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Everything posted by Bri

  1. MF simply includes the high school centric romance drama because it's needed for commercial viability. This list http://www.mania.com/aodvb/showthread.php?p=1972211#post1972211 contains the best selling TV anime since 2000. Most of it is late night and pretty much all of it centers on characters in high school plus magic/sci-fi/supernatural/fantasy/mecha. Most of it contains fan service to some degree. Anime aimed at other markets like cinema or specialist TV-channels or blocks can be quite different. The noitamina block until recently had quite artistic shows that were aimed at a wider audience. As Shaorin brings up, MF isn't so much sexualized as it is tacky at times. This is not necessarily an element of late night anime and is a deliberate choice of the creative staff as Macross is an original production. Staff wise Yasuhito Kikuchi and Hiroyuki Hoshino are credited as the director and the writer responsible for the story composition and screenplay. Their resumes are kind of revealing: Aquarion, Gundam Seed, Codegeass, Seikon no Quasar, Dance in the Vampire Bund, Infinite Stratos etc. Succesfull works but not really subtle. Satelight has delivered far more restrained works like the recent Moretsu Pirates or Croisée in a Foreign Labyrinth. We just had the good/bad fortune to get a "Micheal Bay"-ish team assigned to Frontier.
  2. I agree for the most part but Frontier especially suffers from hamfisted attempts at inserting fanservice that just fail to be either funny or erotic. Even pantsu humor has standards. Probably. Fans who feel that more fictional "realism" and gritty storytelling equals better Macross will never warm to the later sequels. That discussion seems to dominate any attempt at discussing the relative strengths and weakness of individual Macross properties.
  3. I would replace "too Japanese" with simply "niche". Anime characters are increasingly designed to appeal to what the fans like, not as to what would appeal to a wider audience. Gravitas changes over time. Macross series have used fears (real or part of popular fiction) that were in vogue at the time of production. SDFM reflected on the end of the world at a time when the cold war could turn hot at any moment. Plus is heavily influenced by cyberpunk, Zero uses the fears of terrorism at the turn of the century, arguably Macross 7's protodevlin tied in with the renaissance of the supernatural in the 90s and Frontier runs with the corporate abuse. The current generation of viewers will have a different perspective on what is frightening from those who watched at the time when SDFM was new. hmm, only Basara was a chosen one, or more to the point, a messiah. Alto had no more impact on Frontier's storyline than Hikaru had on SDFM's.
  4. I don't think Macross was that influential. Most is derived from Anno and eroge games. 'though...go back far enough and everything can be blamed on Go Nagai. He who gave us filth
  5. Nice, bit like old school london garage in slow motion. Unrelated, some kid who spend to much time in a gym going crazy on a few buckets.
  6. I agree that it's a healthy development for a franchise. Still I can understand that some old time fans get a bit riled by the tropes and archetypes of modern anime being introduced to Macross. or Dynamite 7 stretched to a normal, one cour, yuri fanservice show?
  7. True, but you can argue that Frontier was the first Macross that played the character goods side of merchandising as much as the mecha. Character marketing is pretty much the norm for late night anime.
  8. Yes, but my motives are different. By now Macross is an alternate history. It makes little sense to me that a society who has been reverse engineering protoculture technology since 1999 is still at the same tech level as us in consumer electronics etc. In an updated Macross I'd go with a 2010ish world filled with what for our time would be futuristic tech.
  9. His last words to his wife: "Je sens qu’il se passe quelque chose... Je sens que je transmute... Il faut que tu me donnes les codes de réparation..." a true character to the last.
  10. What's wrong with Skycrawlers? It's been a while since I've seen it but I thought it was quite good.
  11. Hmm, suppose Satelight would plan a remake of SDF Macross for TV, what would be possible under the current conditions? Every Macross show has to a certain degree been influenced by sponsors, format and type audience.Currently I think there would be three options: 1) Shonen evening or saturday morning show: 4 cour season (+/- 49 ep). Focus on coming of age story of male protagonist (immature Hikaru). Focus on plot and action over character development, animation quality: low to medium budget, lot of attention for the mecha (toy sales). Strict limits on mature themes and romance. Something between Gundam Age and Gundam Seed 2) Late night anime: 2 cour (+/- 26 ep): Focus on character interaction and love triangle over plot, high school boy and girl as main characters, (Hikaru and Minmay as classmates, Misa teacher?). Animation quality medium to high, significant role for mecha as part of merchandising. Expect otaku cliche character types and fanservice. See Macross Frontier. 3) Anime for specialized animation block or channel: 1 or 2 cour (+/- 13 or 26 ep): Psychological drama, probably a seikai-kei. Troubled male or female lead (Hikaru or Misa?). Animation quality medium, mecha only there to serve plot. Lot's of dialogue scenes to save budget. Something like Guilty Crown or Eden of the East mixed with the tone of Macross Zero. Every option has some pro and cons and would highlight or even expand a part of the original but it won't be the same.
  12. Speaking of beatboxers
  13. Black subdues the visual lines of a car, big no no for me. For a charger I'd go with something bright and a black hood. Not too thrilled about the purple but I think the sublime looks great.
  14. Amazon.jp , CDJapan and HMV.co.jp mostly.
  15. Ah ok. People still have experiences with diesels of an older design? My girlfriend drives a current Toyota Aygo with a 1.4 diesel, doesn't smell any different than my own gas powered Scirocco. Cept at the pump ofc.
  16. Is that why diesels aren't as popular in the US for family cars? Wondered about that one, the greater efficiency, durability and torque of that type of engine seems ideal for American conditions.
  17. Trek movies just don't cut it for me. Most of the time the series catch Roddenberry's optimistic view on the future better. Yes, even Voyager. Abram's ST's plot sucked, but at least it looked good and had pace while doing so. If the price of a decent reboot is getting rid of all the canon, so be it. It was weighing down the franchise.
  18. Yes, the style is normally used for lighthearted material like slice-of-life, anime based on 4-koma gag comics and kid shows. Currently it can be seen in Pretty Cure a magical girl series for children. That mix between cute and dark caught the viewers off guard. Imagine if something like this happened in My Little Pony in the US. The creators purposely brought in mangaka Ume Aoki of Hidemari Sketch, who also did the character designs for Shafts anime version. See for example : http://wiki.puella-magi.net/ANN_Interview_Atsuhiro_Iwakami
  19. The character design in Madoka Magica is Puni Plush style. Character's are more curvy and deformed than the common angular bishoujo style. Both styles can be used to evoke a feeling of moe but don't have to. For example Gundam AGE uses puni plush while Macross Frontier has bishoujo, neither is series is considered moe. In case of Madoka the choice is for this style helped the plot twist. Before broadcast the general expectation was that Madoka would be a normal cutesy magical girl series similar to Shinbo's last magical girl project: Nanoha.
  20. Currently watching: Another - high school horror mystery, pretty good so far. PA Works product, so it looks solid. Nisemonogatari - sequel to Bakemonogatari. Dialog heavy supernatural harem show given the Shaft artistic treatment. Love the sound track and the banter. Mauretsu Pirates - Space show with nice slow build up, unfortunately a bit too much otaku cliche stuff thrown in but still enjoyable. Rinne no Lagrange - Nice looking mecha anime, up-beat tone but fairly dense characters Black Rock Shooter - Two worlds interacting, what is real. Reminds me a bit of Munto. Senhime Zesshou Symphogear - Only seen one episode. High tech magical girl show it seems, bit of a Birdy the Mighty touch to it. Gundam Age - The latest return to the basics, and more kid (read PTA) friendly Gundam. Not bad, few nice new twists. Guilty Crown - Left over from autumn. Not seen much yet. Seems like a seikai-kei story, bit odd to see one in the Noitamina block. Plot seems a bit of a mess. Might need to watch it in one go at some point. Production IG show, so it looks the part. Pretty good haul for the winter season. Lot more variation lately in tv-anime in comparison to the drought of 2008-2010.
  21. Basara was definitely in to Emilia before he found out she was Mylene's older sister. Besides who'd any guy want to have as his wingman, a hotshot jock who'd hit anything with a skirt, or a rockstar chick magnet with discerning taste?
  22. Basara and Isamu are similar in the sense that both live for their passion and are both a bit lacking in social graces. Difference is that Basara's passion is music rather than flying and his piloting skills are just a means to an end. Basara as a character shares traits with the classic hotblooded pilot type like Koji Kabuto and the more brooding anti-heroes in mecha of the late 90s and 2000s. Isamu is a typical baddass character and shows how dated Plus is. In modern anime a main protagonist like that would be a girl while Myung would be the completely average guy character. Gender role reversal from post-2k otaku anime kicking in.
  23. How does that make Basara and Macross 7 any different from the other Macross shows? They are all kind of ridiculous. Frontier pushed the envelope of believability at least a far as M7 ever did.
  24. It's not too different from a journalist taking pictures or filming during combat. They may seem out of place in the middle of a battle but their work can influence a war. In Macross it's a musician. Basara is out there with full permission of fleet command. As for waking the pretty alien girl, well that's just narrative causality at work...
  25. The thinness is further exaggerated by the relatively small heads, but both figures have very nice poses. Curious as well what the fully painted version will look like. She doesn't mind out there, it's more a case not liking the looks of most of the Sheryl figures so far. We both collect figures and have limited space, so we both agreed to have a say in what get's bought. In the end she buys more then I do, so I use the veto more often.
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