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Everything posted by Bri

  1. Literal translations can also take away that choice from the reader/viewer. A literal translation cannot convey emotions, meanings, cultural contexts etc that are implied but not written down in the original text and are understood by the native speaker. Adding that into footnotes only postpones the interpretation part but results in a less readable text. Worse, literal translations can actually change the meaning of what is said as certain word combinations have different meanings or evoke different feelings in different languages. For example if I were to ask some one to close a door for me in my own native language the literal English translation would be like this: Close the door. It is a neutral message in my language but for a English native speaker in this would come across as a command and downright rude. A translator would understand the difference and translate it like: Would you mind closing the door, please. Which is far closer to the original intent of the message. It becomes even more troublesome by adding in footnotes for every change like this, as it would make the text unreadable and more suited for academic scholars then someone trying to watch an anime.
  2. During the late 40s the development of jets went into overdrive. Some models were obsolete by the time they entered service cause of quantum leaps in technology. Assuming scientists were still digging up the secrets of over-technologie from the SDF-1 Macross during the development of the VF-0 and VF-1. Its quite possible that by the time the VF-0 was ready the things learned made it completly obsolete compared to the VF-1 on every front. It may just not have been worth to update them and scrapping them might have been a cheaper option.
  3. Not that surprising that May'n would cite Kylie as an influence. Kylie Minogue has had a three decade long carreer as an artist. Reinvented herself as a performer in the late nineties at a point when her carreer seemed dead. May'n has a better voice but that only a part in all the things you need to become an international star. Whether you like Kylies singing or not she has been around for a long time and is an international star with several albums and hit singles to her name. That's not an easy feat to accomplish. Certainly not in a country like Japan where starlets generally have short carreer life spans.
  4. Saw the first episode, designs and pacing did not disappoint. The cast did not grab me as much as those of Crest of the Stars did but it's promissing enough to keep following.
  5. With the exception of Alto and Cathy I like the main cast. For me the triangle never really worked as I totally can't relate to Alto. I found Ranka much more interesting. The series would have been better if Ranka had been the male lead instead of Alto. The love triangle would have been between him, Sheryl and Klan Klan . A more equal mach up imo. Klan has much of the charm that Misa had in SDFM and she is my fav from Mac F.
  6. I liked the BGM of Macross Zero aswell, partly cause its so similar in many respects to one of my favourite movies The thin Red line. Which also has a very distinct yet introvert soundtrack. As for the connection Kawamori and Kanno. Plus and Frontier proved they work well together. I do love their work on both of these series. However I would not credit them solely for the music in Macross. Ishiguro was the chief director on SFDM and he has a background in music. His input on SDFM may have been responsible for the major role of music in Macross.
  7. I would definitly go for any Zentradi mecha.
  8. The blend of CG and 2d animation was one of the best I have seen sofar in anime. Animation quality has varied quite a bit during the series. I don't really care about that, for the most part is was really good to superb. Doubt they had a massive budget to work with. Tbh I would love to know what kind of money was used to make Frontier. I feel the pacing is a bit off but can't really comment on it yet as I watched the series weekly per episode. A marathon session soon will sort that.
  9. That is quite likely. Judging by what I can see about their corporate info, both Studio Satelight and BWA seem prety small firms. Would seem pretty odd to me if they didn't try to capitalise on that succes by making a sequal or spin-offs.
  10. Could it be that the SDF designation is a mission name like STS for the space shuttle missions? For example SDF-4 would have been the name for the third Megaload class mission and Macross Frontier is SDF-25. Macross is a both a class name and a ship type. The ship type is a transformable battleship (like Macross Quarter is still a Macross type ship) but if a colony vessel is attached to a transformable battleship it shares the Macross classification (hence Macross 7). This is a bit confusing but its similar to the HMS Dreadnought which was the lead ship of the Dreadnought class. Other battleships of different classes would still be called dreadnoughts even if they weren't Dreadnought class ships. In this case the Global is a Macross type ship of the Macross class. Battle Frontier and Battle Seven are Macross type ships but of a different class (New Macross Class carrier). Edit: updated with Redwolfs info
  11. hmm, Mao Nome was the formost researcher on proto culture. What if she followed Shin and Sarah to the Varija planet? That shot of the throne of the Varija resembles the cockpit of the birdman a bit to much. Kawamori loves to play around with Mac Zero references in this episode. Would be a shocker if Shin and Sarah would still be around. Doubt they will make an apearance but but there is something with the whole Nome connection.
  12. Hydrogen can be stored in metal composites. In theory you can store more hydrogen in a gallon of composite then in a gallon of pure liquid hydrogen. The priciple revolves around removing the electron from the hydrogen atom and saturating the composite. It removes the need for elaborate crogenic storage facilities. The technology is still in it's infancy but we about talking future tech here anyway.
  13. It's midnight and Cinderella's magic spell has worn off indeed. This has been an episode about deception and appearances. Much has happened. To much for me to make sense of now so just some random thoughts: Alto is an actor by nature. And his brother makes him question his motives. Or is he? I get the feeling that Altos brother hints him not to do as he is told and not to believe Leon’s and the SMS chief’s story that he has to fight and kill to save everyone. Leon explains the nature of the Varija. Ranka explains the same thing to Brera. Breras conclusion: human and Varija can not co-exist? Ranka says they can, but gets caught of before she can explain the viewers why the Varija are not the enemy. If Ranka knows about the true nature of the Varijas hive mind why does she trust Aikun? Grace seems to be the master manipulator of events. Is she going Sharon Apple on the Varija? Hmm, Ranka, Brera and their mother interact peacefully on a planet with the Varija in the past before the SDF-4 goes up in fire. Doesn’t look like the evil bugs they are made out to be. I'm convinced now that the Varija infection is not lethal. I'm guessing that the medicine is a poison to kill of anyone reaching the final stage of the infection that allows contact with the Varija. Wonder if Luca knows, I think Sheryl has suspicions. Luca as the evil doctor, now there is a funny twist. Ranka’s paper plane gets flies and gets caught by Aikun/Varija. Sheryl’s plane rises and falls. Is this a death marker or a feint? I’m not placing too much importance on the roof scene; Sheryl drops in late on the conversation and only hears part of it. Alto fought to protect Ranka and Klan is touched by that. Sheryl takes it the wrong way. More important imo: Massive build up of sympathy for Sheryl in the early scenes, the poor orphan staring at a family dinner from the cold. Alto says yes to the request of the semi drunk/sleeping Sheryl to stay with her forever. To stay with the fairy tale comparison: is Sheryl Cinderella or the Little Match Girl (brothers Grimm)?
  14. What an incredible piece of work, well done!. Out of curiosity how big is the 1/5000 setup? Can't really get a sense of the real life size of the display from the pictures.
  15. The revised proposal is even more interesting so a definit yes from me. In a fighter mode 2 things I would really value: 1) Retractable landing gear to be able to display the fighter in flight and on the ground 2) Detachable payloads and Fast/Super Packs If the price is equal or lower then those of the battroids, it's fine for me. The paintjobs and models of the GNU-batroids are excellent. One option I'd love to see is a GNU 3-model-package deal which includes a fighter, battroid and gerwalk model. Say for roughly 2 times the price of a battroid.
  16. I'd definitely buy several of the fighters. Would be great if the line would include some of the less common models like a VF-4, VF22, VF-5000 etc.
  17. I constantly have to correct myself from matching the Frontier characters to the SDFM crew. Kawamori tempts you to do that all the time and then has a little mindfart with your expectations, by letting things happen a little different then expected. For example in Frontier the "Max" type dies instead of the "Roy", the "Minmay" type loses the Miss Macross contest etc. Kawamori hasn't let the characters do anything unlikely but he plays with our perspective. If you look at the triangle then I can't get the Alto-Sheryl -Ranka triangle to work in my mind like the Hikaru-Misa-Minmay one. Alto has been positioned as the Hikaru of the series, but what if he is not? Imo he is most Minmay of the triangle. What if Ranka is the real Hikaru? She has confidance issues like Hikaru. She confesses her love to Alto who saw her as a sister for a while. Ranka is also growing up fast by being witness to the acts of war. Both essential elements of the SDFM Hikaru. Alto is not really changing, he is distracted by his inability to get control of the situation and his relationship with Sheryl (who would then be the "Linn Kaifun" type, a disturbing comparison to say the least.) and goes through an emotional meat grinder. Basically Alto's job is to shut up and fly like Minmay was to sing. But then who is the Misa? Cathy looks like her but has not got the Misa role. Imo it would be Brera, but he never gets enough screen time to develop in to a Misa like character, although Misa and Brera seem to share similar character traits. Sheryl has now taken parts of Misa on but she is not the same. I think there was a mention that Sheryls role was expanded from the role she was originally meant to have. Suppose Ranka was the real lead character and Brera and Alto were to be her love interests then she would grow over the self obsessed Alto and go for the tragic other character if we follow the SDFM story line. But now Sheryl has become the second love interest which complicates things. Ranka being the Hikaru chosing Sheryl (now the Misa)? I don't see that happen(would be a total surpise though ). If Alto remains loyal to the Minmay character he will lose both, like Minmay lost both Hikaru and Linn Kaifun. The real problem with the comparison is Sheryl. She is the wild card as she has changed completly from her SDFM counterpart. In that sense all bets are off and the triangle can go either way.
  18. Hmm, not many movies I'd feel ashamed about from the 80s but these would do: -The adventures of Buckaroo Banzai across the 8th dimension -Karate Kid -Flodder (Dutch movie about one of the most anti-social families in film history) -Cherry 2000 -Miami Super Cops (or any other Terrence Hill/Bud Spencer movie of the era) -Canonball Run
  19. In the short run I expect an OVA and a maybe a movie about Frontier. After that... then it's anyone's guess. If Frontier is very succesfull, Big West may ask for more Macross. But Kawamori seems to have full control over the franchise and he can't be rushed. On the one hand I dread having to go cold turkey again for another 5 years or so but on the other hand a Gundam like franchise that poors out crappy series is not really an option either. I think I'll side with Gubaba on this: as long as SK makes sure its new, good and long I'll be happy when ever it comes.
  20. Not sure if Alto will be able to get either girl. Sheryl is starts to resemble Alto's mom more and more, strong but fragile by disease. It's quite possible she wont make the end of the series. Ranka regained her memories and she seems to mature at a rapid pace. It's possible she will have outgrown her crush on Alto aswell. I have trouble relating to the Alto character so am kind of indifferent about who he ends up with.
  21. What an episode, wow. Just finished the GG sub. The scene that got me was the captain showing that he doesn't just look like an older version of Harlock but he's the real deal by pulling off an Arcadia. Great homage to the lift off scene in "Waga seishun no Arcadia"/"Arcadia of my youth". Klan watching like queen Esmeraldas did. Even the music used is a perfect interpretation of the original. This scene alone already made the episode for me. For the rest some nice developments as the story kicks in high gear. So many things happen. Frontier seems to be running towards a spectacular finale.
  22. The trailer and designs reminds me of late 80s early 90s anime. That and the Mikimoto designs are enough reason for me to go watch it. In the end a space opera gets carried by the story so here is me hoping.
  23. True, his origens or motivations are never truly explained, but does it really matter? Basara's unpredictability is part of the character. The more you define him the more he will lose that. His actions usually lead other characters to respond or comment and his actions set events in motion. In real life I can like or dislike a person without knowing much about their background so why should it be much different with an anime character?
  24. Hey there, hadn't noticed this thread before. I'm from the Netherlands aswell. Down south from Breda. Most of the Macross merchandise I was able to buy was either through the Labyrinth gaming stores (diamond distribution) and Van de Nieuwenhuizen modelbouw in Rotterdam. The Okura hotel in Amsterdam has (or had) a Japanse book store. Bought some art books there long ago. Been to space oddity a few times aswell. But prices and waiting times have made me switch to internet (HLJ ftw).
  25. I just like Basara. He is a free spirit without much interest in what others think of him. The character doesn't development much as he knows who he is and what he wants and doesn't conform to other peoples standards. He reminds me in some ways of Isamu Dyson, who is Basaras military counterpart. Much like Macross Plus and Macross 7 are at the opposite end of the spectrum. M7 is mostly about the daily lives of the cast and the action seems like an afterthought. M+ on the other hand is pure mecha love, imo the real triangle in M+ are the YF19, the YF21 and Sharon Apple. The characters are just some scrubs to further the plot device . Took me a while to fully apreciate M7. Before I had seen SDFM, DYRL and Plus so the series came as something of a shock. It's slow, a lot less serious and had few cool Valks. But on the bright side it has great character designs (Mikimoto fan here), it gives a lot of background information about the Macross universe and the music is great. In short if you can live with little mecha action, are not in a hurry and don't mind the sillyness, then M7 can very enjoyable.
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