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Everything posted by Radd

  1. It's unfortunate that most people's opinions of sentai are based on the early Power Ranger shows, when the uncut Japanese shows are so much better. It's like basing your opinion of Macross soley on Robotech, except the Sentai shows got chopped up a helluva lot more. It's even more unfortunate that you can't go out and buy a legit copy of these shows in their uncut form, as there's been more than a couple really great sentai shows out there.
  2. Compare a 57 Chevy, with the cone break lights, the tail fins, all that, to a boxy 80's car. Which one looks more 'futuristic'? Well, if you had an objective viewer who didn't know a 50's car from an 80's car, or what a modern car looked like, they would say that the 57 Chevy looked more futuristic. More embellishments in the design and asthetics. Of course, compare the actual mechanics and the 80's car that looks so much more bland and utilitarian would more than likely win. I agree that the asthetics Kawamori put to use in the VF-0 are more reminiscent of his later designs, like the VF-19, and the VF-11 and all those. He seemed to feel no need to restrict the asthetics of the mech. Nothing wrong with that. However, the frame is much more gangly, the transformation is simpler, and the body of the craft boasts awkward bulges to accomodate the internal fuel tanks. Something the sleeker, smaller VF-1 doesn't have to worry about. Star Wars had the same problem. The craft in the prequels look more 'futuristic' than their descendants in the prequels, but only in asthetics. Even then it's much more of a retro-futuristic asthetic. Hell, they even went all out on the chrome. Still, people complained that things looked more advanced, when this really wasn't the case. By this same way, one could argue that the GameBoy Advance looks more futuristic than the GBA SP. Sure, the SP is smaller and sleeker, but it's also simpler looking. Meanwhile, the GBA is larger, and it doesn't fold up, but it is more ergonomic in the overall design. As for the destroids, in that case your comparing top of the line modern animation, in a sequence in which the destroids were featured above anything else...compared to early 80's animefiend animation, and maybe a couple snippets from DYRL? where the destroids were just background material.
  3. An Angel's Paint from 'DYRL?'/'Flashback 2012' is probably my favourite Macross song. Do You Remember Love? Information High is definitely my favourite Sharon Apple song. Totsugeki Love Heart is Definitely way up there. Sento Kaishi is hands down my favourite piece of music from Macross II. Of course there's tons of great music in Macross, so it was difficult keeping it to just five choices, but I didn't want to just list nearly every Macross song in existence. Depending on my mood, my tastes can swing more towards the instrumental works (where DYRL? tends to dominate, I absolutely love the redone takes on 'Dog Fighter' that appear in several tracks in the movie), or I might be on a Fire Bomber kick and only listening to anything done by Humming Bird (and the opening track from M3. Don't know who that's by off hand, but 'Bring it On' is a great song). An Angel's Paint is definitely my favourite Minmay song, though Do You Remember Love? is a solid second, and Love Drifts Away follws up in third. I'm a sucker for the classics, and I'll take Minmay over Sharon any day of the week, though it really depends on my mood when it comes between Minmay and Fire Bomber. They're just so far apart on the musical spectrum that it becomes the apples and oranges argument. I'm suprised the BGM from Macross II wasn't used more in Macross 7, only the pop music. The pop music was ok, catchy but overall leave it or take it. The BGM on the other hand was most excellent. It was no surprise to me when I discovered that the guy that did it also did the BGM for Tenchi, which I also enjoyed. I can't help but only recall the good parts of MII whenever I hear Sento Kaishi playing, the music from when the Macross Cannons were deployed (I spent years trying to track down that music, longer than I've ever searched for any other song). I really don't know how I feel about Macross Zero's soundtrack. I mean, whenever I'm actually listening to the music, I'm really enjoying it. The battle music, the Life Song, good stuff...but then when it's not playing...it's difficult for me to recall. Is it possible for music to be good, yet not very memorable? Maybe it's just that it's good, but not exceptional, and Macross is built on a long history of exceptional music. Counter Clockwise is great music, but compared to Dog Fighter(the original), Dog Fight (the Guld/Isamu showdown music from the M+ Movie Edition), or even the battle music from MII...it just loses it's shine somehow. The Life Song is another great song, but compared to any other Macross vocals, it just can't compete. I'll take Minmay, Sharon/Myung, or Fire Bomber over that anytime. It's not even catchy like the Macross II pop songs that remain some of my guilty pleasures. Maybe the music will grow on me...but seriously, since when has Macross music needed time to grow on someone?
  4. For years the 'official' dub/sub spelling has been Harlock. I'm fairly certain somewhere in Cosmos Warrior Zero you see his name spelled 'Herlock' in the animation or the box art, while the subtitles go by the long accepted 'Harlock'. Don't quote me on that, though. I'd have to rewatch it and see. I know in Gun Frontier it has 'Herlock' written in the artwork used on at least one of the boxes, though I recall the American writing and subtitles go with 'Harlock'. Where do you see Toei's set saying 'Harlock'? Is it on the DVDs themselves? Or is that just what the website you saw it on calls it? Lots of websites will still go with 'Harlock' because that's the popular spelling, even if it turns out to be incorrect. I'm mighty curious to find out what's really up with the Herlock/Harlock thing. If it's not a case of incorrect americanizing of the name....then what is the reason? I suppose it could be chalked up to the same reason Max Genus/Jenus/Genius's name get's spelled different ways, on official merchandise.
  5. ... real cool lookin. I hope EP 3 is so violent little kids run out of the theatre screaming. You know, that would actually be funny. After years of being accused of kiddy-fying his films, Lucas snaps and makes "3" a gore-fest. You should hear how Mace gets it... Is he eaten by a big-ass genetically enhanced shark? Yes... with laser beams attached to their heads. That's "Freakin' laser beams." "I took nature's most efficient killing machine, and needlessly turned it into a robot."
  6. Oh, and kinda in line with what Panon said, compare the line art, not the animation. Of course the VF-0 is gonna look more advanced if you're comparing SDF Macross animation to Macross Zero animation. (I think the Valk animation in DYRL? looks better than both, though.)
  7. I still say that the VF-1 looks a lot more compact and streamlined than the VF-0.
  8. Actually, if you go by the recent wave of Leiji Matsumoto work in Japan, it's Herlock. All of the recent anime, over the past year or three, that has come out in Japan has shown that as the spelling, within the anime themselves. Harlock has been the popularly accepted spelling until these shows started popping up. Because of that, I've started going by 'Herlock', for the exact same reasons I go by 'Hikaru' instead of 'Rick'.
  9. Well, keeping in mind this is not hte final sculpt I won't critisize the appearance too much. I think most people are exaggerating the bad parts anyways. I'm glad the hip connectors will be made smaller. One thing that always bothered me about the VF-1 toys, the hips had these huge bulges that didn't look any better than a swing bar would have, yet it still sacrificed the perfect transformation. I really don't like that. I mean, if it's one kind of ugle or the other, you might as well please the perfect transformation fans. I don't know what I think about Yamato going with the 1/100 scale. On one hand, I like the idea of inexpensive Valks, on the other I am willing to pay for good detail and quality. I hope Yamato does make a larger scale VF-0 toy at some point in the future, much like the 1/48ths are to the 1/60 VF-1 toys. I'd prefere 1/48th myself, just to be in scale with my other 1/48ths, but hey. I know other people aren't so keen on that idea, still I would like some sort of larger, perfect transformation version of the VF-0 at some point. I am looking forward to that 1/60 Q-rau, will go great with my 1/60 Max VF-1A.
  10. Too bad.
  11. I'm gonna go with JBO and Sundown on this one. I don't think everyone should like M7 simply because it's Macross. Heck, I don't like Macross II. I have my reasons just as those that do like it have their own reasons. I'm cool with that. I also have nothing against people telling others that M7 sucks. That's their opinion, and people asking about it really should hear both sides. Of course, to really know they should simply watch it themselves. Make their own choice on the matter.
  12. What? The MPC Alpha? I wasn't even thinking of that. I was thinking only about the VF-1 MPCs. I'd pay less for an Alpha. They're so tiny in comparison. I understand why they are, and even approve of it, but it doesn't change that they are a lot smaller and I wouln't want to pay as much as I would for the VF-1. I'm thinking $20-$30 for an Alpha. It's a shame Toynami and HG went this route, probably thinking it was the 'safer' way to cash in on the toys. Where as, they could have sold them for less and made less on each individual toy purchased, but could have sold a lot, lot more.
  13. Yes sir, I like it!
  14. Really? Huh. I coulda sworn that came up in the debate thread as one of the results of this trial. Still, makes sense. I stand corrected.
  15. I haven't played much of CC yet, but it seems like a fun Mana-esque style game and the use of the GBA for all of the in-game menus, to keep the action going, is a very nice touch. You're right, though, that overall the Cube/GBA link is underused. However, it's practically guaranteed that there will be a similar connection option for Metroid Prime 2/Metroid Zero Mission. Using Pokémon Box to store Pokémon on a Nintendo memory cart is a nice idea, too. Other than Crystal Chronicles, though, Pokémon Colosseum is probably the biggest thing as far as the GBA link goes. Unfortunately, most companies have been reluctant to take advantage of the link up abilities, or made them gimmicky at best. Nintendo is really pushing companies to do more, though. The new 4 Player Pac-man game seems like one of the best attempts. I'd love to get that as a party game. The idea is that one person plays as a 3D Pac-man on the tv, only able to see part of the maze, while the other three players control the ghosts, and see the entire screen old school arcade Pac-man style. Simple, but could be a lot of fun with enough people.
  16. Yeah, this seems like it is just the finalization of the previous lawsuit, in which Tatsunoko confirmed that they had anime distribution rights to SDF Macross. They own the show. Not the storiess, characters, designs, nor the rights to make sequels or derivatives, just SDF Macross itself. This isn't bad at all, because this has been the case for years. Even before any of this legal mess came up. It's only slightly different in that Tatsunoko can now distribute the tv series in Japan as well as internationally. This particular case does not specifically touch on derivatives.
  17. I never really saw spiritua as some mystical power like that. I've just seen it as a name given to strong will and emotions. In fact, I always thought that the military and the Protodevlin trying to classify it as some mystical force was supposed to be seen as a really silly thing, as Basara is just trying to move people with his will and ideals. It's a very Herlockian concept, really. I suppose that's one reason why I like Basara. Basara, Minmei, any musician with enough conviction and talent, any actor, any artist, could do the same thing. With the Zentradi, a more passive approach was all that was needed. The Zentradi were curious about Earth culture, since they lacked their own. Simply hearing music, and seeing earth movies and culture was enough to make the Zentradi not want to fight, but find out more, which went against their entire reason for being, as war machines for the Protoculture. Hence the shakes and whatnot. With the Protodevlin, they weren't actively shut out from culture, but they still lacked it. Since they didn't have any preprogrammed fighting instincts, and taught to fear micronian culture, and since the Protodevlin themselves were a small group seeking life energy to feed upon, culture shock itself wasn't going to work quite so much as with the Zentradi. Hence, Basara trying to push his will and ideals upon them through song. Not just them, but all of the other characters in the show. Gamlin wasn't a big Fire Bomber fan at first. Even Mylene had a 'shoot first, ask questions later' philosophy. Heck, on the viewers even. How many people are there that didn't like M7 at first, then grew to love it? In all cases, Basara's beliefs and convictions had to work on a more personal level than the culture shock that brought large numbers of Zentradi over to the Earth forces in SW1. It's the same sort of idea, though. Spiritua? Just a name for that faith and conviction. Not one jot more than that. Maybe Macross Zero will say otherwise, and show it is some spiritual power. As of now, I think the 'mystical' stuff shown in Zero is something different. Possibly related, but having more to do with the Protoculture themselves. As the old Arthur C. Clark saying goes, "Any technology sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from magic."
  18. I'd snatch one up in a heartbeat if I could fine one in the 30 dollar range. Between $30 and $40. $35 would be fine, but the closer it got to 40, the less willing I'd be. I mean, you can get a 1/60 scale Yamato for around that much and I just don't see an MPC being worth more than a Yamato 1/60. It's not that much larger, and it's arguably worse in the sculpt and detail department. Add to that the fact that you can get an armoured VF of some sort for between 50-70 bucks, and an unarmoured MPC for $80 just looks all the less appealing. I'm not even a rabid MPC hater. I would have snatched them all up and given kudos to HG and Toynami for finally releasing something worth getting, if the price had been reasonable. Someone's bound to post soon that this thread probably belongs in the pinned MPC thread, and they're probably right.
  19. A suggestion that might not be on an older list is Metroid Zero Mission. If you like platform adventure games, it's definitely something to check out. My current top 3 reccomendations would be: Metroid Zero Mission (platform/adventure) - The best 2D Metroid game since Super Metroid. Lots of exploration, and a great, moody atmosphere. There's really not much that needs to be said. It's everything Fusion should have been, and more. It still makes things too easy by telling you where to go at certain points in the game, but it's also still open ended if you find the tricks needed to fight the bosses out of order, and open up secret areas. Hard mode is also a lot more of a challenge, unfortunately you have to play through the game once on 'normal' to unluck it. Advance Wars 2 (strategy) - Nifty amd addictive little strategy games. Both Advance Wars 1 and 2 have nice characters, generals who add special abilities and faults to their armies, simple yet attractive graphics, catchy music and excellent gameplay. Advance Wars 2 doesn't att much upon the original game, but it does add a couple of new items, one new unit, and several new map items such as indestructible barriers, and rocket silos. Two of the best strategy games to come out for any platform in recent years. Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire (RPG...sorta) - The Pokemon franchise catches a lot of flak due to it's popularity with little kids several years back, but I've found it's actually an addictive and fun little game. It's not really story intensive, like most RPGs, it's more about leveling up your characters, finding secret items, and working out battle strategies, as certain monsters are stronger or weaker against others. The new Gamecube game that's coming out will also let you transfer over your GBA critters and have them duke it out with Cube-quality graphics, as well as a new single player game on the Cube.
  20. Radd

    Would you buy it?

    If it was cheap enough I'd snatch one up in a heartbeat. Of course, something that big and that detailed, made in 1/48th quantities would cost an arm and a leg, and three kidneys. So, you'd have to kill two people, unless you knew someone with a freakish third kidney. That's two bodies you have to chop up, sell parts on the black market, and dispose of the evidence for. That's just too much hassle. Now, if you were talking about a toy of the Macross that was the size of the the Flag, then, sure.
  21. The Arcadia had a giant bayonet that popped out for ramming ships, if I recall. It would have been sweet to see Battle 7 doing something like that. I'm perfectly fine with Battle 7 transforming, for the same reason I'm fine with the martians working themselves into extinction to convert their planet into a giant spaceship. Zim, "But why would you do such a thing?" Martian Hologram, "Because it's cooooooool!"
  22. Huh. Well, I'll give it a go. Mind you, a good bit of this is opinion. I have the FX set, an HK bootleg, that includes all of these: Macross 7 (TV series and Encore) Animation - Low budget, but consistent and fairly well drawn Music - BOMBAH! Subtitling - Depends on which version you watch. There's a fansub being made that apparently has really good subtitles. The FX HK Bootleg version I have has decent subtitles as far as bootlegs go, but it's still not great. Names are usually right, except minor characters. The dialogue is completely readable, just not very good english. Overall Impression - Excellent character developement, wonderful characters. The story is intruiging at times, but it seems that the writers kept most of their attention on developing the characters. The war story aspect is minor in comparison. Action is nearly non-existant, as what action there is is often the worst animation in the show, with lots of reused footage. It almost seems like shojou Macross. I like it, though. Very upbeat story, wonderful character developement, a lot of great ship and mecha designs, even if they don't show them off with anything resembling great battle footage. Macross 7 The Galaxy is Calling me Animation - From what I recall, not much better than the tv series, except that the action/battle scenes are much, much, much better animated with no reused footage. Music - BOMBAH! Subtitles - See above. Overall Impression - I didn't like the movie all that much until after I'd gotten into the tv series. It's not really very good as a stand alone movie, but it's a nice little extra for those that like the tv series. Dynamite 7 Animation - Still a lot of use of still frames, but otherwise a lot better animated than the tv series Almost even Plus quality at times, but those are the money scenes. The rest of the OVA is well animated, not incredibly so, but not hard on the eyes. The action is nice. Bunch of nifty sequences, like seeing Gamlin showing off his VF-22 in Diamond Force colours. Music - DYNAMITE! Subtitles - Much like the tv series subtitles, except the main characters names are wrong...but at least they're consistently wrong. Overall Impression - I love Dynamite 7. Great OVA. I actually find myself rewatching it more than I rewatch Plus. It maintains a lot of the aspects I like about M7, while not so much the things I don't like. Saying it's an OVA about space whales doesn't really do much justice, as the whales themselves are pulled off in a very nifty sort of way. Fleet of the Strongest Women Animation - Better than the rest of the series, maybe not so much as Dynamite. This single episode makes up for the lack of missle trails in the entire rest of the series. Music - 'Do You Remember Love?' Subtitles - See above. Overall Impression - An excellent homage to oneof the greatest movies of all time, and the funniest episode in all of M7.
  23. It seems generally accepted that the VF-22 is the most powerful, combat-wise, though there's a lot of people that disagree with that. Still, the VF-19 is the replacement for the VF-11, where as the VF-22 is the replacement for the VF-17, and the VF-17 definitely seemed more powerful than the 11. But if you do mean enginewise, I'd go with the compendium's engine stats, as previously stated.
  24. I agree with JsARCLIGHT and azrael. It's not for everyone. I would disagree that it's "not as deep" as the original, though. The show just concentrates on different aspects. More about character developement than the war story or action scenes. It's also a very upbeat show. There's depressing and somber parts , but overall it's very upbeat. As far as the animation, you may be looking at SDF Macross through the rose-tinted sunglasses of nostalgia. Mac7 has overall better animation quality than the original series, but it's still not great, and the action scenes really suffered, where as in the original show those tended to get the best animation. Don't get me wrong, the animation in Mac7 isn't wonderful or anything, it is decidedly low budget, but it's consistent and well drawn. Still, it is a very different show. And I need more sleep.
  25. Good news for us. Number three is where Mega Man usually shines. Mega Man III was probably the best of the NES games. X3 was definitely the best of the X series. I'm really looking forward to MZ3, the first MZ game was most excellent. I need to get around to MZ2, though.
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