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Everything posted by Radd

  1. I agree. A regult toy is likely to sell worse than a Q-rau, and the Q-rau's didn't exactly make a big splash, if I recall. I personally love mine and wish I had one in Max's colours to go with it, but if it didn't sell well then a regult would be a dicey proposition for Yamato. It looks fantastic. If I had that kind of throw-away money and some decent modeling skills I'd pick one up to support the cause. But I don't....on either count. I do hope they sell well, tho.
  2. Was really looking forward to this when I heard about it, but $400 puts it way out of what I'd be willing to spend, even if it was a fully completed toy.
  3. I could see Yamato's SDF-1 being more expensive than Bandai's Quarter. The Quarter was likely produced in greater numbers, and marketed to a fresh audience right after Frontier had aired. Despite the show's popularity, and the toy being pretty freakin' sweet, it seemed to get bargain binned pretty quickly. Still, here's hoping. I was ready to shell out $500 for the 1/3000 Macross. I wouldn't be willing to spend the same for the 1/2000 version.
  4. I had one of those old Matchbox SDF-1 toys. It's not a bad size. The main gun should stand taller than Quarter's antenna backpiece whatsits. The bridge should be more or less even with the Quarter's. Man, I hope they manage to get this out at a reasonable price and it sells well enough for Yamato to consider other ships. I'd love to add this and a Battle 7 to my collection.
  5. The colours aren't so bad, so long as they don't go out of their way to make the toy overly bright and shiney. No one ever complained about Max and Millia's red and blue colour schemes. That said, I've never been the biggest fan of the Fire Valkyrie, I'm hoping Yamato milks this mold. My favourite version is the VF-19P from Dynamite. I could be convinced to pick up an Emerald Force version, too. As it is, if it weren't for my financial situation right now I'd definitely be down for this one. As it is, I'm making the 1/3000 DYRL Macross my priority, followed by the 1/60 battle pod, so long as they don't wind up with ridiculous price tags.
  6. I enjoyed the movie.
  7. That's good to know. I've always wanted a DYRL version of the Macross. Even moreso since my old Matchbox SDF-1 was broken. Also, I'm terrible with model kits. Speaking of, the old Takatoku/Matchbox SDF-1 was 1/3000 scale, right? That thing stands about bridge to bridge with Bandai's Macross Quarter. Plus the guns on the movie version add a bit more height to it, so it should be a pretty decent size.
  8. I have to wonder about the cost. The 1/2000 version had such a ridiculous price tag.
  9. Already out of stock. Ouch. Maybe if I keep hitting F5 that will change.
  10. I want that balance of "sim" and "WHEEEEEEE I'M A PILOT!". My fondest "flight sim" memories are of the X-wing/TIE Fighter franchise and the first Crimson Skies. You just don't see many games like those anymore.
  11. Two seconds with Google will tell you that the Macross clip is for a pachinko game, not a movie.
  12. I miss the Alternators.
  13. Also, while I'm shamelessly self-promoting, have some animation I doodled up on my new tablet PC.
  14. I didn't mean to say they were unpopular, but so far into each series they seem so good I'd think they'd have Bebop levels of popularity. They don't seem to be that popular. Also, I'm mainly talking about the western audiences.
  15. Also watching Durarara!! and Baccano! right now. These shows are both extremely fantastic. I'm surprised, and not a little disappointed, that these shows haven't really taken off with anime fans. I hadn't even heard of them until a friend dropped them in my lap. Not certain which I like more. About halfway through both of them now. This is some of the most entertaining anime I've seen in years, and both have extremely stylish opening sequences. Great music, solid animation, fantastic characters.
  16. Hey, all! Some of you might remember I was working on a web comic forever ago. Life's been kinda bumpy for a few years, so I haven't always had time to work on it. Early this year I picked it up again, and now I'm closing in on The End. What began May first, 2004, should be ending before the summer is out. I'm about 10 pages away from the ending, assuming I don't run with an impromptu epilogue. The comic will wind up being about 130 pages. http://www.steampowered.net AotAFS was never the deepest story, just something I wrote in highschool and decided to turn into a web comic to give myself a project I could always turn to even when suffering artist's block. It's been fun, but I'm looking forward to getting it over and done with so I can move on to something much better. I'm finally back to trying to get an art related job, so I'm beefing up my portfolio, and drawing as much as I can. Once this web comic is done I plan to get started on a new comic. I've got a few ideas in mind, but haven't settled on the one I'll run with. In all likelihood a lot of the same characters will appear, but the story probably won't be at all related. If I do decide to do a sequel, it will likely be a very loose sequel, not always following what happened in this first comic and putting a bit more emphasis on story. I also need to update the comic section of the site. A while back I lost both my web hosts (the comic was on one, my art gallery on another), I've recently redone my website (turning it into an on-line portfolio for my current job hunt) but the web comic section is still using the old HTML while I try to find a good PHP back end for the comic uploads (I've been manually updating the HTML all this time). The rest of the site is fine, but most of the links in the comic pages are broken. Anyways, just thought I'd share. Enjoy!
  17. For shame, Keith, that is pretty clearly Kei. The suit is the same design, more or less, as what she's always worn. As for my opinion on the trailer, it's...too little to really form much of an opinion on. The CG looks good. Sad they went with the typical quasi-realistic look that most anime goes for. That "idealistic-realistic" where everyone has perfect features and everything is a bit too shiny. Like Advent Children, just with Herlock. There's nothing to go on here for an idea of the story. Looks a bit actiony for Captain Herlock, but it's a trailer and that's what trailers do. Play up the action. I cringed at Herlock's dialogue at the end. That was just plain bad, both the writing and the casting. Actually the narrator would have made a much better choice as Herlock's voice actor. Herlock is supposed to have a deep voice. The voice actor they gave him sounds like a kid. That "walk the plank" line did not sell me on this.
  18. Just finished Testujin 28 Gou, the 2004 series from the same director as The Night the Earth Stood Still: Giant Robo. Speaking of which....just started rewatching that again. Still one of the best things to come out Japan's animation industry. I enjoyed Tetsujin 28, was a bit disappointed that it wasn't nearly as deep as GR, but from what I understand it's a faithful adaptation of the original story, and it was very well done overall. I still want to find the Tetsuwan Atom remake unedited and undubbed. What they did to the opening sequence in that should be considered a crime against humanity.
  19. How is it a challenge for any human hunter who goes on safari hunting big game? In the first movie at least, it was just the one Predator, out in "the wild" with only what he brought with him. In the middle of a war zone, no less, so all the "game" was armed to the teeth, at least as far as our technology went. Of course, that makes multiple Predators on a game reserve seem pretty cheap. Like, the all talk, not actually very good hunters just heading to the hunting reserve for a weekend. These guys are probably all accountants or something when they're not collecting human skulls.
  20. Even the colour swap ninjas. In the first game they had plain cloth ninja style clothes. In the second game, their outfit got a lot more detailed, but was still ninja/fantasy. They kept the same basic design, but switched to the same spandexy/plastic look as everyone else in the third game. Whatever you want to call it, I just really did not like that shift in style. The native american character (I forget his name) appeared in this new game's trailer and he still looks like he walked out of MKIII, with that style of outfit, and I could never stand the robot ninjas. I liked that gritty hong kong vibe a lot better than the Sci-Fi Channel Original Series vibe of the post MKII characters. Both are campy, just in different ways.
  21. "SCi-fi", "Superhero", whatever you want to call it, pretty much everyone started wearing spandex with padding made entirely of bright, flat colours. Mortal Kombat 1 looked like a grainy, 70's Hong Kong flick, MKII looked like someone went and made a modern day Hong Kong flick, MKIII looked like a low budget, cheesy sci-fi fantasy movie that would air on the Sci-Fi channel at 3am.
  22. Looked extremely awesome....until the robots showed up. Loved the first two MK games, they were like hong kong kung fu movies in videogame form. Then the third game came out with robots and cyborgs and everyone wearing spandex and sci-fi clothes and it just lost all that kung-fu movie vibe.
  23. Has anyone seen this new 3DS trailer? I'm not finding links for it anywhere. Even the snippet on Magicbox just says the trailer exists, but doesn't provide a link or anything.
  24. Damn you Wikipedia, you failed me! Anyways, the point stands that $200 or less is likely.
  25. I thought the movie was astoundingly fantastic...up until the last 10 minutes or so. I really, really, really hated the end. Which leaves me with mixed feelings about the movie as a whole, since I absolutely loved it up until it hits that final stretch. It really seemed like the movie was supposed to be longer, or they wanted to end it with a lead in to a sequel, but instead they slapped on a half-arsed ending and brought it all to a halt mid-stride.
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