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Everything posted by reeoyuy

  1. Ah yes, this thread is more suitable to talk about that game. It's good to see SEED MSV units got some attention. Now I'm curious what kind of PS Vita gimmick ths game will use, touchscreen, back touchpad, or simply twin stick. Huh, this must be the first Gundam Battle series that will use twin analog stick (or maybe not ).
  2. HGUC Delta Gundam review from Hacchaka: http://blog.livedoor.jp/hacchaka/archives/51807534.html#more Bling-bling, yo. Also plenty of stickers for red parts. For something that costs over 4000 yen...and hard to paint as it is.
  3. Oh look, Bandai is half-assed on their own Macross product! Let's just blame Gundam because Bandai ONLY produce Macross and Gundam toys and nothing else, right ? I wonder if wide array of their catalog is what makes them produce each item in limited quantity. I've heard this "Bandai is stupid enough to not wanting my money" many times before. Quite recently in case of D-Arts Megaman, and almost every Kamen Rider SHFiguarts will ended in 5-minute preorder window battle. Correct me on this, but do Yamato has other things to sell other than Macross VFs and anime statues? I haven't heard anything new from their Patlabor, ZOIDS or Votoms line. So maybe that what's make Bandai and Yamato strategy different.
  4. If I have a company that produces toy, I'd rather underestimate demand than overestimate and creating too many to sell. Also, that conspiracy theory about Bandai conspiring wit ebay scalper is ridiculous, since Bandai never really care about customers abroad.
  5. I hope that wing hardpoint is not a mere decoration. DX VF-25 v1 has shallow indentations under the wing, supposedly hardpoints but we know the truth.
  6. Look who's getting thrown into a brig Hopefully that will make him grow up, and with one or two Brightslap .
  7. I'm not specifically taking about Newtype magic power, but something like Banagher's effort on persuading Loni. Trying to convince your enemy with newtype ghost talk, that will always ended with tragedy. Only Amuro, Seabook, Banagher, and Kira that are forced (as in "you must pilot the Gundam, nobody else can!"). Everyone else actually came in contact with Gundam by themselves. They choose to join the good guy faction on their own, and can leave if they want to actually. Kamille and Judau stole the Gundam without anyone ordering them. Uso can just leave V Gundam to Marvet. Garrod is similar to Judau. And Flit is very eager and pilot the Gundam on his own initiative. Just because they are civilian teens, doesn't mean that they always be forced to pilot. About angst on pilots you mentioned, yes, maybe they have emotional moments but they still doing their job. I think what Graham said is that he dislike how Banagher is whining, crying, and refuse to shoot enemies like Amuro, Kira, and...nobody else. Of all of them, only Shinn that can be characterized as angsty. The rest only have brief moment of doubt and angst (it's war afterall). But hey, they still doing their job on shooting stuff.
  8. Only true to "civilian teenager forced to pilot" scenario which only happened very few times (like, 4 times including Unicorn). So really, most Gundam main characters just get on and do the job, whether it be killing or preaching about peace without all the angsty behavior and sobbing . The thing is, unlike in SEED and 00, Banagher's effort of understanding is proved to be useless. And that's actually in tunes with other UC series. Amuro and Lalah, Kamille and Four, Judau and Haman, the same with Banagher and Loni. All that Newtype ghost talk none ended with happy ending. Banagher learned (or he should learn) that such idealism does not belong in war.
  9. Straying far off topic here, but the reason for battroid existence is pretty weak too. Just because we will face giant aliens, we don't have to make giant robots complete with human-like limbs to match them. A machine with adequate firepower to down the giants is enough. It's not like we create battroid to have a wrestling match with Zentraedis. Which is ironic because a VF is never melee-oriented like MS. Thus making complex humanoid form is unnecessary. It's like we find out that Godzilla is real and now we are developing a tank that can transform into Mechagodzilla; simply because fighting a beast like a beast is more effective than blasting it . At least in Gundam, the chain of event is more logical. One faction created a new kind of weapon. The opposing faction initially thought said design is silly but then realized it's actually effective and start making their own version of said weapon. More variants developed and produced until the existence of said weapon is natural in their world. Just like, y'know, the history of main battle tank in our world. I've had many off-topic warnings in other threads, I'll stop now
  10. In Japan, "Anubis: Zone of Enders 2" is actually the title of 2nd game, not Zone Of Enders 2nd Runner like we have in US. So anything with "Anubis" in itheir name means they are based on their appearance in the 2nd game. In case of Jehuty, slightly different color and accessories.
  11. His name is a reference to full frontal assault. Like what he did in episode 2. But since things like traumatic rape and sexual assault is prominent in the novel, maybe the author did have something in mind about that masked dude's name
  12. More MG Duel http://schizophonic9.com/re3/mg_duel.html http://hobbynotoriko.yumenogotoshi.com/mg-duel-a.html And compatible with Striker packs too http://hobbynotoriko.yumenogotoshi.com/mg-duel-a-asobou.html
  13. Keith, my point is that more games we have, the better. We don't have to cease trying to make/mod games ourselves simply because we have one (and maybe old) representation of each genre. I can play far superior GVGN+ or Extreme VS but messing with fanmade UKWXP/Bootfighter XP is fun in some ways. And many people feel the same too, it's not like every single person in modding community is too cheap to buy official games. Or say that to RPG Maker community. Why should they wasting their time if JRPG is already abundant? Sure, some people have ambitious project to make something equal or even better than major dev games. But then again, many people also tried making something different. Something that major devs won't touch. Or just messing around and have fun.
  14. MG Duel Assault Shroud reviews: http://blog.livedoor...03963.html#more http://blogs.yahoo.c...p/54539129.html
  15. The one who started this thread is not Old_Nash but somebody else (leading edge). And the original poster never said anything about making free games that surpassing existing games. He's just asking if there are any ongoing project or just some ideas. This is general fanmade games thread. I don't see any relevance with that other thread. You are implying that every modder/programmer dead set on making games with similar gameplay like artdink games. What about Macross JRPG? Macross RTS? Macross 2D fighting game? Macross-themed puzzle? Again, not everyone here is trying to besting Artdink or any major dev.
  16. When I said here, I'm talking about in this thread. You mentioned no name so I thought you're talking about leading edge, the original poster/thread starter. In case of Old_Nash post here (regardless what he said in other thread) he only mentioned making something simple from DS game maker. He didn't bring up the issue of besting Bandai-Namco here. Anyway, that amount of hostility against fanmade games/mods or "useless" process on making them are unnecessary. Back to topic on our useless effort on appreciating Macross games that we love, once I tried extracting textures from M3 using texmod (it's compatible with DC emulator). I got some textures including those for the valk model. But I got confused which goes where and the game itself didn't play well in emu so I dropped my plan on retexturing it. Now if only PSX emulator can extract and replacing game textures with high-res version like N64 emu and/or compatible with texmod, VFX-2 will be on top of my list.
  17. I don't think leading edge himself ever said something like that. Nor that Old_Nash ever want to create something better than PSP games. Nobody here ever said something like "lol artdink games suckz let's make something better and free, guyz!". In defense of fanmade games or mods, they're more similar to garage/custom model than fanfic actually. You can make them from scratch, or modifying the existing one. And both require some skills. They are time waster and money waster, unnecessary exercise as you said. But we made them out of love and admiration of our favorite franchise. We love to do it and sharing them to other fans. We know fully well that we can't match Bandai and Hasegawa with their precision molding machines (in case of game, major dev game engines), but we tried to do our best with anything we have (modelling: home tools, game: freeware tools). Now if move this topic to modelling section, replacing leading edge's question to "anyone making scratch built model?", changes his example of "Blender and Orgre" to "3D printer and resin casting", nobody will tell him to shut up and just buy existing model by licensed manufacturer.
  18. There is this fan-made game, Ultimate Fighter Windom XP (previously known as Bootfighter XP). It's a clone of Gundam VS games and is perfectly mod-able (is that a word?), if you can create 3D models and insert them to the game and then modify the animation/attack pattern scripts. The mod community is pretty large and last I checked, still active. In relation to Macross, I've tried using a YF-19 made by someone else long ago and it works great. The model is quite ugly to be honest, but the attack and transformation were done well. The existing units already has crazy beam spam animation and from what I've read, it is possible to edit the attack animation so we can have super huge beam blast and crazy missile spam. Unfortunately most of the mods are Gundams and the likes, I rarely seen any VFs. The transformation must have put the modders down, that or 2 vs 2 ground oriented VS gameplay style is not suitable for Macross game (unless we can enlarge the arena vertically or something).
  19. FA Unicorn is Unicorn's final form in the novel, thus the MG is "Ver.Ka" like the first Unicorn MG. The same with that "final battle Banshee" (note that it lacks the weapons from OVA version). This is just a speculation, but the OVA will probably have entirely new form/configuration/equipment for Unicorn to wear in final battle.
  20. It is necessary to have an episode dedicated to Asem-Zeheart-Romary relationship. That's the focus of this gen. Since next week will be about graduation, and episode 19 will have Asem enlists to the Federation, episode 17 is the only moment it can do such thing. It will be strange if the ED clip shows the trio having fun together but we never saw those happy times in the actual show itself. I don't really mind montage either. On Macross-related note, Emily now sounds a lot like Sheryl. Aya Endo must be relieved that she doesn't have to strain her voice anymore.
  21. It will. Even Red Frame with power loader will be playable. Yes, units from Astray will be included too. More screenshots here and here. But back to topic now, I personally don't mind if new Macross game in Vita will be just MUF/MTF with just shiny new graphics. Maybe incorporating Vita's gimmicks, because why not, as long as they don't feel tacked-on. Maybe we can use the touch screen for deep paintjob customization or allowing us to design our own emblem. That would be neat.
  22. Here's a look on PSV Gundam SEED Battle Destiny in-game screenshots for illustration of future Macross game: Now change those units into valks in your mind
  23. Sentinel took place before and during early part of ZZ, UC 0088. Char's Counter Attack would be more than recent than that. And GM III is from ZZ, the one from Sentinel is Nouvel GM III which is slightly different.
  24. New RG: Gundam Mk.II (April release) Also, HGUC Nemo (Unicorn version) for April, while Marasai (Unicorn version), Zaku I Sniper Kirks Custom, and Juagg for March. For MG. we'll have Banshee (not that surprising, March release) plus confirmation for Buster, Blitz and Aegis (TBA).
  25. But it's UC (at least it was back then). My point is, just because it is UC doesn't mean it always good. First half of ZZ is another example. I bet many people will suddenly interested in AGE if Sunrise confirmed that AGE takes place in late UC, just because it's UC . I see you are describing Gundam Unicorn there, with Banagher saw his long separated dad killed and he get into the Gundam. So a cliche is forgiven if it's UC then ? Yes, it's the same with AGE, but 7 years passed after Flit saw his mom dead in front of him. And he made the Gundam himself not accidentally stumbled upon it like many UC protagonists. Plus he took initiative to pilot it since the original pilot got injured. Not forced or anything. Again, unlike most UC protagonists.
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