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Everything posted by Bri

  1. This looks pretty amazing, Microsofts project Natal: Natal
  2. hehe yep, that's about right. I know it sounds dull but I felt it fit the story as moment of tranquility amid the storm. Pete did pose a rather intruiging question which mecha each member of the SOS san would pilot. Keeps running through my heads so here's my vote: Haruhi: Is more Bombaa then Nekki and can play a guitar while doing something else so a VF-19 Fire Valkyrie. Kyon: The one normal person who ends up doing the grunt work but gets the job done while making a big mess: Leona Ozaki's "Bonaparte" Yuki: What else but Eva Unit 00 Itsuki: Hmm an ESPer would need a psycho frame. A RX-93 Nu Gundam. Mikuru: The girl that could give Noriko a run for her money on the gainax bounce: Buster Machine 7
  3. I applaud your translating efforts and zeal to get to the bottom of things Gubaba. But would it be weird as to just send an email to studio Satelight and ask them?
  4. She is not really the subject of the scene I feel, she just blends in to the clubroom as if she was part of it. The whole episode is a bit of a day in the life of the SOS-dan. The rain, the slow pace the back ground noise the different camera angles. Just like an outsider looking in. I think it is also a Miyazaki homage. The final scene with Haruhi and Kyon is brilliant. Aye, reminded me a lot of the hospital, elevator and train scenes in evangelion aswell. Aye, quite a few eva references in the series. Subtle ones like the rail road crossing or more blunt ones, later on. But better not to spoil those. Just wait till Days of Saggetarius. "Gund**** Hashiin!"
  5. Guess tastes differ , I loved Someday in the rain for it's atmospheric mood.
  6. Can't decide which is more trashy looking, the Beemer or the girl...
  7. So true, Totoro is exceptional movie making by any standard.
  8. Technological patents is not the same thing as copyrights on an anime though and involves far larger sums of money. As said earlier in the thread we don't know much about BW's stance on all of this and if they are even interested in opposing the movie should it contain Macross story elements. Other then stating that they own the rights to the mecha designs and characters have they ever made any statement at all concerning HG and distribution? Also wouldn't the WB legal department check on this anyway before they even start working seriously on the project?
  9. Yea, that's about it. Bilrer wants to meet Minmay. He mentions something along the lines of "accross space and time", time travel or fold or anything else are just ideas how he could meet a young Minmay, 45 years or so after she disappeared. But don't look to deep into it, it's just a teaser for the long time fans.
  10. Do you have anymore information on that? I've read in an interview with Yune that HG would be prepared to cooperate with bringing Macross sequels on the US market. However HG actually innitiating contact with BW and a subsequent refusal by BW is new to me.
  11. Time is slowed during folds. Something like a factor 7 to 10-ish maybe more. If the Megaroad1 had been stuck in a fold fault or made a really long distance fold, the crew would have aged only a few years by 2059. Minmay would be in her mid-twenties.
  12. That pic was originally a reaction to levels of violence being a measure of adult content, not a quality comparison between these anime. Personally I prefer lucky star and Gurren Lagan from that picture. Both take a stab at the their own genre in a refreshing way. As a side note, the dislike of anime fans for anything out of their own corner will never cease to amaze me. Whether it's shonen, mecha, high school, moe or whatever. For example mecha was voted to be the mosted hated genre on the aniway forums. Why? The argument: all mecha is the same, it's boring and humanoid robots are silly ...sigh, kids(including adult ones) these days
  13. "Two sections and supporting ground staff make up a flight" See section under Wiki page Hierarchy of Airforces
  14. Thanks for translating those notes Gubaba and Renato.
  15. Shame you got a slight spoiler with Bamboo leaf, but the in-movie-movie thing in episode 00 should still be hilarious altough Mikuru's true nature is now no longer a surprise. The next two episodes set up the rest of the story nicely.
  16. In Macross fighter squadrons are made up of several groups of three. I don't know how many aircraft would be in a valkery squadron but if we compare it to real world fighter squadrons then somewhere between 12 and 24 would be realistic. In episode 19 Hikaru leads Skull squadron on a sortie and you can see 18 planes in flying away which may or may not be the correct number. Yes, Hikaru got command of Skull squadron when Roy died. Max and Kakizaki were still part of his group until Kakizaki died. In episode 20 the Macross takes aboard (green) replacement pilots send by the UN so a lot of veterans got promoted. Max for example got promoted to 1st Lt. and got his own group. Focker might have been the CAG of the Macross, not sure if a luitenant like Hikaru was allowed to take that position over right away. Doesn't seem to likely that Hikaru was the second most experienced pilot left alive after Roy. Other squadron commanders must have come first. Alto Micheal and Luca are a group in SMS skull squadron but Michael and Luca have special roles so they don't act like a typical 3 man group in Macross. Ozma should have his own three man team but we don't get to see much of those two CF pilots.
  17. hehe, I'm not surprised. Plus and Fatal Fury have the same character designer It's a bit of a hate it or love it thing I guess. Love Mikimotos newer work on Tytania it really has that classic Mikimoto feel to it.
  18. They'd have to do something really amazing with it to make me want one. I can get 3 VF-1 for the price of a YF19 and I am not a particular fan of the design. Might scoop one up if the new colors cause its price to drop.
  19. Opened the box of mine today. Some paint chipping on the left black and yellow fin on the leg upon inspection. Shoulders were fine, no stressmarks, nor after transformation.
  20. Nope, but they are extremely popular with families and lease companies. As the majority of large cars are leased for tax reasons everyone and their dog is driving a stationwagon over here. That Panemera is probably going to do very well.
  21. Afaik there is no information at all why Nagaru Tanigawa is not producing any new novels. Rumours include rights issues, writers block, illnes etc. He has not released any other projects since Haruhi volume 9. But if you have any sources on a rights issues, do share, would be great to get some answers if there are any. The second season as predicted by the people from Suki Season 1 and 2
  22. Oh dear... On the list of "Worst idea's ever proposed on Macross World", I wonder where introducing Pete to Haruhiism is going to end up...
  23. No mention of it in the German news. Only source seems to be that Croatian site, so it looks like the story is made up.
  24. I understand your point but can you really compare the 80s anime to the current material? The 80s material was mostly TV based, needed ratings to keep their advertisers and sponsors happy so went for a wide appeal. Post 2k anime needs to sell 10,000+ DVDs and some merchandise, in short it is niche marketing. The current market is more diverse but has lower relative prodcution values. Take the example of Macross Frontier, it was a anniversary anime that took elements from all it's predecessors. It was a commercial succes but was not as good as SDFM in an artistic sense, but then that was never the aim as a sequel. That does not mean there isn't recent anime that can compare to SDFM. Eureka 7 can go toe-to-toe with SDFM and walk away unscathed. Mecha themed anime and space operas certainly are far less common then in their heydays but to say that anime as a whole is worse, I don't know. I can still find plenty of good anime from both decades. Some genres that do not rely on high production values have flourished post 2k. Slice-of-life for example has created absolute gems like Aria, Haibane Rinmei, Honey and Clover and Nodame Cantibile just to name a few. If there was a period where anime was weak then it was the mid-nineties where the industry struggled to survive the change of format.
  25. oh my, that just made my evening, thanks Mr March
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