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Everything posted by reeoyuy

  1. Why don't we measure Alto pilot figure and comparing it to his official height stat (if there any)?
  2. I wish they just sold separate weapon set for ARX-8 Laevatein, like Operation Yashima set for EVA. I already have stand-alone Laevatein since long time ago (the first release, #059 with wide box). I was proud with my Laevatein since it's somewhat rare, but then Kaiyodo re-release it in standard box. And then this. But I prefer RD version for both Arbalest and Laevatein anyway, looks much better than Revoltech version.
  3. I know I should've wrote 'sarcasm' in big bold letter (where is "banging head on wall" emoticon when you need it?). Eh, anyway, just dumping a pic of ruined 17S with some internal exposed from VFX-2. Dear Yamato, make Brando version or 17D Aegis version with purple stripe please .
  4. I don't know why I keep doing this either, but... ...You still believe that? Yeah, and Project Supernova 30 years later is sooo secret that they need to disguise YF-19 and YF-21 as normal jets with working landing gear despite VF is common thing in that era [/sarcasm]. Duh, no. That Oggo pic is sarcasm, don't you get it? And I don't get your arguments either so let's drop it here. Back to topic, It'll be impossible to pull that weird gerwalk stance unique to VF-17 without proper weight distribution. Not fan of that look, prefer standard droopy nose gerwalk myself, but some people may want that.
  5. This is exactly what is wrong with your logic. See, as sci-fi anime rule of cool aesthetic rules over everything else, including logic. Now let's just say that your "valks don't need landing gears and hands" reasoning is logically acceptable (which I found not), VFs will still have landing gears, hands, and "logically unnecessary) things (like, say, a mouth) simply for the sake of looking cool. As for flying in space reasoning, you might as well suggest that streamlined shape, wings, and anything derived from atmospheric aircraft are unnecessary, and valks should look like this instead: I'll pick a cool-looking superfluous space craft over a functional but ugly craft like that, this is anime after all. I think it's far off-topic now.
  6. The thing is, all transformable MS or anything aircraft shaped unit in Gundam universe all have landing gears. Not necessary with wheels, most space-borne units replacing it with ski-like thing. Not for conventional take off, but just there to support the unit so it's not lying on its belly during hangar storage. The same with VFs, idea of VF without landing gear is just plain silly. It's common sense that in gravity you'll need landing gears or you'll have them lying on their belly (and VFs are stored in fighter mode), no ground clearance for mechanics maintenance, and don't forget trivial things like towing the fighter out of hangar to runway/catapult, etc. You'll need some wheels. And argument that space-borne units don't need them is also silly and near-sighted. So, one can argue that in zero gravity stored fighter can just "float" there, but you'll need something to fix them in place. Maybe chains will do...but where to fix them? Preferably into something sticking out like...like landing gears . Aaaand we saw that many of those spaceships hangar has artificial gravity. Which means, all things applied to earth-based hangar also applied to spaceship hangar. I bet someone hasn't think that far, because it's "uncool" . Right. So you're agree that in-universe VF still need landing gears but the toys don't need them. Well you forgot that Yamato rarely include display base with their products. And there are people like me who don't want to spend more money to buy after market display bases. I don't mind with no base included, since I have another method to properly display them. But omitting landing gear and not including the base? That's a rip off.
  7. These are technically not "Shows" but new manga (or photonovel, or maybe hybrid of both) of Gunpla Builder D and Gunpla Builder J are on this month hobby magazine. And both very interesting. First, we have Gunpla Builders D, now with goth loli! Not much interesting for mecha department other than Beginning Gundam and a variant of Forever Gundam in red color. Now for Gunpla Builders J...Beginning Gundam with gigantic hand fights against a ZII-like MS that can transform between normal form and SD form. Seriously. That's awesome .
  8. Display stand of both DX VF-25F Super (Movie Color) and DX VF-25F Tornado are already painted like that, it's nothing new. Anyway. great pictures! If not for landing gears and clear parts, fighter mode looks a lot like 1/100 model. And if a transformable toy can have similar proportion with non-transformable model, that's a good sign .
  9. Cleaner pictures of MG 00 7Sword, now with GN Sword II Blaster (something that Metal Build version don't have). Also, HGFC Nobel Gundam Berserker Mode for September.
  10. Now that's a good box art design! Shame on that "valkirie" though, but love the classy white theme. Also, nice pilot figure; way better than the one shown on magazine.
  11. Much better if Lacus is revealed to be evil all along, manipulating everyone since SEED era to rise into power. And then Kira slowly dying due to side effect of being ultimate coordinator and then...I think I need to write a fanfic now .
  12. Hathaway's Flash is continuation of Beltochirka's Children, Tomino's novelized version of CCA instead of CCA movie itself. Since animation takes priority over other media, Beltochirka's is non canon and so does Hathaway's Flash. I don't know if there's any point on that story that will clash with Unicorn or F91, so I can't tell if it's possible to cram Hathaway's Flash into canon timeline but I had enough with Hathaway .
  13. The problem with UC is that there are too many of them concentrated on UC 0079-0100 timeline. Make another story around that era and deal with massive retcons and continuity mess. They should exploit more of pre-F91 or between F91-V or even post V era. But then, anything post V will be nothing like UC we know so it's the same thing with starting new universe anyway.
  14. I just replaying Macross VFX-2 and I realized something. I thought that MBL (Mega Beam Launcher?) on that game is the same gunpod-with-beam-adapter thing that Gamlin used. But apparently, it's an entirely different weapon. Compare that to standard gunpod (although that gunpod fires laser on that game somehow) And Brando's 17S unit Slim chance that obscure weapon will have any toy form, but hey, maybe someone will be inspired enough to scratch build it.
  15. As devout follower of Gunpla God Kawaguchi, I will spread his words to all nonbelievers Anyway, I found this description on one particular site:
  16. No, that device is some sort of memory unit or something And BTW, Captain with shades. Hello Jamil/Quattro!
  17. They always tapping a new market every time they release new series. Even Katsumi Kawaguchi himself in his rant admit that G Gundam was marketed for children and W and SEED to gain popularity with female fans. Even the release of "serious" stuff like 0083 was made for new market that is hardcore fans that was too old for mainstream series. There's a limit on depending on hardcore adult market so why not go into where the money is .
  18. Trailer on Youtube As it is, the trailer isn't that special. But for something with that kind of character design, it looks OK. Far from the likes of Digimon or Bakugan etc.
  19. I don't think all of the runner shown there. Back then, when Meister Morishita previewed MG OO Qan[T] he missed some runners too. Still, I'm disappointed with clear parts too. It seems that Bandai will only gave us colored clear parts only when there are plenty amount of them like MG OOQ or ReZEL.
  20. Oh, I bet legion of haters already vowed to hate this new series with every fiber of their body. "Whats with this kiddie crap blablabla and now Gundam is finished rant rant rant," Seriously, it's not the 1st time Bandai pulled something like this. SD Gundam Force, Plamo Kyoshiro, and recently Gunpla Builder (I enjoyed that one). It's not like Gundam is always gloomy gritty war story. Kinda interested on how the story will be. Hopefully on the 13th we'll see a decent trailer.
  21. The problem with PG Unicorn is that people will expect glowing psychoframe gimmick like mentioned above. However, Bandai can get away on not gold-plating all PG SF inner frames, so they can just ditch glowing gimmick too and people will understand the reason. I'm OK with PG Unicorn without glowing frames as long as it help to reduce the cost. And the way they talk about MG V2 seems like they admit that MG V isn't really that good design-wise.
  22. Wii U has some potential. I already have several ideas on using its gimmicks on some type of games, especially mech games. For Macross games, the built-in screen can act as MFD like in real jet fighter, with array of buttons surrounding the screens for specific functions. Like...I dunno, releasing safety on reaction missiles maybe? Or switching the screen into other function like radar or something. Or maybe video "chat" with Skull Leader or a bridge bunny . Yes, it's gimmicky and 'cramming all interface into secondary touch screen' concept is already done in DS but it'll be the 1st in home console with glorious HD. I just hope people in game industry are more creative than me . edit: I mean something like that monitor on left corner of the 1st picture (VF-0D) or more futuristic YF-19 MFD.
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