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About g3173

  • Birthday 01/10/1976

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Sharon Apple Concert Attendee (4/15)



  1. g3173

    Kirk Custom VF1J

  2. g3173

    Blast from the Past!

    That is the only Blue Rose Squadron Custom I have left. Sold the Blue and Dark Blue to a few lucky members. The 006 is bad ass and have it displayed over my desk. Have yet to try and transform any of my customs. I love them in fighter mode. I think I have the Ultimate 1/55 you did a few years back too. One of the best 1/55 customs in my collection. Devin's decals are the very best and I would not dare use anything else for my customs.
  3. g3173

    Blast from the Past!

    Anasazi!!! Great to see you again brother. it has been awhile and it was fun unpacking these customs finally. Hope you are well my friend.
  4. Love that YF29! Sadly my 1/48 customs are dwindling down. Been selling a few to cover my cigar budget. Ha. Damn our addictions.
  5. Look what I found in my storage. Purchased this several years ago from a fellow MW'er. My modeling skills suck and I have zero patience to build it so I'm considering letting it go. Any idea on the value? Thanks in advance. Gene
  6. g3173

    Blast from the Past!

    Always feels like home. Finally unpacking everything from my move back in 2006. My son is going nuts over all the VF's
  7. g3173

    Blast from the Past!

    Thanks Falcon. Going through these brought back a ton of memories. Can't believe what we used to spend on all these 1/55's only to pay more money to the customizers to make them better.
  8. Izzy. One down brotha! Glad I was able to make this happen for you. That Marriage set is one amazing custom
  9. g3173

    Blast from the Past!

    Some beautiful chunky monkey customs that I dug out today from storage. Some OG MW Peeps should recognize some of these. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?app=gallery&album=659
  10. g3173


    I love this custom Jung. I really need to find this in my storage. Still packed and never opened since the day you sent it to me.
  11. g3173


    Man Kurt, i've never even attempted to transform this custom. Still in Fighter mode. Glad this is still up. Only time i'll ever see it in all its modes.
  12. Valk!!! Good to see some of the OG MW'ers back on the board. I haven't been on since close to 2008 but it's awesome to be back and to see all the new valks to collect!
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