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Bad Mother Focker

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Everything posted by Bad Mother Focker

  2. I've played all the armored core PSX titles (AC, AC: Project Phantasma, AC: Master of Arena) and PS2's Armored Core 2 and 3. I REALLY like the series, but it just seems like the same game over and over with relatively minor improvements. However, because I REALLY like Armored Core, I'm still going to eventually buy AC2: Another Age, AC: Silent Line, and whatever came out this year. Has anyone here played these ones, and if so, any noticeable changes?
  3. Thanks fellaz, I looked up your suggestions online and I can get them all at very cheap prices! Steel Battalion looks great with the enormous controller, but I'll wait until I have money to burn (which is never) before shelling out $150 for it.
  4. Hello friends! My girlfriend got me an X-Box for Christmas. I'd like to ask you guys a favor: to name some XBox games with robots/mecha in it, and if possible, your opinions on the game (suck?good?etc.). You guys were a great help when I asked for suggestions on dreamcast games, and I'd appreciate any suggestions you could give for the XBox!
  5. I found a map to the archaeology site if you guys want to visit the dig... http://www.ooblick.com/text/tomordor/
  6. Yeah, I thought political discussions were taboo in these "sacred" forums. After watching the video, I actually like the guy even more! Thanks for swinging a swing voter over to Bush's side of the fence! Oh yeah, and John and John really love each other... http://www.noedesign.com/dev/KerryEdwards/index.html
  7. What would be even better is if the movie was also written by PAUL W.S. ANDERSON!
  8. This guy was my childhood hero! I was running around my house in my superman costume pretending I was Chrostopher Reeve. What's really tragic is his last Superman Movie, Superman 4: The Quest for Peace, was one of the worst movies ever made. RIP Chris Reeve. When pondering his death, for some weird reason (reflex?) the following words came out of my mouth... "It's Mr. Mischief with a trick up his sleeve To roll up on you like Christopher Reeves"
  9. I'd Hit It!
  10. X-Com is in my top three games of all time list. I loved how you could sell off your captured alien technology for big bucks. I'd just raid bases and make more money selling the stuff than what I got from the world's nations. I always wondered who was buying the stuff. Then the aliens would try to raid my base...
  11. I agree! However...a paper bag over the head would fix things nicely Only after doing that could I truly say, "I'd hit it!"
  12. Well...I'll be on the lookout for your recommendations and will be blowing a lot of cash that I should be using for valks (or food). Thanks a lot, I knew I'd get some help from MWers!
  13. I'm gonna be buying a Dreamcast and will definitely be buying the following games: Sword of Berserk Tech Romancer Gundam Side Story I never really paid attention to the dreamcast up until now. Can you guys reccmmend any other worthwhile games? Thanks!
  14. Three words.... DAMN GOOD MOVIE Of all the movies I've seen this year, this is one of the best, along with Kill Bill. The part that really put this movie over the top was when the NINJAS attacked and flipped out and started killing people! The Samurai vs. Infantry battle was awesome. This flick has it all. Samurai, Ninjas, Infantry, Gatling Guns, and a Jap bodycount higher than Kill Bill!
  15. I thought that's what the block 60 reminded me of. That plane never should have lost to the F-15E Strike Eagle. The person who took us to see the F-16XL said "off the record" that the F-16XL was proven superior to the F-15. However, because of "politics", the F-16XL "lost" to the F-15E!
  16. Here's a couple of YF-23's
  17. http://www.dfrc.nasa.gov/Gallery/Photo/F-1...6XL1/index.html NASA's single-seat F-16XL (ship #1), tail number 849, is stationed at Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California. It arrived at Dryden on March 10, 1989, from General Dynamics in Fort Worth, TX. The aircraft was most recently used in the Cranked-Arrow Wing Aerodynamics Project (CAWAP) to test boundary layer pressures and distribution. The modified airplane featured a delta "cranked-arrow" wing with strips of tubing along the leading edge to the trailing edge to sense static on the wing and obtain pressure distribution data. The right wing received data on pressure distribution and the left wing had three types of instrumentation - preston tubes to measure local skin friction, boundary layer rakes to measure boundary layer profiles (the layer where the air interacts with the surfaces of a moving aircraft), and hot films to determine boundary layer transition locations. The first flight of CAWAP occurred on November 21, 1995, and the test program ended in April 1996.
  18. An F-16XL DOES exist. I got to see and take pictures of it at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center "Behind the Scenes" Tour. They even let us check out the cockpit. A picture and a description of what NASA did with it is below...
  19. My dad got me Downshift back in the day. It was one of my favorites...then I broke its leg off....
  20. In the Mouth of Madness is my favorite John Carpenter movie of all time! I don't "jump" when watching "scary" movies, but this one made me scream like a little schoolgirl! Lucky I was watching it alone. It is followed by Big Trouble in Little China and The Fog. I was never really into Michael Meyers. Vampires sucked more than blood. Ghosts of Mars sucked major balls.
  21. It is "Jingle All the Way"! It can't be his lamest flick! No Way in hell! That award goes to the movie where my new governator gets PREGNANT!
  22. I VEHEMENTLY DISAGREE! I really liked "Jingle All The Way" for some reason....
  23. Shut the f*** up and get off our board. Nobody is ruining the thread but you. Everyone else stopped.... but noooooo we've got a drama queen with a big mouth. No politics. Bottom line, you brought em up... so you're the offender. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. I apologize for getting political earlier and I understood why some of my posts were removed. I commend the mod for keeping things fun here and non-political. After reading this, all I could say is...
  24. True...True....You bring up a VERY good point. I'm trying to find a source of information on DVD sales for previous movies, anyone know one? BoxOfficeMojo usually lists overseas profits when everthing's done. However, at best (LOTR: Two Towers), previous overseas releases have about 1.7 times the profit of domestic releases (LOTR: TT Total as of Aug. 24, 2003: $339,789,881+ Overseas Gross: $580,595,184). "The Rundown" is no "Two Towers", but you may be right, it may pull of a profit after all if DVD sales are good. As for Arnold, he made a killing overseas! Terminator 3: Total as of Oct. 7, 2003: $150,276,096 + Overseas Gross: $273.6 million Production Budget: $200 million Est. Marketing Costs: $40 million Making T3 a huge success. But whether "The Rock" has as great an International appeal as my new governor remains yet to be seen...(I really doubt it though)
  25. Speaking of "The Rock"...Although "The Rundown" wasn't a bad movie, it may be considered a largely unsuccessful movie based on it's current earnings...and with Kill Bill coming out this weekend along with some other movies over the next weekends, it may be considered a big flop. Total as of Oct. 7, 2003: $33,991,985 Production Budget: $85 million Est. Marketing Costs: $25 million http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=dail...&id=rundown.htm
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