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Everything posted by reeoyuy

  1. Eh, why it's "ETA 2007" ?
  2. Riobot is a new toy line, not related to Revoltech. I forgot what company behind it but I'm sure it's not Kaiyodo. I only remember Dephine/Dirfinge from Break Blade being this line sole release. Anyway, now we have other choice for Jehuty than Revoltech. EDIT: Anubis: Zone of Enders is Japanese title for ZOE: 2nd Runner. So that poster of Riobot announcement include that title to tell us that they use designs from the 2nd game.
  3. ^I'm thinking to pick up other kit from that line, like RX-99 Neo Gundam or F90Y Cluster Gundam. But maybe later when I get a chance to try spraypainting. Just leaving it out of the box and only using markers for detailing like I did isn't enough.
  4. Yeah, I can't stand Quess and Hathaway. I can tolerate nonsensical characters from SEED Destiny better than them. The rest of the movie is good IMO.
  5. Hey, I just finished that kit. Mine is RXF-91A (kai) version but it came with all normal RXF-91 parts too. And here I thought nobody interested on 1/100 Silhouette line
  6. It's an old kit (released in 2000). If you own one MG around that time, you know what to expect. Lots of screws, no plug for weapons in palm, so-so articulation, etc. However, I think MG Nu is somewhat "high-end" release compared to another MG in the same era. It has full inner frame (rare at that time) and die-cast parts for stability. Overall it's great, I just don't like the proportion. If only they shrink the head and enlarge the shoulder armors, it'll be perfect. For free?
  7. Interesting. I was hoping for continuation but alternate retelling is OK for me.
  8. ZZ is intentionally made silly to detoxify your brain from all that dark things on Zeta, But somehow the silliness is overdose sometimes. Anyway, just finished Eureka 7 marathon. Not sure if I want to watch the movie, and haven't decided on next anime on my list. For now I'll just stick to weekly SRW OG: The inspector.
  9. That's probably the intention. But they later fixed the proportion on HGUC version. One thing to note, the lineart inside manual book was drawn by Katoki Hajime, not Yutaka Izubuchi (the original designer) if that means something. Anyway, MG Nu is pretty old, nothing really fancy, but I like those diecast parts.
  10. Even 1/100 MG pilot figures still need painting... Regarding MG Nu, I have one. It's not a bad building experience compared to Sazabi, I like the size and heft (DIECAST included!). But there's one big flaw that really hard to fix: proportion. That oversized head is just awful. Combine that with undersized shoulder armor. Not cool.
  11. Yeah, MG Sazabi is a disaster...with 8000 Yen price tag (more for extra finish version).
  12. About RG, HG 1/144 OO line is fairly new, and mostly good for 1/144. But HG SEED line is old, and HG Aile Strike (the 1st HG SEED) is outdated. I can't stand those dinky wings on Aile striker; update is certainly welcomed. Although I'm surprised too. I thought it's going to be Zeta or Gundam Mk.II. As for MG Wing EW there's not much info for now, but considering they already shown colored (not gray prototype)it's very likely that it's just the old ver.ka. Hopefully there's more than base adapter. I want fixed hand to hold that heavy buster rifle. Anyway, this proves that Bandai is now unpredictable.
  13. New gunpla news! -Next RG is Aile Strike -Next HGUC from Unicorn : Dreissen and Jegan (ECOAS type), Unicorn and Sinanju titanium finish -Next MG : Wing ver.KaEW version (looks like ver.ka with less decal and display base adapter) Source and pic HERE
  14. I read the manga, but I don't mind if they made some changes. Well, I'll watch it anyway since I'm curious .
  15. So the movie was OK and it's only matter of dub that suck?
  16. Ok, so Minovsky particles is way too good to be real. And thus Gundam tech is bad, unlike Macross. Everything is explainable with overtechnology and singing...which in turn aren't scientifically explainable at all. Never liked Macross tech. .... Ok, screw that. I like Macross tech too. And Gundam. And sakuradyte-centric Code Geass tech. Or anything like that. No offense, but I think Graham's dislike of Gundam tech is something personal.
  17. ^It's Kshatriya. As for HGUC Unicorn(s): It's a common sense that you must buy both modes or else it's lacking something. Yes, it's evil plan from Bandai but combined price is still lower than MG version. I bought HGUC Unicorn(s) simply because I'm indecisive; I like both modes, I don't want to buy the MG and posing it in one mode at a time. Two MGs are way expensive so I chose HGUC. I agree that it has several flaws, for non-transformable kit it should have much better articulation. But I don't mind, Unicorn is not for acrobatic poses, it looks great by just standing there I don't think that's a problem...all of them ended up hidden anyway. That's part of Destroy mode design, can't do much about it.
  18. I've build HGUC ZZ Gundam, I think it's great. Proportion is good, and it's fun to build. Articulation is not that great, but that's a flaw from ZZ design itself. It's transformable but requires part-swapping. Some people may want perfect transformation, but it's perfectly fine for me. For other HGs, try something from Unicorn line. Unicorn Gundam itself is good, but you need to buy both modes for completion sake. I heard good things about HGUC Sinanju, but I haven't own it myself. But if you want something plentiful, try HG Astraea Type F (the red one, not white). It's packaged with TONS of weapons. Plus since it's derived from HG Exia, you'll have leftover parts such as ALL Exia weapons and parts that you can use to convert Astraea into (red) Exia. The best thing is, it's under 2000 yen and only 200 yen more expensive than standard Astraea. I believe HG Astraea Type F is the most generous kit from Bandai, period
  19. Enemy was weak? Humanity almost destroyed by ELS if not for OOQ negotiating peace with them. Personally, I won't call it "the bestest movie evarr", it still lacking in many ways. But hey, If I watched this movie on a theater, I'd came out with a big smile on my face. Thinking, "Whoa, that was cool. What was the story again? Oh, I'll just discuss it with people on board,". Yeah, it could be better (with all the hype that they created) but it could be worse. I like The False Diva too, but like I said before, this Gundam movie is more entertaining. Maybe I'm kind of guy who loves mindless explosion, but then if we strip any Gundam movie from action scenes and flashy MSs and left the movie with blabbering political and historical only, will you still watch it? It may make sense, no plot holes but then empty and not entertaining at all. I don't know if watching subbed version or discussing the story can change your mind, but to me it makes sense. Back then when Aeolia oldman said something about his plan to eradicate wars is to prepare for coming dialogue with another being, I thought, no way they will bring aliens into Gundam. But they did it. And said alien is something truly unique, not your typical humanoid or space bug (no offense to Zentradi and Vajra lol). I don't think there's any glaring plotholes here, just some new characters that came out of nowhere and gone (Descartes Shaman & Meena Carmine). I'm not defending this movie out of fanboyism. I'm disappointed with OO S2 too, and this movie still can't match season 1 anyway. But I believe it got some unfair treatment.
  20. If you're serious... Like I said UC purists will hate. Haters will hate. You HAVE your share of UC goodness this year, TWO episodes of Unicorn, a PS3 game with new story, sidestory mangas, and plenty more UC stuff. Can you SENILE OLD MEN gave us young uns to have flashy mecha shows with pink beams and bishonen once in a while? JUST ONCE IN A WHILE? And "rich historical genre" my ass. If you just trolling... heheh, good one.
  21. Just watched Gundam OO movie (DVD released yesterday). It's good and entertaining. UC purists may hate it or complain about something; they always do to every non-UC product anyway.I feel bad saying this on a Macross forum, but I enjoyed it more than The False Diva. Pacing is the key, I think.
  22. Just watched Disappearance today. I love the scene of Kyon interrogating himself. Very surreal and artistic. I think that's the climax of the movie.
  23. No such thing ever happened on SEED or OO actually. It's true that main character of SEED is a civilian teenager that somehow ended up piloting a giant robot, but he never granted an upgraded MS. He STOLE it. And for Destiny & OO, the main characters are already trained pilots long before. Back to topic, I'm more interested on battroid anyway. Also, seeing it in motion (or different perspective) may change my opinion. If this "new prototype" taking VF-171EX role, then it meant to be blown up. Assuming the 2nd movie doesn't take radical turn from the series that is...
  24. Thanks, I'll try it! I didn't realize something wrong when I open the box and check the runners for the first time. From the front it's almost unnoticeable; but when I'm about to snip the v-fin, it's visible. Fortunately, one of unboxing photos I took has said part visible. I can make that as evidence; although I wish I used better camera if I knew that photo will be important.
  25. Anyone here ever bought a mint-in-box gunpla then find out that there is a part with factory defect inside? It happened to my MG OO Qan[T]. A very important part, the v-fin. I wish I live in Japan so I can get a replacement . You can see it here(sorry for bad photos, got no good camera).
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