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Everything posted by calvin

  1. I guess for me it depends on quality.....................................price isn't a concern for a crazy macross fan.
  2. sorry for the spelling errors
  3. I have to areas in my life that just really get to me, one is waiting for new macintosh upgrades(for my job) and two waiting for yamato's release info!! it really made me think why? does yamato feel that by not telling the public(fans/consumers) what its release roadmap is: what the next two+ years are in detail that somehow they will create a buzz of rumors that will somehow keep us going? I just wish they would say: here is the plan, we are going to release these items and this is when, if it changes we will post it for all to see? both apple and yamato seem to have a desire to create a rumor type hype by being so secretive, anyway just curious about this kind of marketing(which is bad) and just frustrates the fan/consumer. secrets are for goverments not toy makers, if this is yamatos way of keeping the competion guessing I have news for them there is no competion so just tell us about the future!!! p.s. any rumors or facts would be helpful( big smile, w/ evil grin and scary laugh!!) thoughts?
  4. 1/48th for me, mainly because of the possible detail in that scale, and size wouldn't be bad.
  5. wow! now this is the kind of post I really enjoy reading. I just showed my wife all of the posts so far and I think she is finally getting my hobby and why I collect(macross) toys. thanks keep them coming
  6. I remember when I was younger(around 10 or 11)I saw this robotech show on afternoon tv. Later I found macross dyrl. the rest is history and a very long wait for quality toys(yamato). So for me it's a wish list being filled and a child hood dream to have these toys. I think this is why I wait and wait for new releases and read ever bit of info I can get. share your story ,so others can get a feel for why this is more than just a plastic thing.
  7. I was just thinking that It wouldn't be hard for them(yamato) to give us other aircraft and support items such as ground crews and runway taxi trucks,launch platforms, lauch arms or even unmanned aircraft? I figure more product = more sales for them. and I think it would help us kill time between big items we all want.
  8. 1/60=5 1/48=15(wife is starting to get worried, told her better than the nudi bars) 1/72=1
  9. I have seen the proto, but I figured maybe more photos are around, also what happened to black aces web site? or is it just me that can't open it?anyway thanks for any imput.
  10. another question regarding the 1/48th lines future. Does anybody feel that it will see any enemy mech? I know that there must be a fair amount of demand for same scale foes?
  11. Hey, new to the MW groove, just curious to hear peoples thoughts about the future of the 1/48th scale toys.
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