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Everything posted by ZorClone

  1. OMG! That is freakin badass!
  2. Yeah? well I laugh at YOU now for your use of 'jesus tap-dancing christ"! Christ, as everyone knows, did interpretive dance. neg, he played da'pipes and danced in celtic fasion.. Riverdance, what?
  3. wow that's a pretty a good price yep, I couldn't pass this one up.. finally made an order for this bad boy
  4. lol, that's some nice filter work
  5. ZorClone

    MechMod for HL

    I'm not 100% sure but I see no reason why you won't be able to use Steam for this mod. They will likely release it to be compatible with Steam.
  6. here are a couple more that one actually made it to the frontpage awhile back..
  7. lol, that toystory one is one of mine too..
  8. asdf
  9. guess I'll post a few I did awhile back in the old gallery thread (old forum). I've still got a few projects up my sleeve that I wanna do/finish
  10. ZorClone

    MechMod for HL

  11. ZorClone

    MechMod for HL

  12. ZorClone

    MechMod for HL

    they've got some great new screenshots up for this mod, check'em out! http://www.mechmod.com/
  13. sweet.. there's a movie linked at the top of the media page that shows the mecha in action
  14. ZorClone

    MechMod for HL

    heh, I think I had that website bookmarked for awhile
  15. ZorClone

    MechMod for HL

    thought some of you HL players on the boards might be interested to see this.. http://www.mechmod.com/ they just posted some ingame pics of the mod in action, including their VF-1J. Looks pretty neat IMO, and might have fun gameplay!
  16. he did, he used an NES emulator to record himself playing it over and over and over and... over.. enough so that he could piece together the video and make it look perfect.
  17. Nah. I'd compare it more to the Patlabor OVAs/TV. The space stuff is more of a background for the character interaction. oh, well I love Patlabor.. guess I'll have to check this out.
  18. yellow, I think you were just missing Uxi's point about general class categories of cars.. like, seating on a plane (coach/business/1st class). When it comes to buying a car, performance is not the only factor for picking one you like. If someone's got the big bucks, they're gonna look at cars with the bigger name, and the fancier image. Cars, to (what I would say) most people serve a dual purpous. They are the workhorse, and the stagecoach. You want it to be reliable for day to day grunge, but if possible, impress your friends and significant others while you're goin out on the town.. or whatever then you have your hardcore drivers who just want performance, even if it looks like a flintstones car =P
  19. hmm, sounds neat.. kinda like Wings of Hommeanese? (spelling?)
  20. why does the viper look orange? =P nice pic Cali
  21. LOL! gaw, when Nina showed up, I lept outof my chair goin "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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