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Everything posted by Radd

  1. And don't forget the 'VF' logo on the feet. Though, it seems you still applied all the 'DYRL?' decals. I'm pretty certain a lot of those (like the skull emblem to the rear end of the cockpic) aren't found on the tv version.
  2. Radd

    Newbie Question

    I actually like my VF-11B FP, not as much as my 1/48ths, but that's hardly a fair comparison. No hip problems (knock on wood), and it's one of my favourite designs that's been released so far. I do agree, though, that Yamato didn't do nearly as well on the 11 as they did on the other Macross Plus toys, and certainly not as high of quality as the VF-1 1/60 series. I do hope that Yamato improves the design for a 1/48th run at some point in the future (though I'd still prefere a VF-4 first)!
  3. Yeah, I agree that the movie was propaganda to keep the morale of the population up. Also remember, though, this movie had the full backing of the military, didn't it? If it did, that means they had a lot more resources to work with than we might otherwise think. The movie probably wasn't meant to make a lot of money, in fact I would be surprised in the slightest if it cost more to make than it made at the time.
  4. Jedi Outcast, mostly. Lot of fun, though I wish there was a kill tracker. Most of the people racking up the high scores are also the people getting killed the most.
  5. Whao, whao, whao. Hold on a minute, people. I think I may be insulted! Are you guys saying you believe it takes no talent to lay down good colours for an illustration? This is true, to an extent. People will often be impressed with tons of overly bright colours, blur filters, and lense flares, but a decent, well done colouring job takes just as much skill as drawing good line art. Being done in Photoshop doesn't make it any easier, in fact it makes it more difficult for people with poor colour sense. When you use traditional media, you're limited by the colours you have present. In Photoshop, though, you have all the colours of the rainbow, and too many digital painters have no clue how to keep their colours under control, which is why we see so much digital art that just screams PHOTOSHOP. Which is why I'm always impressed when I see well done digital colouring. When I colour an image in Photoshop, I tend to add a lot more detail with the colours themselves. The colouring work is every bit as important as the drawing itself. Colour has nothing to do with fine arts? I'm afraid you're very mistaken. Colour theory is a very important part of art. If, on the other hand, you're saying that people should be praising the colourists instead of the illustraters at Dreamwave, well, I can't entirely disagree with that. There are a lot of good illustrators in that group, though.
  6. The boxes are used to show the camera zooming in on the shot.
  7. Well, we're still not really clear on the story behind the Macross 7 Trash licensing. Too early to draw any solid conclusions as to just who went to who and what motivated them to do so. It'll be interesting to find out, though.
  8. I suppose someone could argue that I was fullfilling some long repressed childhood wish for all the toys I could never get my parents to buy me. Maybe they'd be right, too. I think the truth is a bit simpler than that. I like toys. I've always liked toys, ever since I was a little kid right up until now. I just never moved on to cars, motorcycles, or things like that. I'd rather have some bauble that can sit on my desk and look cool, and that I can pick up and play with whenever I like. I've also always been a fan of Macross, since I first saw Robotech on television way, way back when it first aired. Now someone is providing two things that I like, really cool toys that just happen to be Macross toys. I've always been more drawn to toys I could play with, so for a while it was the Bandai reissues for me. The 1/60 Yamato's look good and all, but those flimsy legs and all thsoe removable parts don't make for a toy you can just pick up and play with, or take to work or whatever. So I got all the reissues and one 1/60 and was happy. Now I've even happier with the 1/48 line. They look a hundred times better than the 1/60 line, and they're almost as easy to play with as the Bandai 1/55ths. Just got the Takatoys stickers on my Hikaru 1A. Should have the FAST packs by this weekend so I'll probably sticker up one of those this coming weekend and follow every weekend with one Valk then one FAST pack set until they're all prettied up. http://steampowered.net/photo/hikaru01.jpg http://steampowered.net/photo/hikaru02.jpg http://steampowered.net/photo/hikaru03.jpg
  9. Look a little more and you'll find this: Dated Jan. 21, 2003
  10. I Dunno, done right I would not mind a tank Megatron at all. So long as his head is shaped like the original Megatron's head (from the artwork and show as opposed to the actual original toy).
  11. I don't think this poll even needs two options, as you could go by numbers of interest alone. I really don't think I'd be interested in one, simply because I don't care for message board RPGs, but I wouldn't neccessarily vote against one as one simply existing wouldn't bother me at all. I prefere real time RP on MUCKs, MUDs, MUSHs, and whatnot. There's one Macross MUSH out there, but it also requires you to set up skills and stuff like that, which has made me a horrible procrastinator about actually finishing my character there.
  12. What is 'Read or Dream'? Was that the manga that this show is based on? I see you state that it's based on Shin Read or Dream, then is Read or Dream a different Manga in the same series? I know it followed the Paper sisters. I've been wondering a lot about this lately.
  13. That really depends, Wyrlac, if you mean in Japan then the answer could quite possibly still be no. I'm still trying to find the specific discussion over this in the old forums, but the topic of different sorts of ownership came up. Apparently there are several different kinds of copyrights in Japan. While one might give someone 'ownership' of a story, someone else might have the copyright that allows them to create sequels and derivatives. At some point in the old thread it was stated that Big West got the copyright that allows them to make derivatives while Tatsunoko got a different copyright to the series, so even if that copyright ownership extended to the story then they still couldn't make any derivatives while Big West would be in the clear to do so. I apologize profusely for not having a link to that post, I'm still looking for it. I remember someone made a diagram to explain this. Can't remember who it was, though. If, on the otherhand, you meant that Tatsunoko did have the copyright over the story that allowed for derivatives, and Big West didn't and there was no exceptions made in the contract between the two companies, than I believe they could, if I understand what you're saying.
  14. Radd

    Whats worth getting?

    Actually, ever seen the line art for the transformation? The legs are never seperate from the body of the Valkyrie. A hydraulic system similar to a swing bar swings the leg into place, where it attaches to the nosecone. Then the swing bar disconnects from the legs then folds back up and out of the way. So no Vakyrie toy is really anime accurate as far as that goes. I'd argue that the toys that keep the legs attached through the transformation are 'more accurate' simply because the legs in the line art are always connected at any point in the transformation.
  15. Strangely enough, though I do like the battle damage, I'd rather have a spotless Prime. Like how he looks at thw beginning of the movie.
  16. Not really, they're just making a wider selection for those that can afford it. The smaller scales will continue. Even if Yamato dropped the other scales entirely (which I seriously doubt they'd even consider), the 1/48ths still go for far less than Bandais and Takatokus were going for for many years. Hell, if the Yamato ever manages a domestic North American release of the 1/48, I'd guess we'd be looking at a 90 dollar price tag, give or take a little. Comparable to the MPC prices, and with no shipping unless you ordered online. This is only a 'rich man's hobby' if you absolutely must have everything Yamato releases, and that's kind of like saying that you'd rather they only released Hikaru, Max, and Focker in 1/60 scale so then everyone could grab the entire set and be done with it.
  17. Yamato originally planned to keep the 1/48 line very limited, only for die-hard collectors. Then they had so much success with the line, they started to expand their plans. I think that's how it will continue to go, Yamato will keep issuing 1/48ths if with each release they see huge support and make enough money to consider more. I, personally, doubt we'll see as extensive a line as the 1/60 scale, but we should see a decent amount. I don't imagein too many VF-1s after the Hikaru 1J. More than likely we'll see a Max and a Millia, then that might be it. If this is the case I hope Yamato moves on to other Valkyries, such as the Plus, VF-X, and Flashback Valkyries. Of course, not everyone will be able to afford an extensive line of Valks in the largest scale, so Yamato will continue the 1/60 and 1/72nd lines to cater to everyone else.
  18. At some point in the past it was found that the Tokyo Courts specifically ruled that Big West owned the copyright that allows them to make sequels and derivatives. It'll take some digging, I'll try and find the actual posts about that, but if someone else could peek through the old thread that would help as I'm finding it very difficult to get online at all, especially long enough to get much done. *grumblegrumblegrumble*
  19. More than likely it'll see the light of day in 1/60 first, as Yamato seems intent on a complete collection of VF-1s in that scale. I wouldn't be suprised if a 1/48th version followed later in the year.
  20. Even the recently reissued G1 Prime still has the diecast chest and feet. Granted, it's not all diecast, but it's got a lot more diecast than most toys these days. There was also the G2 Prime, which was a reissue of the original Prime minus the diecast.
  21. Huh? Wha? Did someone call me?
  22. Technically, Chaos Marines are supposed to be marines corrupted by the demons from the Warp. Of course, it would be pretty easy to point at anyone and say they're corrupted by the demons, if you wanted to get rid of them. I'd never heard about the Emperor eating a thousand souls a day to stay alive, but it could be how they keep him alive all this time. Everything I've seen and read lead me to believe he was a vegetable, connected to a bunch of machines being kept alive. The humans believe their Emperor is fighting demons in the Warp, though it's never actually addressed in the books as to whether that's true or if he's just some poor schmuck being kept alive in a crippled body that can't even speak. Apparently he cries a lot and priests collect his tears, thinking he weeps for mankind or something. As to how he got connected to all those machines in the first place? Ages and ages in the past he struck down Horus, the leader of a revolt, but himself was left barely alive. Anyways, I did download the trailer for that movie. Could be interesting, but the directing and the effects look really bad. I'm sorry to say but the movie would look a lot better if the characters themselves were mediocre CG, instead of live actors composited onto obviously CG backgrounds. Of course, what can you expect from a fan movie? Still...given enough time it could look a lot better, even if not as good as Blood Quest looked CG-wise. Effect aside, maybe it will have a decent story to make up for the lack of a budget. Worth a look no matter what, if for no other reason than curiousity.
  23. Excellent work, if I had any confidence in my figure painting abilities I'd run out and buy a Unicron right now! What a huge difference a little paint makes!
  24. I seriously doubt this is the case, such an act would be incredibly childish and I can't believe that the moderators on the Robotech forums would stoop to such levels. Such a blatant show of immaturity and and insecurity would simply be inexcusable on the part of the moderators themselves. I doubt HG would even allow them too, as it would certainly send a very strong impression that they're not as secure in their rights as they're trying very hard to make everyone believe. I can, on the other hand, believe that some of their regular members do just as I can, unfortunately, believe some of Macrossworld's own members do the same. Roy! Tell me you just misunderstood what was posted! Don't tell me that you head over to the Robotech forums to cause trouble, then strictly enforce coporate policy over here! Or maybe I misunderstood, but that's the impression I got from the post in question.
  25. Radd

    VF-4 Lighting

    Um, as far as I can tell, the VF-X-4 used the front nosecone-fuselage of the VF-1, not the VF-4. If the VF-4 uses anything from the VF-1 it's purely internal mechanisms as the front fuselage of the VF-4 is visibly different in shape than the same area of the VF-1. Yamato could not use their 1/60 VF-1 mold for ready made parts, not only is the shape different but even if it wasn't Yamato would still have to completely redesign that section for the transformation.
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