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Everything posted by ZorClone

  1. dead meat, lol
  2. yeah, I haven't had any luck finding them here either JawJaw.. oh well, I ordered the Taka from ToyObsessed.com awhile back when they had that discount for $85.. supposed to ship in March. $95.74 shipped.
  3. I still can't find the rod.. blasted game!!!!!
  4. ^ Aren't those from Steel Battalion?
  5. then you go into the clan mechs.. Madcat/Timberwolf, Vulture/Maddog, Loki/Thor, Bushwacker, Shadowcat, Raven, Chimera (kinda new).. umm... what else?
  6. ahhH!! that's who that was.. it was burning the top of my head, lol.. I knew I'd seen her all over the place, couldn't put a finger on it yeah, I was really surprised Kim didn't shoot her.. I think she was on the trigger though when Jack fired.. they probably woulda shot each other..
  7. DING DONG! THE WHICH IS DEAD!!!! WOOOHOOO!!!! finally.. omg.. I've been waiting for 2 years to see that happen...
  8. wow.. such different opinions here! I'm surprised at the bad rep you guys give Enterprise.. I really really like that show.. maybe it's just me, but I find it so very easy to relate to the characters and realistic style of the ship's interior designs.. those first episodes were so neat with the simple, yet very current, exploratory mission ideas... much like what I'd imagine we'd persue in real life these days, given the technology. I love the chemestry between Trip/Malcom, Trip/T'pol, Archer/Trip, Archer/T'pol, Hoshi/Maywhether, Phlox/all.. some very good acting by John Billingsley and Scott Bakula I agree that there has been too much fan service in some of the episodes, but then I remember the crew we're watching.. they seem to be, on average, younger than the rest of the Star Trek crew's we've seen over the years. So it all kindof fits, in my mind, while I'm watching it. It never fails to entertain me. Now, how can you all say the story isn't going anywhere when they've written the first full-season story arc in Star Trek since DS9's Dominion War? The Expanse is an awesome region of space for story writting.. it gives them lots of room for wackyness.
  9. I like the panel lines.. but yeah, it looks small from those pics.. bad pics, my guess...
  10. oh bloody hell.. I'm one of those Trekkies that likes them all.. hard to pick just one favorite.. I'll just say I like TOS the least, since I haven't seen much of it at all.. was a bit before my time. I picked DS9, since it had the great battles that I enjoyed so much, and was the only series to have soooooooo many regular characters.
  11. that is so obviously a very early prototype scultp.. you can see all kinds of uneven cuts and the paintjob is clear enough in some shots to show the grainy material they've used to make it from, which can't be anything close to production.. I bet all the silvery parts will be diecast for release
  12. Damnit! After ordering the takara one this one comes up! But it just doesn't have the shiny-ness that the original one has. Mixed emotions make Tiny crazy! /me waves at Tiny, welcome back!
  13. ZorClone

    Gualg CG

    hey, could you pose the glaug in a bit of an action shot with a solid-color background? Kinda like the pose in your last pick, but rotate the mecha some to his left, and splay his arms out a little bit, with the cockpit looking a bit more at the camera. I was thinking of taking it and putting it in a standoff pic with a 1/48 valk
  14. ZorClone

    Gualg CG

    OMG that's freakin cool! You guys need to start making more of these mecha and destroids, then make a Battletech game/mod or something
  15. yeah, I'd like to see Bandai's version of a "super poseable"... Perfect Grade Battriod anyone?
  16. Lemme clear soemthing up for you guys, since some of you have trouble understanding this. ROBOTECH FANS AREN'T IDIOTS Things may have changed, but when I was a regular in the Robotech community (pre-Robotech.com days) every Robotech fan knew the difference between Macross and Robotech. Not only did they know the difference, 95% of them liked both Macross and Robotech. I'll pause for a second to let you guys pull your jaws off the floor. A lot of people here on Macross World are under the impression that Robotech fans dont understand the differences between Macross and Robotech. Unless the average IQ of Robotech.com members is painfully low, it's pretty safe to say that they understand the differences as well. My point is that just because people here on Macross World disagree with most Robotech fans, don't let a difference in opinion give you the idea that they're idiots. For that matter, don't let a few losers with too much time on their hands that come and troll over here ruin your opinion of all Robotech fans, either. hey, I know they're not ALL idiots.. I was, and still am, a big Robotech fan... but I'll honestly say I didn't know the big differences until I came here. I had no idea how Robotech was created from 3 different animated series. I had no idea what DYRL? was, yet I'd seen Clash of the Bionoids, and had no idea why it was "associated" to Robotech (at least, to my ignorance). I had no idea that DYRL? was a retelling of the real Macross story. I had no idea who Kawamori was, or that he'd designed it all. None of this makes me an idiot, and I never said Robotech fans were. I simply implied exactly what I admitted of myself: ignorance. I've been a huge fan of Robotech since I was 5yrs old in 1985, so I'm not too sure about your "every Robotech fan knew the difference" statement. Most of my life, I only knew of Robotech's existance.. not Macross. All I can say is, thank God I found this place..
  17. ah holy hell.. how in the world could this happen without anyone knowing of it till it was set in stone? How does HG plan to explain to all their Robotech fans wtf DYRL? is? To them, this has to be like telling their children that Santa isn't real..
  18. how could we get tired of seeing great pics of great customs? never!
  19. omg they didn't even transform it right
  20. I wonder if that blue paint on the canopy and gun is just placeholder for a blue-ish clear plastic? edit: oh pbbthbhthbffff.. I just read 2 pages back where this was answered.. lol
  21. lol, wth? you'd have to keep pets away from that one
  22. ZorClone

    Auska's Attacked

  23. heh, add about 40 or so to this, and you'll end up where my old gallery thread made it to
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