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Everything posted by Marlovian

  1. While the episode was too short for all the stuff that needed to happen, I think SK and the MF staff did an excellent job with the time limit they had. I'm glad that Ranka got the chance to save the day with her song, and transform the Vajira despite the presence of the "queen." Little Queen rules!! Re: Sheryl, Ranka's cure, was moving the infection from where it was fatal to Sheryl, back down to an area where it could then be cured, correct? Sheryl doesn't have the same connection to the Vajira as Ranka does, right? Or did I miss something? I'm fine with the unresolved triangle. I think either ship can read what they want into it, and come out ahead for their couple. I hope that it gets resolved in the movie, but I won't hold my breath. One of the highlights was seeing Minmay's picture in Birler's ring. It's awesome that he wanted to go back in time to meet her! Being a Minmay fan from SDF Macross (Hikaru was an idiot), I was happy to see her legend continue with this series, and for her to live on. Bring on the movie SK, and I hope we don't have to wait another 14 years for another Macross tv series. I'm kind of sad that it's finished. It was an amazing 25 weeks!! M
  2. For me, the above doesn't really fit with the kind of franchise Macross fundamentally is. The series' have all seemed to have a central tenet of hope, and a belief that it is possible to lay down weapons and communicate with your perceived enemy. I hope that the above is incorrect because it takes Macross to a much darker and hopeless place. M
  3. Coming out of lurkdom to support my fellow Minmay fans. I too saw Robotech first, and while I liked Minmay initially, as the series progressed they seemed to ruin her more and more. I didn't hate her by the end, but I was tired of her baby voiced whining. DYRL was a breath of fresh air for me as a Minmay fan. I cried for her when Misa walked into Hikaru's cabin, and they "confronted" her with their love. And seeing her sit on the park bench while the SDF shook from the aftershocks of the battle just completely broke my heart. I loved that she had the courage and dignity to take her heartbreak and put it into a song that saved the world, and made her a legend in the Macross universe. BTW, that song is still my number 1 anime song. I have since seen the Macross series, and continue to love Minmay. It does make me sad that she didn't get the guy, but it makes her a much more compelling heroine for it. AND, out of all the characters from that series, it is Minmay who is always evoked in later ones. She may have lost the guy but she's the one that history seems to remember most!! IA, that Ranka is in the best of company M
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