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Everything posted by ZorClone

  1. Whaaaaaaaaaat! They're doing SOC of all the original jaegers? Ouch my wallet..
  2. I never saw Clone Wars but I've loved Rebels from the first episode. Such a wonderful cast of characters and I cried like a baby last night.
  3. Ooh finally someone has one. My metalbuild Mazinger is on the way from N-Y. How do you like it? Are the hands articulated? I must admit I have never seen Mazinger Z in it's original form, only saw it as a kid on US tv as "Transzor Z" but I still totally fell in love with it.
  4. Hrmmm I wonder what that scheme would look like on GBP armor...
  5. there was an Armored VF-1J?? I can't find it now.
  6. replacement Voyager XL came in from Eaglemoss with almost the exact same printing problems with the windows. Pretty ridiculous. Guess I'll call them on Monday and ask what the deal is and if I can ever expect a product in this line that will actually have QA.
  7. A small HLJ pw shipment greeted me this afternoon
  8. If you don't mind me asking, did you get this shipped to the USA and if so how did you get one without an orange plug?
  9. Aye, probably a pretty good estimate though. Thanks Noel!
  10. Anyone know what the shipping charge from NipponYasan to USA will run for the GX-77 Gipsy Danger? I just recently saw how cheap their price was vs my preorder at BBTS and was shocked.
  11. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm ok if they let the Tomahawk PO slip until summer, I have to get past a pretty expensive spring and I have no doubt I'm going to want like 6 Warhammers Tomahawks
  12. Sexy. Wait, the door to the gas cap doesn't open up? Literally un-displayable. Send it back.
  13. honestly hadn't even thought about it.. wouldn't they ask for it back?
  14. Eaglemoss CS replied to my email about the Voyager XL. They have dispatched a replacement, supposedly.
  15. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    please post pics of the Elint Circus! How many Elints can fit in a clown car?
  16. I emailed Eaglemoss customer support about the Voyager XL. Will see how that goes. Hopefully they're replacing these Enterprise-C concept ships, that's just inexcusable.
  17. It was $60 on the subscription, otherwise $75. It definitely bothered me when I noticed it lol.
  18. Opened up the XL Voyager last night. It's beautiful, a great size, and was well built. The paint apps on the windows and some detail lines, however, were really messy in some spots. I'm not sure if that justifies asking Eaglemoss for a replacement or not. Opinions?
  19. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    Great pics, Jenius You folks that have setup light boxes/photo studios and such for photography, have you made your own or do you use an off-the-shelf product? I've had my eye on this one for awhile but haven't been brave enough to order it. I'd welcome any input on what to get what not to get what to look for what to avoid, etc.
  20. I'm excited about the Eaglemoss XL starship line. I just recently started a subscription for it. The XL Voyager evidently arrived Saturday but I haven't gotten it from the mail box yet, lol.
  21. Someone got something she was waiting for today
  22. Ultimately decided not to miss out on this one. I hope it blows me away when I get it.
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