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Everything posted by reeoyuy

  1. I see a purple Geara Zulu hand chopped by Unicorn. Angelo Sauper haters, rejoice!
  2. If they use F-16 not F-15, shouldn't it titled "Iron Falcon" not "Iron Eagle"?
  3. No, as we saw on early part of episode 1, Laplace box (or anything inside that) already existed on UC 001. Unless that box can predict the future.
  4. I'm not sure, I've heard some vague things like green glow shows Banagher's newtype power has reach maturity (level up?); while red signifies raw newtype power. I don't remember if that is something documented on the novel or just theory made by fans. I can see the reason behind such theory, those sparkling things that pull away Axis in Char's Counter Attack are green, and Amuro who triggered that phenomenon is a well-developed newtype. Don't take on my words on it. It's something I read long time ago on other forum. Maybe you can ask someone who already read the novel.
  5. Psyco and Psyco Mk.II are from Zeta y'know. But even though they are metal composite, they aren't 1/100 due to their size (obviously, but still huge anyway).
  6. From what I heard, FA Unicorn appeared on the novel. But it's not confirmed if it will be brought into anime version.
  7. Just watched Gundam Unicorn eps 02 and SRW OG : The Inspector. Typical mecha menu.
  8. What, no styrofoam tray for GFFMC O Gundam? I know it's just a matter of packaging, but still... Anyway, that's too much markings for supposedly super-secret unit
  9. Oh well, at least Nobel is blond. That is Sweden enough I think About Turn A, thanks to your review I want to watch it again. Stopped at episode 7 due to some distraction that is Gundam X. Wait till you see Baund-Doc.
  10. Yeah. No action at all, but a good episode nonetheless. It's like calm before storm. And judging from next episode preview, seems like we'll have another Roanapur freak show.
  11. And not all gundam fans are "old school" mind you. I'm not accusing you for being elitist, but as fans for a franchise that keep on going strong after 30 years we should be ready to adapt to any changes in said franchise. Gundam isn't a franchise that solely depend on "nostalgia" power to sell. It keeps churning new ideas, adding things that is hot in current generation (like pretty boys) etc. Mind you, SEED, Destiny, and OO main target demographic are teens. If older fans like it, good. But if they don't, at least they have new fans that will surely buy things they sell. Bandai indeed use nostalgia factor for business however; by targeting old-school fans. We have MS Igloo, Unicorn, OYW-themed video games, side-story manga, etc if you don't like things that cool kids today drooling over. So yeah, you can't make everyone happy, but at least everyone has their share (there's even a manga full of bishounen that takes place in Zeon academy, surely targeted for older female fans). I'm not saying that we must force ourselves to settled with anything Bandai/Sunrise gives. If you feel that something isn't fit for you, then it's not for you. But someone else might fit in. I dislike excessive angst, crybaby characters, or pink-haired-pop-princess leading an army of righteous people concept. But there are people who like it. I can't understand why. I never understand fanboys. But it's reality. Man, I don't feel like I got my point across; Anyway, I watch anime for fun. I enjoy deep and complex story, but mindless fun and fan service also fulfilled my search for fun. Cursing and hating certain entry of my favorite franchise is not fun.
  12. Haven't watch the movie itself, but yeah the reviews aren't good everwhere. However, I'll watch the movie for the sake of the action and explosion only. I love beam spam! I believe that Gundam fans thinking too much about the show itself...they're trying to find some philosophies or deeper meaning etc. But why can't we just unplug our brain and enjoy flashy beam spamfest and shiny mech action? Not to defend the movie but it wasn't made to win Academy Award; it was made to make us go "wow" on such thing as Zabanya random fire attack. And to sell model kits (obviously). I don't mind with missing plot holes or unexplained things. We can be sure those things will be covered in stuff like side story. And in this era we can discuss those things in forum with some nice people that voluntarily translate those kind of stuff. Sure, the movie is disappointing for some people, mainly due to it's not worth the hype. But for a franchise as big as gundam, you can't help but to get overhyped. Y'know at first I was disappointed too after reading spoilers. But reading more spoilers, watching more trailers, looking at more screenshots, discussing things with people who watched it, I think "I'm curious. Good or bad, I'll watch it". And unplug my brain.
  13. The silliest moment in Gundam ZZ for me is the 5th episode. A certain badass from Z is reduced into a guy that run into Zeta (which battling a silly mech at that time) while waving a stick (thinking that he can take Zeta down with that) and then promptly fall into a manhole. What a downfall. You'll wish that guy to be killed at the end of Zeta instead. As silly as it is, I prefer that more than angst and emo-thingy that plagued Gundam nowadays.
  14. What a coincidence, I just got my Double Nuts few days ago! Worth every penny. I'd gladly pay full price for it, but luckily I found a cheap one from local seller. Wonder why the price got slashed like that, another seller in local forum also sell both DN and BoP in lower price. I can't believe it's even cheaper than 1/60 Roy's Strike Valk! Not that I'm complaining though....
  15. True. Today, shiny fighter plane sounds like a silly idea, but what do we know about the future? Maybe we'll see a bunch of 'em in 2059, we never know. So I'm okay with my DXs being shiny since I'm fully aware that those I displayed aren't F-14 or any real-life aircraft model; it's a 3D representation of fictional aircraft. About the need of DX VF-25 redesign, I think it needs to be rebuilt from scratch. It's not the flaws (stubby landing gear, short neck, etc) but proportion that need to be redone. Both VF-25 and VF-27 are derived from the same prototype (YF-24) so logically they would've similar proportion. But then, when I put DX 25 & 27 together, I can't see any connection ar all .
  16. Ok, we got A-Team covered. Now where's Macgyver?
  17. I have no problems with my reissued VF-0S. The joints all tight, nothing broken, nothing scratched. During transformation, the panels that supposed to cover the head on Fighter mode popped out, but I managed to put them back on. I also realized that the entire legs are removable, neat but kinda unimportant. I may not have those 'fit/gaps' issues, or maybe I have but not noticing them; and honestly, I don't really care. For small details and realism I'd built Hasegawa kits instead. I view my Macross toys as, well, toys. They may not be as accurate as a model, but they must served their purpose as a toy. If I have to nitpick every small visual detail, those screw holes would be a total pain in my eyes. But then, I'm fine with that.
  18. Hmm, I do not own PG OO but my opinion is maybe because the design of the suit itself. Gundams in OO universe have very different tech than any other due to magical GN Particles. So no need for pistons or overly complex stuff (replaced by those GN stripes power cable). Just my opinion, unless there's official lineart for OO Raiser inner structure: not sketches/CAD for the PG, but the one that drawn by Ebikawa that shows pistons and stuff. Well, I'll still get PG OO if I have the money; unless MG version come out soon BTW, anyone here own PG Zeta? I found someone sell it at good price, need some references first.
  19. I followed the instruction to slide down the nose cone as far as the double joints can. I managed to avoid contact with the chestplate, and no paint scratch till now. Maybe I'll experiment with it if I have some time...hopefully I won't screw it and scratch the paint. Not that visible landing gear is that bad though, it's not really noticeable.
  20. Just got mine recently, and love it so much . However, I noticed that the nosecone doesn't seems to flush into landing gear bay in Battroid mode, exposing the shiny landing gear itself (unlike DX 25). Is it normal or I did something wrong?
  21. Ah, I see. Thanks. Wonder what 'Blazer' means; 'Fire Valkyrie' makes sense anyway.
  22. Question : what is the official name for VF-19? Excalibur or Blazer Valkyrie?
  23. I wonder if that Zolan town (or village?) we saw on MD7 is just a slice of all Zola, with bigger city elsewhere. However that place got a spaceport and a headquarters of Patrol Army. Also, Gamlin looking for Basara there, if there are bigger city maybe he'll start searching in another place. So maybe Zolan civilization is no more advanced than what we saw in that place. That town looks peaceful and tranquil btw, and radio dramas are enough; no need for TVs or internet . No wonder Zomeo want to spend the rest of his life there.
  24. But even so, they have option to keep the colonists inside island-1, repair it as necessary to support everyone (not to make it able launch into space again) but prohibit colonists to built anything outside the dome. Until expeditionary forces can declare it safe and no hidden danger lurks. That aside, where was the location of Ranka's mother singing 'Aimo' (with old Dr. Mao Nome watching) in Ranka's flashback? Galia 4 or Vajra home planet? Sorry if I ask too much, this space exploration is a very interesting topic. I studied biology in university; to find many exotic creatures in unexplorable land is every wildlife researchers dream.
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