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Everything posted by Radd

  1. I've gotta admit that I'm very much looking forward to the next Star Trek movie. I've been wanting this since before the credits even started to roll my first time through this last one. I'm still waiting for them to make that third X-Men movie. You know, the one that picks up where the second one left off, directed by Bryan Singer, and isn't an hour and a half Wolverine fanboy wank with no character or plot consistency. Evil Dead 4.
  2. We are all going to see this movie. This trailer told me so. http://www.quietearth.us/articles/2009/07/...-think#extended
  3. Actually, one thing that really stood out to me about Macross 7 was how good the character animation often was, while the mecha action was often very bland. I'd say Battle 7's transformation sequence was one of the noteable exceptions, but that only occured a handful of times during the series, and all of the recycled battle footage was awful. It seemed to me that the entire series was much more focused on both the characters and the themes, and this carried over to the animation, and where the budget went. Still, I love most of the mecha designs from the show. I really want Yamato to release some VF-17's, VF-5000's, VA-3's, an armoured VF-11, a Jamming Birds VF-11, etcetera. I'd love a VF-19P, too. Probably my all-time favourite version of the VF-19. As far as the OP's question there's a lot I loved about M7, though. A lot that made me cringe, too, but overall I liked the show, and I loved Dynamite 7. I can see why not liking a show could diminish appreciation for the mecha designs. But for me, a lot of the designs aren't limited to a single show. I don't care for the Emerald Force colours, but I like the VF-19 design. The armoured VF-11 is an awesome armour add-on to the VF-11, which I loved in Macross Plus. The VF-5000 is just a great design, as is the VA-3 and the VF-17, all of which appear in VF-X, too. And these designs all fit in with the larger scope of Macross, which I love despite any issues I did have with M7.
  4. You mean the Quarter? This is Frontier: http://www.mahq.net/mecha/macross/macrossf/macross25.htm
  5. IP laws are pretty crazy and it's been a long time since I studied this in any depth, but I'm pretty sure anyone can file for a trademark. An approved trademark can be successfully challenged. On top of it all, there are international laws regarding different forms of IP protection, such as copyrights and trademarks. The Macross logo counts as design from the series. HG's rights to it are as limited as their rights to SDF:M. They do have rights to it, but it is not the same as the complete ownership. They do have the right to trademark it, as the legitimate distributer for the tv series, but that does not mean BW could not later challenge the trademark if HG used it to infringe on BW's rights, as RedWolf has suggested.
  6. Here's a simple way to think of how the Tokyo Circuit Court decision affects HG. The decision clearly defined the status of the domestic and international rights as divied between BW and Tatsunoko. Tatsunoko could not have sold HG any rights that they, themselves, did not own in the first place.
  7. There are certainly still benefits to BW being able to distribute new Macross shows and merchandise internationally. I'd much rather run down to the local anime hobby shop and pick up my Yamato and Bandai toys sans shipping fees. I'd much prefer a legit subtitled DVD/BluRay release of M7, Zero, and Frontier. DVD's cost a lot more in Japan, while tending to contain fewer episodes. At least, that's how it seems to me. Also, no subtitles. Plus, wish anime now regularly appearing on television, BW would stand to reach a much broader audience than the fans who download fansubs off the net. There's a lot of people who do, but compared to the larger potential market they're a pretty small group. Dubbed Macross Frontier Friday and Saturday nights at 10pm, on Cartoon Network? Macross isn't hurting for fans, but it would get a lot more that way. I think that's reason enough to favour HG getting out of the way. Even if I've got all of Macross, from SDF:M to Frontier in one form or another, and almost every Macross toy I want covering my computer desk and filling my display cases. If I'd been able to cut shipping costs out of the equation I'd have saved enough money for at least several Valkyries. Nothing to sneeze at, even if I'm not exactly hurting for Macross toys right now.
  8. I bought the Animeigo SDF:M DVDs. I downloaded Macross Frontier. If there was a Japanese released DVD/BluRay set of Frontier with reasonable english subtitles I'd buy that, though I'd prefer a domestic release as DVDs tend to be a lot more expensive in Japan. Instead, more of my money goes towards Macross toys. If I didn't have the Animeigo version of SDF:M, I'd be perfectly happy buying the ADV release and just watching it subtitled rather than dubbed, as is my preference. Whether it's "right" or "wrong", it works for me. Whether it's legal or not is not my concern until someone takes action legal action against the fansubbers or myself for downloading them. I'm under no delusion that fansubs are my God given right. It's also good to remember, regardless of our feelings about HG's business practices, they do have certain rights. I'm happy giving them that much. I like the DVD releases, so I bought a set. I don't like their toys, so I import toys I like better. I'd be fine with HG getting a cut of Yamato's VF-1 toys released in the US. Unfortunately, HG shot their own foot off in 2000 by threatening Yamato and BW when they were going through that awful phase of overreaching on their rights. If they'd acknowledged the limits of their rights back then, in all likelihood they'd be profiting off of the abundance of VF-1 toys on the market now, and indirectly from the resurgence in Macross popularity. HG's actions and declarations back then precluded any chance of cooperation. From BW's perspective, in the current context, HG's actions amount to extortion, and they have more to lose in the long term by working with, or compromising with HG, unless HG withdrew any thoughts of cashing in on Macross productions and merchandise outside the rights Tatsunoko was able to sell them. Even then, the relationship is pretty sour, and possibly irreconcilable. It's a bit pompous to suggest BW should give in or share in the blame, all things considered.
  9. Kinda think he was making a joke there.
  10. I could see pros and cons to it. The Yamato VB-6 isn't that bad, I'm very happy with mine, and having that mech being pretty prominent in Frontier is good free publicity to stir up interest in the toy. On the other hand, if the Bandai toy is better and cheaper, it's going to eat into any potential profits. Of course, given the quality of the DX line and what we've seen from the photos, the Bandai toy being better is not a guarantee, though we can certainly hope. Also, I was under the impression that Yamato was working out a deal with Bandai and Big West in regards to the Macross 7 line. I doubt they'd do anything to be intentionally difficult with Bandai right now.
  11. Definitely, the Destroids are top quality toys. I've had the Tomahawk for a while, just got the Defender. Looking forward to the Phalanx, and hoping we see a Spartan, too. (Though I know the odds are poor on that.) Rather not get my hopes up on the mystery "rediscovery", it's probably just a VF-1 repaint. I seriously doubt they'll actually produce the 1/60 Monster. A rerelease of the Koenig Monster would be great, though. Give it a different paint scheme and I'd nab one. Thought the original release was odd because it's not even the VF-X paint scheme. It could be thge VF-0D, though. That would be fantastic. Again, doubtful. More likely a rerelease of a previous toy.
  12. From that side-on picture it looks like the Bandai VB-6 is a lot stumpier than the Yamato version. The cannons, arms, and main body are all shorter, length-wise. The feet actually look a lot larger compared to the rest of the body than the Yamato version, with those proportions.
  13. Hooters? For god's sakes someone get this man to Anchor Bar, or Duff's for some real Buffalo Wing goodness!
  14. Though, why comic books and videogames are considered merchandise and not derivatives is a mystery. It's got the same sort of logic that dictates a packet of ketchup being two servings of vegetables I guess. They're clearly derivatives. So are books, for that matter. In reality, if not law.
  15. I always turn to YouTube and the toy section here for transformation instructions, rather than the instruction manual.
  16. Heh. I can remember far enough back to when seeing someone post a bootleg like this would have resulted in a lot of positive, excited comments. But ja, we have so many options for VF-1 toys now, these old knock-offs aren't really a reason to get all excited anymore. As such, I suspect the value on them has plummeted.
  17. Oh? How do you figure?
  18. Radd

    What do I want?

    I'm sucker enough for Frontier and the VF-25 design that I own four VF-25 DX toys, and I've also got the VF-11. The VF-11 is, hands down, the better toy. It's also one of the best toys Yamato has put out. It's fun to transform, absolutely no QC issues (the ejectable cockpit takes some getting used to, but once you figure it out it does work as advertised), and it looks fantastic. I'm really hoping we get a VF-X2 repaint.
  19. The visor thing seems more than a bit odd of a mistake for Yamato to make. Still, I'm stoked about getting this toy. I just hope we see even more Macross 7 designs in the near future. I'd actually be more likely to get Max and Millia's VF-22's if there were more M7 designs to round out the variety a bit more.
  20. I suspect that they'll have to make changes to the mecha and character designs because they may not actually have those rights, in or out of Japan. From what I've read it appears HG/Tatsunoko have distribution and merchandising rights outside of Japan, but Big West owns the designs flat out. They also do not appear to have any sort of rights to create sequels or derivatives, so expect substantial changes to the story details. Of course, this is only going by what could be gleaned from the Big West v. Tatsunoko case a few years back. Still, Tatsunoko would not possibly impart rights to HG that they themselves did not have.
  21. Ja, on th phone so can't link a pic, but the VF-22 has tiny heat shields, one over each window on the cockpit. Not exactly feasible for a toy.
  22. Overdrive updated my status to "processing", here's hoping it ships soon. I'm going to have to try the Ikea display case trick, smooshing two of their cases together, and see if that gives me enough room for everything. I'm running out of space!
  23. Oh, I'd nab a VF-4 in a heartbeat. Several, even. One of my favourites, in all modes. Never understood the complaints about battroid. The VF-4 battroid is bad ass.
  24. All I know is that I have about 20 Yamato toys, and not a single one has broken on me. I don't treat them like a 12 year old would treat his Transformers, but I don't treat them like museum pieces or even model kits either. Yes, there are issues, but it's not the "Yamato toys always come broken right out of the box" scenario some make it out to be.
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