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Everything posted by Bri

  1. Sometimes things change...
  2. Yes, you should. It has 14 episodes in season 1 and the first episode of season 2 has been made. hmm, it has a great bunch of characters, clever story telling and tons of plays on anime tropes. A hilariously sarcastic male lead (Tomokazu Sugita, he voiced Leon in Frontier). Haruhi can run circles around Basara when it comes to being a lovable jerk. Just check it out, I'm sure you'll like it. For first time watching I'd recommend the non linear viewing, the broadcast (aka) Kyon order. Also it is probably the most hyped anime (with accompanying obsessed fanbase) since NGE and it still manages not to disapoint. Heck it even started it's own religion...
  3. Well there are loads of great anime made, even recently but everything depends on what you like. Things like Mushi-shi, Infinite Ryvius, Dennou Coil, Planetes just to name a few are quite different from the teenage pilot in mecha series.
  4. What I am refering to was the folowing part: "The litigation in Japan involving Tatsunoko, Big West and Studio Nue does not affect Harmony Gold or its licensees. Harmony Gold is not a party to any legal proceedings. Furthermore, the lawsuit, which was tried in front of a Japanese court, only relates to rights in Japan. Since Harmony Gold’s worldwide rights to Macross exclude Japan, a Japanese judgment does not apply to us." The rights in question in Japan were the copyrights. Those extend to the US through the Berne convention so the article was incorrect in stating it was about Japanese rights only. The outcome of the lawsuit gave Tatsunoko economic rights to SDF Macross without those rights, HGs license would look different.
  5. Nope, the article is incorrect at best. HG has no copyright on Macross. Copyrights cannot be licensed under Japanese law. HG cannot have those rights, period. HG can have a license to distribute SDFM and has merchandising rights to SDFM and (supposedly) on DYRL at most. HG copyrighted the name Macross in several countries. I am not even sure if HG can edit the footage of the Macross saga at will without permission of the copyrightholders. Altough in HG's defence they can always claim that RT is a rather inacruate dub attempt.
  6. Surprising, so they did not decide how to end the triangle till they made the final arc. I recently rewatched Frontier whole and in a more relaxed setting then during the broadcast period. Frontier can be split up in two parts, the spacewar and political intrige with the Leon, Grace Glass family, Ozma and SMS crew on the one hand and the triangle with support cast. Focussing on the triangle: What suprised me was how much the triangle part resembles the "crying games" a story framework used for many early erogene games and popular high school anime. To illustrate: "Crying game" = comedic first half + heart-warming and dramatic middle + separation + emotional get together Ranka follow this development pattern perfectly: Moe clumsy girl in the first part, maturing and return of memory in second part, separation by taking of with Brera and get together with Alto in finale. Sheryl is slightly different: diva who mellows in first part, transformation into "ill girl" in second part. Alto staying with her during separation with Ranka, miraculous recovery in finale by Ranka. Alto: Empathic male lead who has to be there for the ladies when they go through drama hell. Lacks the sarcastic wit and sense of humor that is often part of male leads in high school drama anime. Micheal: Has Alto's missing character traits. My guess is the writers split up the typical male lead in two seperate entities but add Klan so Micheal can't get involved with the triangle. Comedic first part: Alto does not interact much with Ranka, she is still to much the clumsy moe girl type and Altos character can't interact with that. Scenes where a male is needed get filled by Michael. Sheryl and Alto have not to serious antagonistic friendship while Sheryls diva facade starts to break down. Ranka develops crush on Alto. Sheryl Ranka have a working big sister, younger sister relationship. heart-warming and dramatic middle: Ranka's career takes off, memories start to return and she becomes less upbeat, more serious. Alto starts to interact with her. Sheryl falll ill and her career goes down, enter the ill girl trope. Alto hits his stride as protector/friend. Micheal is no longer needed as Alto can deal with the girls in 'drama mode' and gets his moment to up the drama even more. separation Ranka can no longer fight the Varija and takes off with Brera. Alto promissed to stay with Sheryl. Sheryl goes into terminal stage and plans to go out in a blaze of moe. get together Evil grace puts the girls against eachother in the finale. Ranka gets reunited with Alto and Sheryl Sheryl drops but gets resurected by Ranka. End game with harem ending To me it seemed that the writers created a big sister/sempai relationship between Ranka and Sheryl. With Ranka slowly filling the boots of Sheryl after her illness. A twist on the original Hikaru/Roy relationship but now with idol singers sintead of pilots. It's not unlikely that Sheryl was meant to die in the original drafts of the story. The ill girl trope generally does not bode well for a character. But ratings and fansupport can go a long way. Note I am not endorsing shipping here, just pointing out the similarities between the plot of the triangle and high school drama anime like Air and Kanon. The Onogi thread had more then enough emotional content for that.
  7. DB L-E has a nice HD version out and I quite like their translation sofar. Not sure if I'll switch to afk.
  8. This thread alone is probably generating more traffic then the whole of the RT forums. There is some irony in that, somewhere.
  9. Don't think Macross 7 will ever be forgiven for what it is. A kids show where logic and analysis have no place. Its just a cartoon about a bunch of wacky characters set in the Macross universe. No complicated plot or impressive mecha action, just enjoyable rock music and great character animation and some nice background information on the Macross universe.
  10. Atomic watches synch with an atomic clock with radio signals. When Mikuru came out of stasis the watch synched to the correct time and date. Hence she knew it was three years later.
  11. The submersible aircraft carrier was not exactly a new concept to the anime audiences of the early 80s. A few years before Macross there was Blue Noah (aka Thundersub) which had a carrier/submarine that later was even refited to operate as a spaceship. Off course it is all based on Yamato but still the concept was there so I guess it was just a matter for establishing that the carrier could function in space and hook up to the Macross. Blue Noah
  12. The subs were really fast, first ones showed up 8 hours or so after broadcast. But yea, I bet they will charge double for effectively only half a new season. And they are gonna make you smile while they take your money
  13. Ah ok, now it's clear. Definitly the TV version.
  14. Sorry, don't quite get it. Are we talking about kakizaki's valks or kaki colored cfs?
  15. Seen all the animation sofar. Haven't seen anything of the games. Doubt I can be bothered to go through them just to get the storylines.
  16. This misconception is the source of the financial crisis.
  17. These days SDFM once a year. Macross 7, DYRL and FB2012 every 2 years or so. MII and Zero occasionally. Just started on third time on Frontier. Macross Plus twice, once as OVA and movie. These days I just I just watch the Valkyrie and music scenes of Plus and fast-forward the rest.
  18. It depends on the housing market conditions. Rent is cheaper then a mortgage for a comparable house so you can put the difference away on a savings account or invest them in bonds or the like. If house prices are unstable or sliding, rent will be safer and more profitable. Still house ownership is in general more profitable in the long term but it's more risky and leaves you with less cash to bun in the early years of a mortgage. At the moment houses have been overvalued and prices are on a downward trend. Lot of my friends are stuck with mortages on houses they bought when the prices were high and now they can't sell them unless they are prepared to take a big loss on the sale.
  19. Yes, this is the "predicted" list on Anime Suki, courtesy of Kaisos Erranon. Melancholy I Melancholy II Melancholy III Melancholy IV Melancholy V Melancholy VI Boredom Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody Mysterique Sign Lone Island Syndrome I Lone Island Syndrome II Endless Eight Sighs I Sighs II Sighs III Episode 00 Live Alive Day of Sagittarius Someday in the Rain Disappearance I Disappearance II Disappearance III Disappearance IV Disappearance V Charmed at First Sight LOVER Snow Mountain Syndrome I Snow Mountain Syndrome II Where Did the Cat Go? New episodes italicized.
  20. 14 to 28 but yes, it's an extended first season. The new episodes are mixed in. First one now is Ep8 Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody, next one is expected in 4 weeks or so. The rerun is in chronological order not the original one.
  21. And it's confirmed. Second season Haruhi Sazumiya mixed through the rerun of the first. Rather insane marketing campain ends.
  22. I would guess that the difference between Macross Ace and SDFM is mainly the personal development of Haruhiko Mikimoto's artstyle. I doubt he would imitate the later Macross shows. They all are pretty lacking in character design. Frontier being the worst of the bunch. Mikimoto did the character designs for SDFM, DYRL, and M7. Together with Akemi Takada and Yoshikazu Yasuhiko he dominated character design in the 80s and early 90s. These three have pretty much created the looks for every major character in mecha anime from UC Gundam to Macross to Patlabor and Gunbuster. Plus uses the edgy sharp style of the 90s. Not sure who started that. First time I noticed it was on Fatal Fury by Masami Obari.
  23. Episode 7 withSubs is out now. The series is starting to show more character development. Episode sets up for the Darcsen/Valkyria background.
  24. Ep07 I got the feeling this episode was made for Niike. Not bad, but the whole the officials trying to steal the street sport felt a bit like a "Just do it" commercial.
  25. Nice pics, thanks krespy. Glad to see the character animation is improved for the movie.
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