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Everything posted by ZorClone

  1. Oof that price. That's approaching regular SDF-1 pricing isn't it? This is gonna be a hard pill to swallow but I've always wanted this plane... It's not quite as big as a 1/48 but towers over a 1/60 VF-1, right? This thing needs to have some insane build quality and razor sharp QA.. two things the past releases haven't exactly been known for from what I have read.
  2. As someone who never has gotten a VF-0 at all but has wanted one for awhile, I'm glad to see this. I'm sure that will rapidly deflate into abject terror when the price is revealed.
  3. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    Huh. Innnnteressssstinggggg...
  4. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    What brand of lighting product/kit/ecosystem is that being used?
  5. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    Outstanding photo, Saburo
  6. Why on earth would you want the non premiums in addition to the premiums? The baby pods look cool, I wonder if those tiny babies people bake into king cakes for Mardi Gras would fit into one xD
  7. Finally caught up in this massive thread and figured I'd check in with a few recent and assorted "stuff and thangs" that I've managed to open so far Figurarts BB-8 added to the droid lineup i7 8700k (to replace an aging i5 4670k) & mobo Figuarts TLJ Praetorian (w/heavy blade) Figuarts TLJ First Order troopers and Executioner Figuarts Iron Man Mk II re-issue (holy crap this figure is awesome, I believe there's even diecast in the legs) McFarlane Tiny Tina!!! (holding a teeny tiny Figuarts baby Groot from the pack with Rocket which I haven't taken out yet) PS. Yall are killing me with the Eaglemoss and Aoshima Star Trek ship pics... ugh I want! Especially that Aoshima holy crap I wish I'd known about that when it was "only" $150.
  8. I like the panel lines and the colors, but agree that the sculpt itself looks a tad too angular and almost harshly blocky. Glad to see no light up visor gimmick. The way it looks now is less like a $300 toy (as it did in 2015) and more like a $150-$180 toy.
  9. One quadrant at a time? Slowly?
  10. The Pit Road 1/24 car is available at Amazon 3rd party for about $62 right now https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00J8D0T4W/ref=od_aui_detailpages00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  11. I forgot to mention one of the screw covers was loose inside the plastic tray
  12. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice, lol
  13. For what it’s worth I have 5 Yamato 1/60s and never experienced the issue with that hinge till now with my first Arcadia. Anyway, couple pics. She’s a beauty!
  14. Woo, I finally got it. I didn't do the unlock quite as those pics describe (thanks for those!) but I must have gotten close enough and it finally moved and nothing broke. Thanks all!
  15. Ok here are the problem areas. The parts trying to separate and the hinge that won’t budge
  16. It's at my office, I'll try and take a pic of the issue tomorrow. It will flip up 90 degrees but the upper part doesn't fold to bring the pack back towards the back.
  17. Holy crap I cannot get the backpack on this girl to flip up all the way without parts of it starting to split open. Any tips on how to free up that hinge?
  18. Ooh I just realized these will be my first 1/60 valks with those dang option parts, finally. I still can't fathom how no one has those up on Shapeways or something.
  19. Thanks for the heads up at NY. The price is the same as the PO price, yay!
  20. lol no just print the background scene of all of them as they were in the movie Or build them out of lego?
  21. Nah just print out a background of them and put it behind the figure
  22. Took a chance on another 3rd party Chinese accessory, this time for Figuarts Tony Stark. It arrived yesterday and I have to say, I am completely thrilled with this piece.
  23. Agreed. I'm disappointed so far with the trailer and how unrealistic they've gone with the Jaeger scale and movement. The first film had a sense of tension and suspense in the battles because you knew the kaiju had superior speed and reflexes. It was down to the pilots to outsmart the animal instinct.
  24. I just really hate how unthoughtful and careless the writing is so far. It's insulting to the thoughtful audience that has faithfully followed Star Trek all these decades.
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