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Everything posted by ZorClone

  1. Hey all, Just got a payment request for my preorder in the mail yesterday... http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00025 became available Fri Dec 2nd. I missed getting one of these the first time around, so I figure I couldn't have been the only one. Get'em while they're hot!
  2. sweet! I didn't know it came with tv hands.. glad I preordered
  3. what a badass lil game! lol, I love it! reminds me of that veritech ace game someone made awhile back
  4. wow.. I haven't been to the forum in a long time, and this is a nice surprise to return to! finally, I shall get a 1/48 J.. if they package it with the armor that is
  5. just play MechMod for Half-Life it's free, and a lot of fun!
  6. heh, someone beat me to it! This great mod is indeed for the first Half-Life, but the programmers have done amazing things with the engine. They've added all kinds of shaders and lighting effects. They are, however, also doing a Half-Life 2 mod which will be much larger in scope. I've had a lot of fun playing this mod so far, you should all check it out! Flying around with someone's missiles swirling after you while you shoot'em down with the VF's gun is a blast! =)
  7. lol neat game.. reminds me of Net Trek. But, I can't figure out how the crap to play it. I have no idea how to navigate to stuff showing up on scanners.
  8. I fear the day star trek vs star wars makes it into theaters. fear not, that will never happen.. LOL
  9. lol, yeah it looks like they forgot to fold in the middle parts..
  10. sweeeeet! aww those two look badass.. can't wait. don't suppose they had pics of their car modes too? (as if I haven't seen them.. but those are good/large pics)
  11. well, I've sorta gotten over the monsters in the game scaring me or giving me the creeps.. it's now focused on all the dang Exorcist moments they've put in there. Those freak me out, for serious. tip: when in total darkness and surrounded by zombies/monsters, the chaingun is your best friend. Visibility or not, you're gonna saw some meat in half with that thing if you hold the trigger down long enough. oh and I forgot to mention my system specs: AMD Athlon 2600+ Gigabyte GA7n400 Pro2 motherboard (using onboard Nforce2 sound hardware) 1gb PC2700 DDR memory ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128mb (catalyst 4.7 drivers) primary HDD WD 120gb 7200rpm 8mb cache (secondary drive is identical) I ran the game, the first time, at 1600x1200 @ High Quality setting, and it ran very smooth except for when an Imp launched a fireball at me, or I walked into a room with a bunch of stuff that needed to load. Even in those cases, it would only lag a little bit, and only for a second or two.. still very playable. But, in the end, I knocked it down one step to 1280x1024, and it runs perfect.
  12. I "obtained" a copy of Doom3 on Monday... when it finished downloading and I've been playing it since. So far, I'm pretty hooked. I'm of the same opinion about the games AI--it's pretty basic (dumb) sometimes. The storyline is nothing special so far, and the way it's playing out is exactly like System Shock 2, but SS2 was an awesome game, so that's ok. The graphics are mindblowing. I love'em! The atmosphere in the game is creepy as all hell, especially with the top notch audio. The hellish and demonic sequences are scary in a fun way too. The weapons are all very familiar, but the only real deciding factor of what to use is based on thier rates of fire and ammo capacity. The type of damage dealt is of no consequence. This makes for some pretty easy kills on some beasts that you would think would be a lot harder. It's almost like shotgun > all. I love the interface in the game, as well as the interactive screens and terminals your character uses in-game. They all run on an integrated Flash engine in the game, so that's why they're all crisp and easy to read even at the smallest scale. Brilliant! The few things that bug me so far: AI.. the guys with guns just sit there shooting at you even when you're clearly outof view. They should have displacement routines that tell them to reposition and reaquire targets. However, once, I had two zombie-marines running into view from behind a few pillars, and I started to fire in the spot they were headed for.. and the one first in line dove and then rolled across the floor to dodge most of my fire, then immediately returned fire at me. That was pretty impressive. The monsters I've faught so far just rush and claw/bite etc, so they die quick. Imps are the meanest of these. They are FAST as crap, and their fireballs can totally throw off your view because of the excellent smoke effects. THE DARKNESS. This game is too damn dark in some places, lol. It's just not good for anyone. To add to that, why the heck can't you hold your flashlight AND a gun at the same time!? Or even better, tape the damn flashlight to your shotgun? grrrr Oh well, it makes for some tense moments when you're quickly switching between the flashlight just so you can see what's growling at you and then back to your weapon to silence the foe. Character models: The human characters in this game look silly. They're all too bulky, too bald, too grey and all carbon copies of each other. The only ones that look normal are the marines in armor. The hand models are fugly too. Lastly, the physics suck. They're not special at all since so many other games have come out recently with ragdoll effects. It really only works right with the characters/enemies anyways. Half-Life 2 totally destroys any other game in this department anyways, so.. pff Guess that's it for the annoying stuff. Fact is, I'm hooked on this game. It is a lot of fun, and especially so since I'm experiencing it with 3 other friends from my TFC clan while we all talk on Ventrilo while playing. I can't wait to see what else comes from this engine. All in all, it's greatly increased my expectations and anticipation for Half-Life 2.
  13. I got to see it tonight as well.. Intel sponsored an outing at CPL for about 500 people that managed to get tickets for wearing an Intel shirt and being at the appointed place when called upon via loudspeaker.. ANYWAY so a group of about 500 routy gamers from CPL goes to see this movie. You can imagine the audience behaviour. Regardless, this was quite an interesting movie, and definitely worth seeing. I think I still liked Signs better though One thing that's for sure. Ron Howard's daughter was amazing! I also liked Jaquin Pheonix's character too, I've really liked his work ever since I saw him in Gladiator.
  14. so when is Meister supposed to some out?
  15. well, I wouldn't have bothered him about it if he weren't so adament about asking what everyone wanted! lol I think my parents are sending him with plenty of money to mail back big packages so he doesn't have to travel with it..
  16. shucks.. what city(ies) would he have the best chance of finding them in? he says he's also going to Bejing
  17. hey everyone, my brother's taking a trip for two weeks in China, and I'm hoping to get him to pick up a cheap 1/48 (well, cheaper than I can get it) but I don't know where he should go. Any suggestions?
  18. wooo.. here's another shorter (non-cam) video... also via bit torrent http://www.filerush.com/torrents/e3-half-l...-fr.avi.torrent
  19. oh, that's a bit torrent link btw... get it while it's hot!
  20. GOOD GOD, WATCH THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG ATI Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike Source e3 2004 cam video
  21. wooo man, I was outof my chair jumping up and down hollaring "BOOYAH SAUNDERS!! LAY DOWN AN TAKE IT!!! RAWR!" lol [spoilers] . . . . hell yeah, that was such a cool episode.. some good desparation acting by Tony, and great getaway action by Michele.. the look on Saunders's face when his daughter ran from him and the agents started popping out and repelling down the bridge all around was priceless.
  22. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! *cries* omg LOLOLOL
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