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Everything posted by ZorClone

  1. OH MY GAWD can they please make a game like this for PC/XBOX?!?!
  2. lol damn, you coulda sold it to gamestop or something and made money back on it
  3. it's hard to look at this thing as a valk.. looks too much like a Labor in battroid mode. I dunno, I'm just not impressed with this VF design. It has no realistic continuity to the VF-1, of which it's supposed to be a precursor. It's too skinny in too many areas, and doesn't look at all like a tough mecha in any mode. and WHAT THE CRAP 1/100 SCALE?! !#$%*&
  4. I think I'm gonna get it for PC, I love the idea of the multiplayer
  5. I just don't know.. synthetic lips or not, how can a robot convincingly play music with any form of emotion or style? Especially a high-energy instrament like a trumpet? sillyness.. SILLYNESS I say!
  6. errrt.. I dunno whether to laugh or be irritated with this. I wanna hear it play! I don't see how a robot could play music that sounds anything more than sterile notes..
  7. "Crazy Hats Only" well, my small Macross collection is all over my entertainment center, and there isn't a whole lot.. so, whenever people see it, the guys usually gawk at it and blabber things like "whoaa" and "cooool" whereas the females are all like, "what is thaaaat?" or "..." or "what IS that?" my response, "FOOL! Macross owns you!"
  8. bleh! *cough* that's.. fugly. I just seriously cannot get into the new transformer designs. I'm too much of a g1 fan.
  9. it's so ironic that I was just talking with friends about this very topic over the weekend.. I've been complaining about this crap for weeks now. I spoke of it with exactly the same term, "preaching to the choir" I mean, come on! I'm there in the theater already! I paid $8 to see the movie, but I will probably download a DVD rip of it too.. then probably buy the DVD. notice I said DVD rip.. not screener. I can't even sit and watch a movie that's been filmed in a theater on a camcorder, it's just too crappy..
  10. from the gameplay footage, JointOps looks to be a lot of fun.. especially if their flight controls work like they do for Commanche4. I've only had my gun jam on me once in America's Army.. and I've played "a lot"
  11. I believe I shall have to investigate this..
  12. hah.. I just watched LA Confidential for the first time last night.. damn good movie. I'd forgotten it went up against Titanic at the oscars, and I agree... it should've won. I DO, however, strongly remember being extremely pissed off that Saving Private Ryan was robbed at the oscars... FREAKIN SHAKESPEAR! SPR is one of my all-time favorites.. I still listen to the music a lot
  13. damn... six?
  14. holy freakin crap! that thing might be replacing my Smokescreen on my desk at work soon...
  15. ROFL! omg, that made my morning
  16. what oscar did Tim Robbins win? I didn't know he was nominated
  17. ZorClone


    this thing so should have come with a display stand that would allow for rotational poses...
  18. BEST 1/48 PICS EVER!! OMG!
  19. ZorClone

    Jm Regult

    ^ what the hell is that in your avatar? a Popple?
  20. last 5 min of the movie is when James Earl Jones reprises his role as the voice of Vader, according to Lucasfilm... so I'm guessing it won't be too much. The bulk of the film is supposed to be what leads to his transition, AFAIK
  21. ZorClone

    Jm Regult

    omg LOL so cute! ^^~ smaller one fits much better
  22. I agree.. so far, it looks like a Banpresto toy.. it hardly looks to be worth even $20, especially with a non-perfect transformation
  23. OMG, so cute
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