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Everything posted by reeoyuy

  1. Yeah, because anything that is UC is instantly guaranteed to be good *looks at G-Saviour* The cockpit is right behind that. Just like the chest orb in Wing Zero Katoki version. In fact, that white portion where the A located is actually the cockpit door. So it's impossible to use the now-standardized LED light system for that; unless Bandai ditched the cockpit details or designing an entirely new wiring and LED for that A symbol.
  2. Uh, she didn't board the MS on her own will. She was clearly forced to. Desil was basically using her as X-Rounder battery, to amplify his own X-Rounder power. And that's what make it even sadder and shows how crazy Desil is.
  3. High Grade is always in 1/144 scale. Not really. That's just what early half of season 1 looks like. Wing is about guerrilla warfare without any specific goal other than breaking free from oppression. Meanwhile the Gundams intervention in 00 is part of hundred years plan. Back to the topic, I hope AGE will also have interesting conspiracy plot regarding the UE, especially with 3 generations story.
  4. For Optimus head, HG G-Exes will be a perfect choice. There's no need to customize anything, just paint it
  5. I like the colored visor. Also, about time they ditch spandex and use leather for the suits. Kamen Rider did that long ago.
  6. Also in Macross 7 Trash manga VF-4 were used as trainer; not sure what variant.
  7. I can't see any other possible options for those covers. The hands are already crammed with all those sliding mechanisms.
  8. You guys don't know how much Japanese love Barzam. It became some sort of meme there.
  9. There is no confirmation yet that white haired dude in red coat is Woolf. His hair and eye color is wrong, no dog ear-shaped hair and most importantly he's not wearing white. I doubt it's Woolf we know. And for AGE-2 Normal, MS Mode: Flight (?) Mode:
  10. In VFX2 the stripes are purple though. Not sure about MPlus.
  11. They're meant to be linked into Gage-ing battle arcade game, using microchips inside (swappable) body parts of each figure. Since those arcade machines are very unlikely to leave Japan then their main gimmick is useless. As for the figure itself, they're the only 1/100 representation of AGE MS but from what I've seen they're more toy for kids instead of figure for collectors.
  12. I see; I thought you're talking about the anime.
  13. Huh? From what episode? What I remember is that it's the American Police who bought Bonta-kun suits and successfully using it against bank robbery. It was on the news at the end of that Fumoffu episode where the Yakuza use Bonta-kun suits.
  14. Well it can't be helped if some details were forgotten, 6 month gap and stuff. At the end of 3rd OVA, Unicorn is falling into atmosphere. Garancieres can be seen approaching it. That's how Unicorn can re-enter the atmosphere safely. Garancieres saved Banagher's life. But that's not the reason why Banagher stay with Garancieres crew. As we saw on 4th OVA, the ship is stuck to the ground in a position that no mobile suit can move out. So Banagher can't use Unicorn to escape. Oh they're pissed indeed. But then they can't kill Banagher even if they want to. Unicorn is the key to Laplace box and only Banagher can activate the Gundam. If anything, it is the federation that will not hesitate to destroy Unicorn (and seal the box location forever), instead of the Sleeves that put all their hope in the box content.
  15. I specifically mentioned universe. As in the setting, genetic manipulation issue, the yet-unexplained SEED factor, that winged space whale fossil, etc. Oh, and the characters too. Some are interesting and have potential. But then, I don't have any problem with SEED copied elements and plot. That is true for SEED, but saying it's like EVERY Gundam is generalization. Like I've posted above, many AU main characters started up not as civilian but a member of either proper military or underground organization. And if we add UC OVAs and side-stories, the number of trained people exceed those accidental pilots. Well I care. It's not like everything in that first third is 100% copied anyway . There are new stuff added to complicate the matters (for better or worse). SEED was supposed to attract new generation of fans, for those people SEED storyline is entirely new. And the similarity with first Gundam can also attract older fans as well, if they use correct mindset such as "Let's see what SEED's take on this desert arc. I wonder how this Waltfeld compared to Ramba Ral,"; not just glancing over the general plot and said "Meh, what a rehash. I don't care,".
  16. Setsuna from 00 is far from whiney. In fact, when you think about it, the stereotypical whiny teen pilots are mostly in UC TV series. I mean kids who reluctant and refuse to fight at first. Amuro, Kamille, Judau, and Usso all share the same traits. AU pilots are more diverse, with exception of Loran and Kira as "I don't want to fight" characters. Let's see: -Domon (G): Hot-blooded, and not a teenage anyway -Heero (W): Silent lone soldier type -Garrod (X): Cheerful and enthusiastic -Shinn (Destiny): Closer to angsty than whiny -Setsuna (00): Same as Heero -Flit (AGE): Eager to pilot without any complaint Also all those pilots above (except Garrod) are trained and familiar with their Gundam. Flit isn't supposed to pilot the Gundam but he built the damn thing and know it inside out. Not like UC TV series pilots where all the main characters are civilians that stumble upon a Gundam in the first episode (even Unicorn as an OVA also using this cliche). Again, only Loran and Kira being exception here. When people talk about UC pilots they often use older pilots from OVA/movies such as Shiro Amada or older Amuro as examples. Which is unfair for me because a TV series should be compared with another TV series, due to target audience and things like that. And no AU has any OVAs or any animated production dedicated to older fans like UC. So when you said "bring back", you mean "more civilian kids accidentally fall into the cockpit and reluctantly piloting it"
  17. RD Gouf Custom Review It came with extra gatling and extra blades. I don't know if they're just part of first release bonus or not. Also, it has hardpoint system similar to RD RX-78 and Zaku II so you can stick their weapons into this Gouf
  18. Simple, pretty characters and flashy Gundams. But seriously, SEED universe actually has potential. It's just lacking in execution. And Judau would not interested because it's not profitable for him.
  19. This is something that westerners hard to grasp (even little Sheryl was surprised), that male kabuki actor playing female role is very common tradition and not related to their sexual preferences. It's something that Japanese think as normal, as seen in more modern form such as Japanese male fashion or visual kei. I think Alto being former Kabuki performer that has conflict with his dad is important to his development. And much more interesting comparing to him being just a random highschooler.
  20. Another Unicorn poster by Mikimoto.
  21. HGUC Banshee (Still prototype, I hope they use clear yellow if not plated gold) And that mystery HGUC confirmed to be Juagg as predicted
  22. It's the same with v1, it's not all surprising.
  23. 10th Anniversary of SEED next year.
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