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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Didn't jot it down or anything, but among the last few lines that I remember: Alto: "My love is the sky, that Sheryl and Ranka opened" Ranka: "Sheryl, I won't lose, in song or in love" Sheryl: I forgot Sheryl's line *_* Ranka and Sheryl: Something, Something..."from here, it begins!" Liked the ep, dont end up feeling sad for either of the two wonderful girls
  2. How about this sequence for the end of the series: 1. Alto caught Sheryl's virus in ep 22 2. Ranka dies in stopping the Vajra/Colony fighting 3. Sheryl dies of Space AIDS 4. Alto dies of Space AIDS 5. Sequel is a love-comedy set in the afterlife with the girls fighting for Alto's affections (?)
  3. Very Nice ep Ozma does get great lines: *boom* *boom* *boom* Ozma channeling Kamina? Awesome Guessing every ending from here on will be at this level of cliffhanger, nerves are
  4. Gah, just realized that you're right. Just checked, and indeed the beginning of the song is mixed in with speech/sound effects, so a full rip off the episode isn't really possible. Gotta wait for the CD, most likely. Really enjoying this Macross' music, what a treat Definitely planning on buying both albums when I get a chance BTW, this is what, like Ending #10 or 11?
  5. The japanese language is a cruel one for us alright I enjoyed the ep very much and the ending/ed song were beautiful. Here's hoping I can find a mp3 of TV-sized version somewhere
  6. Farewell Michel Salute for a manly death protecting his woman! You'll be remembered.
  7. Still downloading the RAW so I can't check right now, but from what I remember from the live stream... About the Ranka pic: In the previous episode we didn't get as clear a screenshot, so I wasn't sure it was her or not. Awesome pic
  8. In anyone else wanted this screenshot: http://img295.imageshack.us/my.php?image=m...kashiparur0.jpg Very droolworthy for me Ranka is such a cutie!
  9. Managed to watch this ep live, glad I found a link to this site and the Live stream discussion page. What I'd give for a mp3 of the TV version of Lion right now! Hoping I can find one before I'm away for 3 days for Otakon
  10. Thanks to this thread and all the helpful posts, I was able to watch the live stream today (thank goodness all the years of japanese studying has worked out for me ) Just wanted to thank everyone here for all the helpful info, and that this: stream mms://live.oack.com:24080/, gave me a significantly better quality (i.e., picture quality, not latency or connection quality) than mms://notfourchan.net/mbs Off to Otakon!
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