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Everything posted by ZorClone

  1. oh wow, it can do the poses! wtf is it being photographed on?
  2. remember.. Jack "killed" Nina in season 1 too.. I haven't seen this yet because I couldn't watch it while it was on tonight, but I'm trying to bit-torrent it.. was it a good ep?
  3. If you'd put the Ingram in the middle, you'd have got my vote...! heh, he's in a strange pose, otherwise I would have I'd agree with you too, I like Patlabor much more than Gundam. I really need to finish that kit and get it detailed and painted (not like I did it for the PG )
  4. and now the obligatory pic.. and I managed to capture what I guess are the 3 most popular anime icons on this board
  5. er.. perhaps I should clarify.. I thougth it made the guy look like a MAC II
  6. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...0504141644&e=14
  7. w00t! just got my Takara version MP-01 in today from the Toyobsessed.com sale (back in November?). USPS delivered it in one peice! WOW Pretty fast too.. they emailed saying it had shipped just this Monday.. Well, at first glance, I'm already impressed. The packaging is a keeper. Even a lady in my office was like "whoa" when I pulled the box from the shipping package. I can't wait to open this thing up! It'll be fun to stand him next to my Max 1J super poseable and Alt. Smokescreen.. who are currently wrestling on top of my monitor here at my desk
  8. which pisses me off to no end! it'll come on at 8pm central, and I will have to start a TFC scrimmage at 8:30! !)#%&! I'll have to try and bit torrent the thing before tuesday night...
  9. OMG!!!!! I loved that show! this is an awesome find
  10. wow! my new wallpaper too!
  11. "we've got just enough time to paint the bullseye on yer back.. and by bullseye, I of course mean camoflauge" "it's pronounced BOTH!" "that's what I said... bolth" "you sound like such an ass the way you say it" I love RvB. Was a 1st season supporter, and even got the DVD.
  12. layers layers layers! I really like that smoke effect, I'm gonna have try to put that to use. That's one of the only things I've been unable to do effectively when photoshopping damage and whatnot.. good stuff man.
  13. six, got a full size pic of your avatar?
  14. I love that shot of the VF-1J, Opus. gaw I gotta get one of those..
  15. well, I've been to Third Planet, and Planet Anime, but I've only driven by Dave's World. Never heard of Voyager Toy's or Nan's... where are those? There's also a place in the First Colony mall, but I can't remember the name of it. Vic and I ran into each other at the Gamestop behind the big HEB at Kirkwood several months ago.
  16. ah, thank you... I found that on their website, but I hate trying to view trailers in those damn tiny pre-fit windows.
  17. I downloaded it, need to install it.. friggin UT2004 consuming all my gaming time.. curses!
  18. no kidding, I'm off of Westheimer and Dairy Ashford.. small damn Macrossworld Vic and Jaw Jaw aren't far either, right? LOL you should organize a tour for the rest of us to come see your hugeass collection
  19. isn't the place that makes them in Houston? I live in Houston...
  20. You've been hanging around Agent too long lol that was a damn haiku
  21. h8r, lol nice pic sithlord, I gotta get me a few of those stands
  22. Toyobsessed.com says their orders for the MP-01's will be shipping out April 12th.. gah! ::twiddles thumbs::
  23. I've thrown Palmer out the damn window.. I can't even stand his story arc now. Totally stupid what they had him do... however, it was a great episode, and a fine comeback from haiatus. I knew what's-his-face wouldn't let Amador live after he knew Jack had interrogated him, I just didn't think he'd kill the driver too Obviously this guy knows how good Jack is, but who the hell is he?
  24. lol, it says on the pic itself: Decepticon Leader, Military Tank
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