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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Very interesting toys. However, given the fact that i-sobot has dropped its price by 2/3, why should I buy the 1/60 Destroid? For your information, i-sobot is about $100 at amazon.com at the time this post is made. At one time, the price went down to $59 and $79.
  2. I wish I know how to read Japanese.
  3. I guess the only advice I can give to anyone new to the Yamato models for transformation is "be careful". Blunt force simply does not work. Based on my experience with only the japanese instructions from the booklet, you simple have to apply subtle forces in different directions to loosen up the joints. It took me more than 2 hours for the first attempt and I could not even get the sidebars into the slot. In the second attempt, it took me 10 minutes to reach the final stage and more than an hour to slide the sidebars into the slot and another hour to get it out. I simply dont have the desire to tranform it for the third time, although it will be easier. Nothing is broken yet.
  4. Getting the swing bar out is equally difficult. It took me 1/2 hour to figure out how to get the bar into the slot. Retrospectively, it was easy once you got into the right position and slided both hips downward. It went very smoothly without even a snap. Then, I had a very hard time of getting it out. This is one step that I don't like.
  5. I had a 1/48 VF-1J Millia with fast pack for a few years and never dared to transform it. Finally, with the amount of positive comments on the V.2 1/60 VF-1S, I finally picked one up during my recent visit in HK. For a newbie, the first transformation is very difficult. I managed to tranform from fighter to battledroid mode and back twice without any broken part or stress fracture. The process gets easier each time. This one is well made, thanks Yamato, although the toy is still intended for adults, not kids.
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