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About MacBoy29

  • Birthday 09/29/1983

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Alberta, Canada
  • Interests
    Anime:<br />Berserk <br />Cowboy Bebop <br />Trigun <br />GunGrave<br />Gundam (For the Mecha's)<br />Macross, of course (and Macross Mecha.)<br />And a whole bunch of other anime such as Guu, OutlawStar...and other stuff<br /><br />Also like movies, cars, video games, food...too many <br />to list

MacBoy29's Achievements

ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. Hey everyone! I don't know if this has been asked before but i would like to know if its ok/safe to vacuum the air vents of the console to prevent dust from collecting on it ??? Thanks Mark
  2. Hey everyone, happy belated chrsitmas and new years. Oh god that ginormous Derbonium looks sweet, how long did it take for you to construct that? i must have!! Eeryones models are looking awsome. Promethuem5's 08th MS looks cool, nice work on the weathering and damage; and dj898's diorama is looking preety sweet too. Maybe i'll post some pics of my recently finished MG Sazabi and HG Advanced Hazel. mark
  3. Nice, Sweet pics and amazing paint job mang! Mark
  4. *oy havn't posted here in ages* looking sweet dj898!!! I'll be looking forward to seeing this all completed. Mark
  5. Some of babies!
  6. GOOD GOD! Thats crazy, i love the weathering you did, nice and subtle. I would want my Strike to look like that if i had one. Amazing work Sebastian!
  7. I like to listen to some R&B, some rap, some Electronica/Tech., but mostly rock, here are some of the bands that i like to listen to: 1. Oasis 2. Mars Volta 3. Kasabian
  8. I think the everything is perfect, its nice and subtle. Continune the amazing work!
  9. Wow everyone has an awsome collection! Heres my growing collection of MG kits. Can't stop getting these things since i started to airbrush. Hehehehe some of you might notice some Macross warning stickers on my kits, well i gotta use em' for all its worth! Here yeah go: starting to my 1st and then latest!
  10. Thanks for the LineArt dyowelb, its perfect !!!!! That Impulse and RMG is looking sweet Hikuro Nice Job. I wish i can post some of the Gundams i did as well, oh well maybe another time.
  11. Does anyone have any Lineart for the Wing Gundam 0 Custom or of the Ver.Ka? Thanks
  12. I've been playing RE4 for awhile now, and the game rocks! Sniping zombies is fun! So much action, definatly the best RE game, and a must buy for all resident evil fans
  13. Hmmm.... What about the last episode to Berserk: Some people were like, "What the hell..." But then again theres the Manga that you can contiue off from...
  14. Looking good! Yeah, for only 5 months, your looking like pro.
  15. Hahahaha Yeah if that was true, it would probally be bigger then most of my little cousins! Mann, the word "Ginourmous" crazks me up!
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