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Everything posted by Radd

  1. 1985 or so, when it first aired on American television as the first part of Robotech. I was a weird kid. I hated most television, including the cartoons I watched. I hated most Transformers episodes, aside from a few gems here and there, but watched the show religiously because I loved the characters and the toys.. Most other shows I just watched because that is what you did as a kid in 1985. Robotech was different, tho. I enjoyed it. I loved the characters, I loved what I understood of the story, I loved pretty much everything about it, except for when it got past the Macross part into the less enjoyable (to my 6-7 year old tastes) Southern Cross and Next Generation. I do remember being confused when a friend of mine had what was clearly a Super Veritech but it was the wrong colours and had an Autobot symbol slapped on the front. Anyways, I rediscovered it later when playing Mechwarrior for the first time in Boy Scouts. I recognized those designs! Running home afterwards I dug out an old Robotech colouring book from the attic. From there, a friend and I tracked down novels, RPG books, VHS tapes and we all fell right back in love with Robotech. Fast forward another couple of years to 1992 and we found Macross II. We knew about the whole Macross/Robotech re-write thing by then, but were still confused as to how Macross II fit into SDF:Macross. Digging into that mystery is how we discovered DYRL ahead of the release of Macross Plus. I still remember first hearing about Plus and being amazed at the YF-19 images were were able to find on the internet. By YF-19 I mean a mislabled image of the VF-11. I didn't find Macrossworld until much later, around 2000-2001 or so.
  2. The "Miyamoto retirement" story was denied by Nintendo by the time I first heard of it around 8am EST today. Sounds like he was joking about retiring but the interviewer took it seriously. I know at several jobs I had I went around yelling, "I'm quitting" on a weekly basis for years on end.
  3. I don't necessarily feel the need to pick one version and stand by it. I prefer a lot about the tv final battle, but I thought the movie was a blast. They compliment each other well. I have to say, in case I didn't already, but I so want a toy of the second movie's Macross Quarter, with that refitted bridge.
  4. Credits dialogue notwithstanding, I didn't feel the movie was open ended. Unless you feel that the end credits are proof positive of our heroes ultimate fates, it was a bittersweet ending, but not an open ended one. Do we really need an 80's movie end recap showing a picture of each character with the caption, "Ranka went on to be a big star, before ODing on pixie sticks at 22. She will be missed. Alto, at 88 died of a stroke trying to comprehend the plot of Twilight. Captain Wilder? He's finally achieved his dream of making a New Macross Battleship surf it's City down onto a new world, where he discovered Hikaru, Misa and the rest of the people who disappeared with the Megaroad, they had a picnic. Then they all died of food poisoning. HOW MUCH %%*#% CLOSURE DO YOU WHINGERS NEED?!" And so on.
  5. I really hated the first Starship Troopers movie. It didn't even manage to meet the criteria for a good "summer blockbuster action flick". I know Verhoeven is all about the satire, and he can do it pretty well, too, but this just wound up being a hamfisted mess. Neil Patrick Harris was hilariously campy and awesome, as he always is, but that wasn't enough to save the movie from being otherwise just bad. Even the special effects and costumes were bad.
  6. Tho, I'd totally pick up a DYRL style Daedalus and Prometheus set as alternate arms for the DYRL Macross.
  7. Ouch, makes me afraid to touch mine. It survived being taken out of the package, posing,and it even took a dive off the shelf so...dunno. I got mine like a month ago now, I think.
  8. It's Star Fox 64 with much better graphics and full screen multiplayer. I love it, but I loved it back then, too, and there hasn't been a Star Fox I liked since. I've only done one play-through so far, and just like the N64 game, you can breeze through it pretty easily, the challenge is opening up all the alternate missions. I wish I knew more people with a 3DS because I'd love to give local multiplayer a whirl.
  9. I've just got Star Fox, Ocarina and Mario Land so far. I fully intend to grab Mario Kart when it comes out, I also plan to get Devil Survivor but I think that's a remake of the DS game. But I never played the DS game so this would be the version to get I imagine. I've heard good things about Cave Story 3D and been waiting to see some reviews on the 3DS version of Sonic Generations. Beyond that, all the games I want are still on the horizon. The Phoenix Wright/Professor Layton game that's coming out eventually, Animal Crossing and Paper Mario, Metal Gear 3D, that fantastic looking Square RPG the name of which I'm forgetting at the moment, I also heard a Rune Factory game was announced so I'll nab that.
  10. I thought it was a great twist in how it worked into a retelling of DYRL with the humans in the role of the Zentradi and Meltrandi fleets.
  11. Picked up Super Mario Land 3D. Disappointed that it's a linear level progression and not a Mario 3/World style map, but otherwise it's a pretty solid title. Sometimes feels like the 3D games, other times like the old 2D games. Lots of Mario 3 nods. Lot of fun, tho pretty easy and seems like I'm already getting to the end even tho I haven't put all that much time into it. Still, an easy recommendation for 3DS owners.
  12. I don't know that Basara is unique in that regard. Leiji Matsumoto's iconic "Captain Herlock" fits the bill as a character who has already grown into his role and everyone else is along for the ride. This works well in Herlock as the audience is given Tadashi Daiba, the typical rash young hero, to relate to and watch grow. Similarly, we're given Mylene and Gamlin in Macross 7 to fill that role. Personally, Captain Herlock is among my favourite anime characters, and favourite stories, of all time, despite his lack of "character development".
  13. I'm reminded of how John Williams did separate arrangements of certain Star Wars music pieces. The version meant to be paired to the visuals, and a version that worked better as a purely musical piece. They appeared as extra tracks on one of those big Star Wars soundtrack collections back in the pre-digital days. Would be nice if they did something like that for the soundtrack. A special medley arrangement accompanying the version actually in the film.
  14. I gotta get one of these and a VF-17. Will look great with my Gamlin VF-22.
  15. The thing is, many people are going to find Basara difficult to relate to. It's easier to forgive someone who is actually gruff, abrasive etcetera if you can relate to them a bit. If you can't relate to someone at all, you're not going to overlook those aspects as easily.
  16. This movie looks to be shaping up pretty brilliantly, so when's the next game?
  17. It was disturbing, and it was presented in exactly that light. It wasn't glorifying humanity's war against the Vajra, it was showing just how despicable and painful it was. But it was also showing the complex motivations for the populace, it wasn't that the populace was simply so eager to go along with Leon, from their limited perspective the Vajra were the agressors. From Klan's broader view she knew in her mind that all was not as it seemed, but she was so angry over Michael's death that she stayed behind to fight the Vajra rather than go with the Quarter to discover the truth. Tho, to be fair, she also did not stand in the way of the search for truth. Did we watch the same tv series? "Might makes right" was definitely not the moral of the story. The good guys "won" by exposing both Leon and Grace and finally making peace with the vajra. In fact, the only way the good guys were able to achieve the might to defeat Grace was by making peace with the Vajra and uniting against her. That's how the tv series ended.How did you think it ended?
  18. *SOB* This thing looks great, but why does it have to be so soon after the first version?!
  19. So this is stuff we bought however long ago that now in the present day we're less than enthusiastic about? Well, I can't help but feel that way towards the 1/65 Bandai Macross 7 toys now that we have superior-in-every-way Yamato 1/60 versions coming. I'm also more than a little unhappy that so soon after getting all the Bandai VF-25 toys they're now coming out with improved "version 2" toys that look much better. Too soon, Bandai, too soon. I'll get a Durandal if they release it in Ozma colours. I'd also get a v2 VF-27 Lucifer if they release one (since I missed those the first time) but I can't justify the version 2 VF-25 toys no matter how much I'd like to. I'm also a bit downtrodden on my Yamato VB-6 after hearing all the gush over Bandai's. I've been looking to pick up a Bandai Koenig Monster but can't find them in stock now that I have money.
  20. I have a more than capable computer to play it, I just find myself rarely playing videogames at home these days. I still play plenty of portable games, tho. I still need to finish Dead Space 2 and I'm still in the first chapter or two of Mass Effect 1.
  21. Since someone beat me to the Metal Wolf Chaos quotes, here's a classic; "The President has been kidnapped by ninjas! Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the President?" - Bad Dudes
  22. Any reviews anywhere for the 3DS version of Sonic Generations? Everything I've seen has been for home consoles/PC.
  23. And the hands are too small.
  24. This is looking fantastic. Definitely going to get my order in soon.
  25. A good example of this is Klan Klan in the tv series. Even tho she had all the info everyone else in the SMS did, she wasn't quite willing to forgive them for Michael's death when the Quarter went AWOL.
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