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Everything posted by calvin

  1. calvin

    What scale Destroids?

    for me 1/48. why? because.........
  2. I'm going to do a low viz custom with battle wear(earth on the feet,barrel flash residue,chiping ect)I figured why not? I haven't disassembled one yet so it might be easier said than done. now a question about the monster: is it possible that we might see "repaints" from yamato? ummmm, does anybody know if this is selling well? are there color variants for this monster in the game? what happened to the 1/60(coffee table)monster? oh does anybody have that image? man it's late!! need more coffee, or maybe not? owell........................
  3. yes a skull paint job on a vf-1j yes..........................
  4. question? why do the us vendors(ve,twinmoons,ect) have this(scopedog) listed for pre order if it's already out?
  5. cool can you controll the monster in the game? have never played this title.....
  6. maybe? I think besides the 1/48 gpb armor and maybe some reissues nothing is for sure? although most of us would buy any 1/48 version to come out(hope they do)it will be awhile I think that with the monster release and others(scopedog from votoms)they are testing the waters for customer loyalty and market demand , will our customers buy this? or will they buy that? who knows.... test the waters................. if yamato wanted to the could release macross stuff for another 20 years there are so many models,series,fan customs ect
  7. and the award for longest post goes to....................(drum roll)................. 1/1 lowviz lurker............ valid points, well presented and very true......................back to the games
  8. also.............can't really tell if those are tampo prints or stickers, But i would imagine a glare from the clear stickers at this angle??............can't wait..................
  9. saw these seems to be a little better quality of pics looks good..........
  10. calvin

    What's on deck?

    true to the above! I hope that the pull their collective arses out of the clouds and realize what products keep their bread buttered......in America thier 'toycom toys" seem to fill that new-b void for products, But it's stuff that can be found at places like suncoast and targets or tru. so it's average and pricey!! although the appleseed(movie) stuff was really nice....still it's not their best work! owell in the end i was always a fan with or without the toys..............
  11. okay, a monster question ? what is the official reason for the battroid mode of the monster?
  12. calvin

    What's on deck?

    wasn't there some old news about destroids in 1/60? and what happened to the zero toys in 1/100? and the vf-19............(waits for screams!)
  13. c'mon spill the juice! and the pictures............let's start a chant...1,2,3 "spill the juice" note: above is only if you want to, but you know you want too!
  14. calvin

    Mac 2 monster

    i'm thinking that one(1/60 monster)is a pipe dream. with the dollar down and the price of metal up that thing would be around $400-$450 and the molds alone would kill in cost... although I want one.....I'm not holding my breath.....the vf-19 was just retooling and that feel into a large black hole awhile ago......I would think 1/100 or smaller if any?
  15. wow................the size...........
  16. maybe I'm wrong, but doesn't the line art of the monster show a chin machine gun turret? in gerwalk mode?
  17. cool, I'm always able to get good opinions around here glad I checked back in anyway I too like a smaller less flashy fan base, although I don't like the way the "company's" read that as less popular! but I also don't want it to become TF or gundamit as those toy/anime lines lost the purity that made them different anyway I hope that the new products keep coming for a long time! but in the consumer world it's always about how much they can get out(and profit) and when it slows it can mean profits are down demand is gone and product shows on ebay for more money than most can afford! -calvin
  18. true, I guess we will have to wait? although I fear that a new OAV or series might fizz if zero doesn't pull in some new blood and revive the old
  19. Hey all!! been awhile since I posted. found an extra hobby in the jeep world, so I got to thinking? although they"the man" would have to pry my macross collection from my cold dead hands it just kinda seems that the macross fenzy created and sustainded by the fan and manufacturer (us and yamato)and others is at a calming point? Although I am eagerly awaiting a lot from my preorder items it just doesn't seem to that we know of any development or r & d of up coming ideas? now I know yamato doesn't speak openly to "us" alot anymore but I like the hints, spy photos, ect. that we sometimes see! I feel it keeps the blood flowin beating already released product to death can only last so long!! calvin
  20. all the same,grayish blue
  21. calvin

    1/60 Gbp

    just got the armor. just gave it to my nephew! I told myself I wouldn't buy anymore 1/60's...so this was A give it another try thing! overall well done for the price, but I'll wait on the 1/48 version...I'm betting it will be out before x-mas Q-4 and I'm pretty sure it'll be a better design? after seeing them(yamato)do armor,enemy mecha,video game mecha ect.. how about destroids? 1/48th scale? those would be very welcome
  22. I have most of my Dyrl's fastpacked(six) and not one of them has broken or even stressed the plastic I think that you'll be okay and they just beef out the look of the toy,
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