all modes (Hopes for repaints or VF-11C so I can justify multiples), transformation is nice and simple and it is a very solid valk. I didn't have a fear of breaking anything when handling it. The heatshield also locks in very nicely once you get the hang of it. So I can add to the members declaring Crisis Over.
  24. +1 for me too I have no idea what config to display mine in. Battroid + FP's, Fighter or fighter + FP's. Both of my other Macross Plus valks are in fighter mode so perhaps Battroid for something different. I guess I'll have to hope Yamato start putting out repaints and 11c's to milk the mold and bring the price down for me to justify getting a duplicate.
  25. As others have said if you want the strike packs you will need to order them seperately. I ordered my 1S & seperate Strike Pack from Toy-Wave and should have it in the next few days (just cleared customs). I will just say that Toy-Wave have been nothing but good to me and I have ordered many valks through them.
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