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Everything posted by ZorClone

  1. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    which day is it the monster is expected to be in stock? awesome video, btw
  2. lol those seriously look like something from http://www.wtftoy.com/
  3. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    So, per that video, that means a new 1J GBP release is up the road still? oh, also, HLJ has ordering available on the CF and Monster
  4. regarding the price going to sale price to full and back and forth, HLJ customer service told me that's simply due to the limited inventory they set aside for the sale price, regardless of total inventory available for sale
  5. love these 2 pics, the lighting is great in your displays!
  6. well that made up my mind... ordered one for each configuration Thanks for the heads up!
  7. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    If this world were a better place, Bandai would offer a replacement valk and buy them a Yetistand as an appology
  8. wow 8000 yen for that Bandai Enterprise kit is a steal. That thing was $85 USD when I got one not long after it came out and before it was discontinued. I wish there was some way to hook it up to a/c power instead of batteries. It's such a beautiful kit. Gah you guys are making me want to buy some of those Eaglemoss ships! I would love to have a Defiant and Intrepid class in at least some scale... I've gotten most of the Diamond Select/AA ships over the years but they haven't done nearly as many obviously. I'm hoping Quantum Mechanix will actually produce this secretive smaller scale starship line they've teased and hopefully it'll be lit like that Bandai kit. If only I could afford their studio scale....
  9. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    Doh! You're right. IDK why I always thought it was clan. Well, the IIC uses clan tech at least
  10. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    Prepare for subjugation, freebirth scum ....sorry I can't help myself, I love Battletech lol
  11. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    Hmm... I wonder if I still have mine, lol. That thing was gangly. Is the "Ingram 1" being mentioned this one? That's cool news about the CF 1A getting those extra parts and such. I'm probably going to skip that VF-1J in hopes they release a GBP package. Also gonna leave the Maruader Glaug in the private warehouse to ship later with the Monster
  12. Would definitely buy a GBP Armor and/or Super parts set for either my 1/48 or 1/60 TV VF-1J Hikaru if it gets re-issued or someone has it for sale for a non-astronomical price. My biggest problem is the thought of spending as much or more for the armor as what I paid for the original valk. Also wished I'd gotten some of those option parts for the 1/60s. Next would be a TV Roy with or without super parts in 1/60, followed with a VF-1D in 1/60. I think that covers stuff I missed in the past and never got. Back when all those things were first coming out I didn't have the disposable income to throw at this stuff so I had to be a lot pickier. It's surprising to see how many people are missing M&M given their popularity.
  13. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    I think they look good, sculpt-wise, just baffled at the white color on the bottom half of the leg armor and, as pointed out, the wrong arm armor type. In any case, I'm only really interested in HMR for figures I don't have already--enemies and destroids. I got my M&M love a long time ago when prices were not in the stratosphere.
  14. dang, that's impressive leg articulation... pretty sure my MP-01 can't get anywhere near that but I haven't played with it in ages! That thing is really impressive and goes to show what sort of avalanche the MP-01 started. Good times to be a Gen 1 fan! It's PRIME TIME!
  15. Yep even just a parts list for the examples you have would be amazingly helpful. The additional functionality would be icing on top but not necessary. But as you can see just from my attempts at deciphering what parts were in your pictures it can still be confusing when trying to identify an elbow here and there versus a knuckle, depending on angle of the pic.
  16. trying to figure out what all went into that 3-valk beta display... (1) beta, (3) elbow, (1) knuckle, (2) extra arms, (3) v2 yamato/arcadia adapters, and then whatever YA standing or banking adapters? Lol I wish you had bundles for this.
  17. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    if anyone needs a Glaug and prefers HLJ, they're back up for order http://hlj.com/product/BANN04090/Act
  18. I'd prolly buy at least a couple of those! Would love to put Vermillion squadron together on one like Hal9000 did.
  19. sweet, I love the Leonard Nimoy homage on the not-Galvatron box
  20. so.... no one knows about the option parts question I had? I tried searching for other threads about them but no luck. Basically wondering if there's any way to still get them by themselves or if anyone has 3D printed them?
  21. Has there been any suggestion that a TV version of Roy will see a release from Arcadia? Would love to finally get one, not to mention a 1/60 with those option parts since I never got a Yamato. Are those option parts available on their own anywhere? Gah that price though. I was skimming through my HLJ order emails and back in 2009 the M&M 1/48s with super parts were 9900 each! 4900 each for 1/60 CF-1A in 2012!
  22. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    speaking of monsters... ordering is open at HLJ again http://hlj.com/product/BANN05211/Act
  23. My very first one did, while stashed away in its box in a closet, as I mentioned above =/
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