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Everything posted by reeoyuy

  1. Yes, the condensers are included. I'm not sure if LED units can fit in those condensers like GN Drives do though. And I think it's been said before but only one LED included so the rest need to be bought separately. Still better than none in MG OOQ anyway.
  2. There's a thread dedicated to Gundam Figure here. And coincidentally, my last post there is about Fix line. You can check it here . On to gunpla news, promotional pic of MG OO Raiser: Any light-up gimmick fans here?
  3. No, ending of Z movies is just alternate version, not a retcon that eliminates ZZ from UC timeline. Especially when Unicorn took so much elements, characters, and units from ZZ. Anyone who told you that ZZ is not canon anymore due to Z movies ending is just plainly hate ZZ
  4. Ah, yes. Boris and his horse. Also, mini Big-Zam, Zaku-rello vs Dendrobium, and adorable Beargguy You're welcome. It's surprisingly well done and enjoyable. I don't think it will work as whole series too. I will watch it, but many fans will blatantly against it. Can't be helped, but Bandai should make more in ONA format like this once in a while. With interesting characters this is much better than plain gunpla ad out there.
  5. No news from both GFF and GFFMC line so far. It seems that Fix team is busy handling Composite ver.Ka line {similar to GFF but featuring mecha from other series like Code Geass, SRW OG, Virtual-On, etc}. There's plenty of those Composite ver.ka that going to be released, but I hope they won't neglect GFF(N) or GFF MC. About vanilla GFF and GFFN, I believe that GFFN is replacing GFF entirely, not a "branch" line like GFFMC or Zeonography. That's shown with how GFFN continuing the serial number of GFF instead making new one like. For example, GFFMC starts with #1001 and Zeonography with #3001. However, the first GFFN (ZII) is numbered as #0041 as continuation of the last GFF without 'N' (Kyoshiro Maniax Red Warrior) #0040. If we ever have new GFF that is not Metal Composite, it will have 'N' on its name. So yeah, vanilla GFF is no more but we have GFFN now. Here's a database of GFF released so far. Sweet. I just saw the review of it awhile ago and it looks much better than standard version.
  6. Yeah, many unique design such as RD Advanced GN-X or RD Jagd Arche ended up as web limited. Not just recolor or extra finish anymore, but whole new design or variant that we can't find its equivalent on the market. No news about next MB line after OO7S yet. We still don't know if MB will be a regular or just one-shot. And there's no clue that MB will be strictly limited to OO universe. And even if the next MB is from OO, more popular design such as Exia or OO Qan[T] might come first. Still, Bandai is full of mystery. Your wish may come true
  7. BTW, O Raiser+GN Sword III set for Metal Build OO 7Sword will be released as Tamashii Web Shop limited.
  8. More pics of RG Aile Strike, HGUC GM Cannon II and HGUC Dreissen RG Strike (there's a shot of its inner frame) HGUC GM cannon II HGUC Dreissen Source: Gundam Guy blog
  9. There's already GFF Metal Composite O Gundam. And since Metal Build is some sort of GFF MC without Katoki's involvement, I don't think we'll have MB O Gundam. But Bandai can pull surprising moves and prove me wrong though.
  10. Single piece rear skirt armor doesn't affect mobility at all (unless the rear skirt goes so large and longer below the knees, like Mashymre Cello's Zaku III Custom). We naturally can't move our thigh backwards and since MS is based on human image, they can't too. In many MG with good articulation, the rear skirt armor is fixed even if it's split type like the front one. As for Shenlong and Epyon, it's just Katoki own preference. Anyway, some HUGE pics of RG Aile Strike Boxart Standing pose Flying pose
  11. Yeah, that yellow patch on Epyon's abdomen is really distracting. Some people may end up painting it. About proportion, I think the colored one is just CG and indeed the proportion is bad. But the MG itself, judging from that gray prototype got correct proportion. Unlike other EW version Gundams, Epyon EW never seem to be existed before MG announcement and its appearance on recent Glory of the Defeated manga. Which means, Katoki worked on this Epyon long after he's done with Wing; maybe he's losing his inspiration after so long not working with W? Just my theory though.
  12. Cleaner scan of MG Epyon. Still on prototype form, but you can see the color scheme. And there's also a shot of Okawara version lineart for comparison. Now the dragon heads have mouth!
  13. Whoops, you're right about that. Don't know how I missed that big F letter. Either the magazine is wrong, or maybe that's RD own rendition of type F, no leg verniers, simple backpack and chose simplified look instead of modern, mechanical MG/RG. But then they'll have difficulty to make J variant different enough to justify its release someday...
  14. It's simply listed as "Zaku II" without any F/J/F2/FZ/etc. Just like HGUC version. Or maybe they haven't made their mind yet on what Zaku that is (but at least we know it's not Char's -06S).
  15. Hmm, this thread is dead for too long. Well, time for some news. First, Metal Build OO 7Sword is released today! Here's big image for you to inspect all the details: On another line RD Zaku II is officially announced, her it is with RD Brave(s): And RD Jagd Arche, although unfortunately it's webshop limited item:
  16. True, you can always traced old elements and sum up the show as "this + that" but then again it's not exactly defined the whole show is all about. Those old ideas are represented on a new & different packages anyway, different characters, settings, units, or even entirely different outcome. The way a new show played out those old ideas is something worth to watch...or not. Like I said before, it's not a matter of taking old shows influence is good or bad thing to do, it's about how they pulled it off. Being original for the sake of being different is not always good but using old proven premise also doesn't guarantee a success. But that exactly the point, X is not UC. It's an universe that essentially a "what if" of UC. It took many concept of UC but twisting everything, primarily the whole Newtype concept. The way that Newtypes revealed for being nothing special is a hard slap for both SRA and UNE that exploited Newtypes for their own cause. X successfully making itself as "not UC". Although I really want to see UC Newtype evolutionist theory supporters (like Zeon Zum Deikun) expression when they hear what D.O.M.E said.
  17. New info from hobby magazine scans. Mostly updates of already announced gunpla such as MG Epyon, HGUC Dreissen, RG Strike, and MG OO Raiser. There are two freshly announced though: HGUC GM Cannon II from 0083 and SD Wing Gundam EW/ver.Ka. And here's RG Strike with all decals.
  18. The only AU with animated sequel is SEED and Wing. And yes, Destiny is basically (stupid) retelling of SEED story again so your point is right for CE. But Endless Waltz is different from Wing TV and no other AUs have sequel (unless you count OO movie) so Destiny repetitiveness is not representing all AUs. If what you mean by 'rehash previous shows' is AU taking elements from UC or older AU, it's normal. Since AU is meant to be a fresh start after all; for example we probably had enough with a "kid accidentally pilot a Gundam" plot but for many people who never watch any Gundam before SEED Kira's wacky adventures is something new.
  19. Not really, all AU shows were targeted to the same demographic as UC series. By series I mean the original trilogy and Victory. It's just that preferences of said demographic is different on each era. We may never understand why it's necessary to have pretty boys and kids these days don't understand what's so interesting about Tomino-style storytelling. That's why Bandai/Sunrise keep churning out new AUs to capitalize new generation of fans while still hoping to please older fans. Now for OVAs and sidestories with adult characters and gritty theme (such as 0083 and 08th MS)they were targeted to older fans. These fans were (supposedly) the same people that enjoyed the original trilogy as a kid. They're part of UC but I don't think they're definitive UC or even definitive Gundam. Some people use these titles when comparing UC with AU, which is unfair. How can you compare decades year old universe against an universe that just barely started? I once read MS IGLOO reviews and the reviewer said something about why UC is always inferior to all AUs because realism and grittiness and things like that; it's just unfair. Give CE 20-30 years and maybe we'll have something equal to 08th MS or IGLOO. Now (for example) if we want to compare who's better at whining between Kira and Amuro (of MSG, not Z or CCA)that's a fair comparison. See, if an AU tried to stick into old tradition, people called it rehash/rip-off/retelling. If it tried to be different, people cried "this is not Gundam!". It's not a matter of being original or not actually. I like changes and originality, but I don't mind retelling too. It's all about the execution of the concept. If it's good, then it's good; doesn't matter if it borrowed many things from older series or if it doesn't look like a Gundam series at all.
  20. If it's not made by Bandai, then it's not SHFiguarts, since that name is exclusive name for non-mecha action figure line of Bandai (its mecha counterpart is Robot Damashii/Spirits BTW). Figures made by Square Enix are called Play Arts, you probably get them mixed up.
  21. Not sure, probably from theater screening or Gundam Ace magazine. I forgot to link the source, there's also another poster there (different artist though).
  22. Unicorn poster drawn by Haruhiko Mikimoto Now Marida reminds me to a certain Macross character (her hair is a bit greenish on that poster).
  23. Boxart of "new" MG Wing Gundam EW Not sure if there will be new hands to hold buster rifle better, just action base adapter confirmed so far. But anyone who already owned Wing ver.Ka shouldn't bother. That's one stylish boxart there, I want that as a poster
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