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Everything posted by ZorClone

  1. lol, he looks about as alarmed as the "council" of Xion did when the Sentinels were breaking through the dock
  2. he's more machine, now, than man.. woo I can't wait for this film.. the latest StarWars Insider newsletter I got had a link to an article that was described as "Pearl Harbor in space" but I couldn't see it because it was for Hyperspace subscribers only.. I can only imagine it was talking about the forthcoming space battles in Ep3. Can't wait! Say, do any of you all play StarWars Galaxies?
  3. looks like Roy was playing with Light Sabers again..
  4. ooh check out the Jump to Lightspeed Space Expansion for Star Wars Galaxies! I'm waiting for that to come out, and I just started playing SWG this past week.. w00t
  5. whether you can see'm or not, this guy's got some big bawls to go on national tv.. in that.. glowing test-tube 'tard
  6. this thread needs more quoted posts
  7. I have my solitary Takara MP-01, and I luv it
  8. Wow. Do you have any idea how much I hate you right now? Anyway, pictures of the models are definitely on my list. Also, be sure to check out Half Life 2 Brothers in Arms Star Wars: Battlefront Call of Duty: United Offensive precisely. oh, and check out Halo2 if it's there.. and also: Heroes of the Pacific
  9. sure it's a dude and not a chick?
  10. you bastards! I'd love to go, but I can't afford it with the trip I'm already taking to CPL.. and I live in friggin Texas do us all a favor and watch the new HL2 presentation(s?) over and over.. and over
  11. ROFL.. this guy is too much. Er, not enough.. well whatever
  12. woah there PM action! greetings from Houston Texas! Lat: 29° 45' 12" Long: -95° 37' 6"
  13. lol, this is an email I sent to a friend of mine regarding last night's episode: Also.. Poor Adam
  14. STAR TREK: Borg Tactical Cube WING COMMANDER: TCS Tigers Claw TCS Concordia TCS Exeter TCS Waterloo Midway (WC Prophecy) there were some good ones in Freelancer and Starlancer and Freespace 1&2... Westwood's canceled Earth&Beyond had some sweet ships too
  15. wow, that pilot flies like he's training to be ready for the first VF-1 the way he's making the plane almost stop mid-flight is like the VF-1 deploying it's legs to reverse thrust
  16. give Imageready a try. If you open that gif up, it'll break it down to it's actual frames, but as far as separate image components, you'll have to start with it's root layer and build from that
  17. Yea. That. w0rd.
  18. aw dangit Fulcy! lol, this woulda been fun to see how long those of us who actually visit the fan-works section could let this joke run
  19. omg Akilae you h4x! we had the same idea at the same time, but you finished your post first haha
  20. Macrossworld, a Homeworld 2 TC would Shawn and Graham mind the game being named after their site? ya know.. imitation is the finest form of flattery also, you don't need Homeworld2 or HW2 infront of the title.. many other mods don't follow that trend. (Team Fortress Classic, Counter-Strike, etc)
  21. cool, but.. wrong forum
  22. omg I had so much of that toyline.. I think I still have my goliath!
  23. ug.. guess it wasn't a blank.. go Kim! best acting she's done all series
  24. well damn.. just finished this ep half an hour ago.. damn... I hope it was a blank
  25. my bit torrent download should be done already.. just gotta watch it tonight before tonight's episode. I'm betting Jack fired a blank, and Ryan's got a glock hidden in his tie to take out Saunders
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