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Everything posted by ZorClone

  1. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    lol, wow the detail in there is insane for such a barely visible interior... gotta figure out some sort of lighting solution for that!
  2. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh my!
  3. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    1/35 line?? say what?
  4. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    I thought the limit was imposed on preorders? My 1st order was a preorder but my 2nd was an "in stock" order. Idk, both orders went through and they requested/received payment for both. Orders are sitting in the private warehouse... is there something I should do?
  5. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    woah I placed an order for another Regult earlier this afternoon at HLJ after getting payment request on my other one, just looked right now and the page says Discontinued!
  6. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    anyone know where that effect part came from? the explosion? Gah that thing looks awesome.
  7. dang, I love that diorama setup especially the lighting... are there hobby shops that sell arrangements like that or is that kind of thing usually custom/scratch built?
  8. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    thanks, finally got one!
  9. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    closed already, lol
  10. Those pics are really slick, saburo. What's your setup?
  11. Holy moly. I'm glad I got mine when they first released. Wish I'd also gotten a unit 2 though
  12. I posted these like 12 years ago in what may have been the first Strike a Pose thread, lol
  13. Around my company, everyone from the bottom to the top has at least a few weird or eccentric things in their office to reflect something they enjoy. It's nothing to be ashamed of or fear having. That being said, if you feel something on your desk would really impact your upward movement at your job, maybe it's time to update your resume and move on! lol
  14. I love these threads! Remember the "Strike a pose!" thread(s) from years ago? Here's a bit of my small collection that I've got on a bookshelf at work Yay Vermilion Squad!
  15. wow that "guide" is insane... there is no way i'm gonna do that to a $250 toy. But hey, at least it finally shipped out from BBTS!
  16. stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllll waiting on my 1/24 c'mon Alphonse!
  17. I call shinanigans! Did you get it today??
  18. hmm, guess I should have specified.. the Yamato 1/24. Yours shipped out from BBTS??
  19. bbts updated the preorder to June 2009 :( I want my Alphonse!!!
  20. Todd, those pics are wonderful! Thanks a ton for putting those up, it really let me see some detail on this figure I hadn't noticed before. Where did you buy yours from? I'm still waitin on my pre-order
  21. I finally have something to contribute to this old thread... I got "Jarvis" a little over a month ago: 2009 MINI Cooper-S
  22. lmao that's exactly what I thought first time I saw it. I am pretty sure I played the first Mechwarrior game on pc before I realized the design was also in Robotech.
  23. here's a pic of 2 of mine that I ran a filter on to kinda give them a cell-shaded look. Yeah I know, I don't have any stickers on them yet I'M LAZY!
  24. man, it's been forever since I visited this forum, but even longer since I actually picked up and looked at my one and only 1/60 (the original VF-1S Roy). I realized when I picked it up why I really don't care for it much anymore when the missile pods immediately fell to the floor and the right leg tried to pop off silly Yamato. I keep it on a shelf in fighter mode with some other "less impressive" nicknacks, while my 1/48s are in more prominent areas.
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