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Everything posted by Bri

  1. You literally have hunderds of companies working on a single aerospace project. It's not realistic to expect data streams between those companies to run over networks that are physically separate from the internet.
  2. Bri

    yamato's next move

    Wonder if there is any future for non-canon repaints, first reactions seem to favour the VF-22S heavily over the new VF-19 repaints.
  3. I'm already sold on the VF-22S, hopefully Basara's VF-19P and Mylenes VF-11 will follow
  4. Over the top 80s anime songs Like a greasy snack you shouldn't touch.... But it's SO GOOD!!
  5. Erm, you had time to care about editing with Mila Jovovich around?
  6. I'm not going to name some obscure B-movies. From the A-list: Worst of all: Star Trek 5 The Final Frontier: the less said the better. Worst Sequel: Matrix Revolutions: Only time in the cinema I have seen the audience get really angry at the crappiness of a film.
  7. Curious if anyone knows who sang "Banana Moon Love" in Macross II?
  8. What I mean is how can a movie that relies on say over-the-top, silly violent action like we have seen in Resevoir Dogs or Kill Bill work in a WO II setting while you know that anything that is done in that movie pales to what happened close by? Just gives a bit of a hmmm feeling. Movies like dirty dozen and such worked a few decades back, but now, I dont know. Movies like say Saving Private Ryan, Stalingrad and the Pianist changed the perception of that time.
  9. Don't see how this movie is going to work. Over the top violence in a world war two setting? That's a self-contradiction if I ever heard one.
  10. That discussion is in the Yamato 1/60 v.2 Roy Focker thread. VF-1S TV
  11. Bri

    VF-2SS site

    Very nice clean website and some great works of modelbuiding shown, well done.
  12. REC: romance between an office worker and a seiyu. Il était une fois l'Espace: some of the most beautiful space ship designs I've ever seen and a great opening song.
  13. I really don't care to much for the scale. My priority is with the SDFM toys. So I have a mix of both 1/48s and 1/60s. It still annoys me to no end that there is no VF-1S Skull-001 TV. I'd buy that immediatly whatever the scale.
  14. The Alter one is gorgeous but the price is higher then I am to prepared to pay for a non transformable mecha. I would if it was a very well done Kaname or Sousuke, FMP is more about the characters then the mecha for me. Too bad there are very few good figures for FMP in general. Leaves the Aoshima kits and the Robot spirits line. Similar price range but 1/48 and selfbuilding versus 12 cm(1/72?) and finished. hmm, I'll probably end up buying the Damashii line with the 1/72 VF25s still on the shelf to build.
  15. And one that isn't in her 40s.
  16. Wonder how things T3 and TSCC will tie into the new movie. Sort of hoping for a retcon of T3.
  17. And there comes my first DYRL toy, and I'd swore to stick to the TV versions, sigh...
  18. I hope for a retcon, the way X3 utterly destroyed the Phoenix Saga was almost criminal.
  19. I wonder what would happen if the movie against all odd becomes a succes. Will HG retain any merchandising rights in the WB deal? Alternatively would the WB designs be used for futher HG RT projects? That would open up the chance for Macross to be finally left alone (one can hope).
  20. Amazing that she is able to get information that fast in her long term memory. Normally, people have to practise reguarly to maintain their language skills. I thought that people who exchange words between languages easily are generally raised bi-lingually. They have one concept of language and words and see the words from both languages as synonyms. It's quite common with immigrant children here but they have to be careful not to mix grammar. Seperate languages is normal when one learned the primary language first and a second (or more) later. I guess that's the same for both of us. I can think in both Dutch and English altough switching between the two takes a second. Thing is that some character traits come across stronger in one language or the other. It's funny when I hear from others that I act differently when I speak one language or the other, heh. Also mental conditioning from childhood does not transfer between languages which is great fun. Essentially I find I can say things in one language that I would have a hard time saying in my mother tongue. To get back on topic I hope to be able to think in Japanese in a while too. That is the big step between passive and active knowledge of a language. To that end seeing actors on television link words to actions (without subtitles) and gestures speeds the learning process up so much. The main problem for me sofar is the limitied vocabulary and that will require ye olde cramming from a textbook/dictionary.
  21. I consider any toy I have bought a sunk cost. It's not really collecting. So I open the package and transform the models reguarly. I fold out the boxes and store them in the attic. Not that my toys suffer much. While typing this I look at the G1 Dinobots across the room which I got for my 6th and 7th birthday, heh. Still fully intact altough the decals are slightly worn. So I'm sure my valks will last a while longer.
  22. That is certainly true, I just wonder if the native speaker like abilites aquired by children are due to an age based superior ability to aborb language details, or the fact they are being raised in a native speaker environment. Something an non-native adult can not easily copy. As a side note: I've met collegues who were former refugees from Vietnam who learned accentless Dutch from scratch in less then 2 years. They still have some problems adapting to certain situations but thats due to cultural differences not language. It's easy to correct a child when they do something that is socially unacceptable. Much harder it is to show that same honesty to a foreign adult for fear of offending. Oh yes, children do pick up things faster. My aim was to show it is still very usefull for adults to try and learn a new language as getting (close) to native level speaking level is hard but not impossible.
  23. Uguu~ *splats in to a tree*, so funny I counted the girl at school with the glasses. She has a serious crush on Shinkurou and does everything for him but he is to dense (or pretends to be) to notice. Then there is the university dropout who lives in the same house. Her interest is mostly superficial, and limited to sex, but still. And then the childhood friend and Murasaki (sort of).
  24. The mushiness and moe elements are no a problem at all, I love Tenchi Myu for example. Just had to get used to a cast where all the girls were ditzy (sofar) instead of just one. Yuuichi's (proto Kyon) sarcasm is a delight to watch. I don't use any kind of official definition. For me: one girl is a romance, two is a triangle and three+ is a harem. Shinkurou in Kurenai has 4 girls interested in him so that qualifies as harem for me. Kurenai is really all about character development and is pretty good at that. Unfortunatly I could not relate to any of the main cast and that lowered my enjoyment of the series a lot. Murasaki's background and story is rather common in the history of European aristocracy. It really had no shock value for me.
  25. The ability to learn languages as an adult is quite depended on the individual. Learning is a skill. As child you learn to learn as it were. The capacity to learn is rather similar to muscle usuage, it you don't use your brain to learn the ability becomes weaker over time. This is really were the current generations of say below 40 have an advantage over previous generations. When you stop learning, routine kicks in, the mind fixates, starts to specialise in what you already know and it becomes much harder to absorb new information after a while. Adults do retain the ability to learn languages fast. Some psychologists claim adults are even better at it then childern due to improved analytical skils and a greater awareness of figurative concepts and non-verbal communication. The advantage of young childern is really in the area of memory and time. Dedicated teacher like parents and school teachers plus not having to work for a living gives them so much extra time to work woth a language. This is why having a boy or girlfriend in the target language is so benificial. They act as a pseudo parent in the other language. The main pitfall ofr adults is motivation. They are aware of how much bloody work it is and may give up, a child has no such option.
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