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Everything posted by ZorClone

  1. Gah I really hope they TV-version that VF-1S
  2. Monster see, monster do. Got the SH Figuarts Spitfire Godzilla!
  3. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    the QC issues have been isolated to VF-1 releases only so far, right?
  4. Got my first ever Figuarts, and I am hooked. Love this lil guy!
  5. Oh dear.
  6. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    the one I got was just like the real deal, can't tell a difference
  7. oh my!
  8. lol, jvmacross that was awesome
  9. ah-ha, SideShow thing! Thx. Not a bad price either.
  10. was that a Hot Toys Rick Grimes? That looks amazing.
  11. It just won't be the same if you can't blow on a cartridge when it won't load
  12. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    The lighter blue and grey is more pleasing to my eyes. Might not be accurate or whatever but its a good aesthetic choice.
  13. oh man, up down up down left right left right a b a b select START, BOOM MACHINEGUN! <3 contra
  14. I'm tellin ya, you could do it with electroluminescent paper. They come in various colors and you could technically splice them together with some easy soldering (or cirtuit pen or whatever) or just use one solid color for the whole thing. They terminate in a battery pack or a power adapter https://www.amazon.com/Elastic-Electroluminescent-Glowing-Battery-Purple/dp/B01M8O4SPO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1479419449&sr=8-1&keywords=electroluminescent+tape+with+a%2Fc https://www.amazon.com/Bingirl-Electroluminescent-Cuttable-Panel-Inverter/dp/B019GWSTC8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1479419665&sr=8-1&keywords=electroluminescent+sheet http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Attach-or-Reattach-EL-Tape-Electrolumine/?ALLSTEPS
  15. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    To me it sounds like they're doing you a favor and hopefully saving on shipping costs?
  16. I need to get a tackle box or something to put all the valk accessories in and get rid of my boxes... Hmm.... YetiStor(age) perhaps? YetiBox?
  17. http://www.surelight.com/el_panels/electroluminescent_panels_el_panels.htm try some EL strips maybe?
  18. I've generally enjoyed my MR sabers, but the rubber on the grip of my Vader saber started to chemically break down not long ago and has gone kinda gooey
  19. ^ Mr. Torgue and Brick would be proud
  20. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    @Roy those diorama buildings look awesome. Do they require glue or are they technically snap-fit? What material is it? On the topic of Bandai box art, their artwork on their 1/72 Star Wars models' boxes has also been amazing. I've just recently started trying to collect those.
  21. ZorClone

    Hi-Metal R

    Ditto, lol. That's literally $100 less than I paid for it shipped from HLJ. I guess you could turn them into the most badass and expensive book-ends ever? Maybe I'll get a 2nd and sandwich my Robotech books between them xD I'm really on the fence about getting this too... I've always wanted a nice Voltron but I've yet to pull the trigger.
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