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Everything posted by Bri

  1. I would disagree. Cathy cites Leon's ambition as his main quality unlike Ozma's who lives for flying and his sister. In honesty Cathy is in many ways more like Minmay, immature, self confidant, selfish, she even took part in a MissMacross contest. The fact she realises that Ozma is a good guy is more of a sign of growing up then anything else. Just shows that age and maturity are not the same thing. As a good Macross character she comes to see the folly of her ways and turns around. Misa has a far stricter code of honor. Not really suprising as Misa has been raised by a soldier in stead of a politician It was a theme in Frontier to make members of the cast look like a character from (or have a similar role as in) SDFM but has the character traits of another. Clearly Michael is portayed as Max but has Roy's character. Similarly Ranka plays Minmay but has Hikaru's personality. Cathy looks like Misa but has Minmays traits. Klan is Micheal's Millia but is really Claudia.
  2. Interesting comparison you make between Misa and Minmay. Question is how much this difference is due to personality and not age. Minmay is still a teenager throughout SDFM and has the typical fickle and selfcentered mindset of that age. Misa is in her early 20s and has learned through personal tragedies that life is not all about ones self. Still Minmay is not incapable of compassion either, for example she notices that Hikaru is down and asks Roy to tallk to him. Signs she does deeply care for Hikaru. The choice between Minmay and Misa is mainly between girl and woman, not so much between their characters. As a small side step. I've always seen Cathy as a cruel joke on Misa. Cathy is a more ambitious and confident version of Misa but without the compassion. Resulting her in dumping her pilot boyfriend for the faster rising political star. Makes me wonder which is the more realistic version and if there is some bitterness of the writers involved.
  3. Thank you dreamweaver13, for a well written and thoughtfull essay on the SDFM triangle. RT's portrayal of Minmay has done so much damage to the perception of the character. I went through the same experience, for each viewing of SDF Macross, Minmay became more and more dear to me. She much more mature and sociable in the original. The aftermath of Macross is unique. Not a simple ending but characters that deal with the situation after the destruction of war. The dissatisfaction and hardship of the Zentradi with their new lives is surprisingly insightfull, real world events ten years later show an uncanny resemblance. Hikaru and Minmay's relationship allows for many different interpretations. For me they represent a first love when everything is new. Their older and sadder counterparts cling to their memories of the past and a happier, simpler time. A bitter sweet experience as they both lead such different lives and have grown apart. For Misa Hikaru reprents a new way, a new future after a life spent in service of the military and the destruction it brought. A shared past versus a shared future.
  4. I guess Plato was mandatory at Keio university.
  5. Nah, it would be wrong if they looked like actual minors. These designs are way too cartoony to put an age on, their heads are nearly as big as their torsos. Besides by the end of the series the LS cast is older then the Frontier kids. The LS desings are overly cute yes, but underage no.
  6. I can think of a lot of things to say about Lucky Star but creepy is not one of them. Kagami as Klan, really should have a version of Konata as Micheal as well. I'd bet that if there is one figure that will be in demand it has to be the Kagamin.
  7. Bri

    Macross II Valks

    Would love to see a VF-2SS Hasegawa kit or a Yamato toy. The design is a respectfull futurized version of the VF-1, can't really go wrong with that. The other MII design I really like is the basic Zentradi pod, can't place it but it just has something. Think the contrast between DYRL and MII more then anything caused the backlash against the latter. Not sure why character designs don't affect the fans the way mecha designs do. Personally I can't stand Masayuki's designs in M+. Saito, Takahashi and Ebata did good work but can't compete with Mikimoto imo. Maybe there is just greater tolerance for variation in chara design.
  8. This topic has baffled me for a while. At first it all seemed pretty straight forward with regard to Ohnogi involvement and the role of Sheryl. Yet now it seems it was all the result of shipping gone way to far? Unbelievable. If some one doesn't like the ending or wants to force a different ending (for the movie), start a riot on 2chan and other Japanese sites. Doubt making things up and messing up translations is doing anyone any good. Sad to see a contributor to the fandom discredited like this (by his own doing ofc). Surprising really that Ranka and Sheryl managed to get such strong responses from the fanbase. Both are stereotypical moe characters and Frontier is way more plot driven then SDFM allowing less time and space for character development. On repeat viewing I think the triangle feels pretty balanced with preknowledge of Ranka and Sheryls future actions so fans of either can't really complain. Can't really compare the two imo. I visit Suki reguarly but each series has it's own community so the atmosphere varies considerably from thread to thread. I feel that the Macross section is a bit more agressive then I like but then there are more random people posting things and the mods are more tolerant especially in regard to politics etc. so things are bound to heat up more.
  9. It would be poetic justice if Warner changes the name Robotech in to something more contemporary for the LAM, trademarks it, and leaves HG with nothing.
  10. Only need to pay a fee for extention which is 1270 euro for the German Trademark for 5 classes. (750 renewal plus 260 for each extra class in excess of 3)
  11. True, but didn't they state something along the lines of "We are not the same HG management as before and we would cooperate with bringing Macross to the west, but BW isn't playing ball"? This doesn't look like an action a company would take that is acting in good faith isn't it?
  12. any idea on the scale of these? I'm guessing 1/12? Edit: nm, the original site has them listed as 16 cm high, should be 1/10
  13. I still enjoy this show but unfortunatly subs are slow to appear.
  14. HG has requested extension of their trademark protection on Macross in Germany to 2019 on may 27th 2009. It is now clear that the management has no intention of stopping their practise of IP theft.
  15. 1. Melancholy I____________________4/2/09 2. Melancholy II___________________4/9/09 3. Melancholy III__________________ 4/16/09 4. Melancholy IV__________________ 4/23/09 5. Melancholy V___________________4/30/09 6. Melancholy VI__________________ 5/7/09 7. Boredom______________________ 5/14/09 8. Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody__________ 5/21/09 9. Mysterique Sign________________ 5/28/09 10. Remote Island Syndrome I_______ 6/4/09 11. Remote Island Syndrome II______ 6/11/09 12. Endless Eight_________________ 6/18/09 13. Sigh I_______________________ 6/25/09 14. Sigh II______________________ 7/2/09 15. Sigh III______________________7/9/09 16. Sigh IV______________________ 7/16/09 17. Asahina Mikuru's Adventure 00___ 7/23/09 18. Live A Live___________________ 7/30/09 19. The Day of Sagittarius__________ 8/6/09 20. Someday in the Rain___________ 8/13/09 21. Disappearance I______________ 8/20/09 22. Disappearance II______________ 8/27/09 23. Disappearance III_____________ 9/3/09 24. Disappearance IV______________ 9/10/09 25. Disappearance V______________ 9/17/09 26. Charmed at First Sight LOVER____ 9/24/09 27. Snow Mountain Syndrome______ 10/1/09 28. Where Did the Cat Go?_________ 10/8/09 This is the estimated list by Anime Suki's resident Haruhi fanatics with airing dates. New episodes in italics. edit: Can't seem to make tabs work...
  16. Omg...that's just...wow Those figures just made the top of my to buy list
  17. I'm really glad they use spoiler tags when discussing the content of the novels. I have not read the novels and I don't want to know more just yet. Thanks
  18. Minmay cloning must have been limited for genetic reasons, I'm sure every Zentradi male would want a Minmay as partner Hmm, the idea of a 50% Zentradi 50% Minmay population...
  19. I would agree that it is next to impossible to beat the original language track. However there are large differences per country in the quality of voice acting work. The voice acting industry in countries like Japan, France and Germany is strongly developed as a lot of foreign works get dubbed for national television and cinema. The voice actors are professionals who specialise in this type of work. I'm from a country where most foreign works get subbed, dubs are rare and the quality of those dubs is generally low. Same goes for english, voice acting for animation and foreign shows is not a specialisation and it shows in the quality of dubs. I prefer German dubs to Dutch or English ones (although I try to avoid dubs in general but thats a different discussion). Once upon a time....life (or the lesser known O.u.a.t. space) is a nice example to compare the different types of VA work. Miyazaki for example has received some critism for using normal actors and actresses to do VA work. Those actors are just not as good as real Seiyuus. Disney circumvents the problem by modeling characters to the actor that voices them, giving actors more space. Simpsons, South park, American dad etc are too cultural specific to translate well, I doubt they work in any other language then the original.
  20. Saw the movie today. It's slow pace, atmospheric scenery and dystopic outlook are typically Oshii indeed. He manages to redefine hell byshowing the life of Suito Kusanagi. The dog fights were as good as anything I have seen sofar. The character designs take getting used to but have grown on me.
  21. Season 1 and 2 should be released on 16 june and 21 july this year. Got them both on pre-order at DVD Pacific for 28.49USD each.
  22. I would be hard pressed to name any anime where the English voice acting is better then the Japanese one. Sure, sometimes an individual does a great performance but then just as often gets let down by the co-actors. Voice acting seems to be a side job for actors rather then an actual specialization. Japanese seiyuus recieve years of professional training, same goes for VA's in countries where dubs of foreign shows/movies are common.
  23. Reduced quality is the price of speed subs. I'm going to buy the DVDs anyway so these subs just have to last me till then. I agree that they add "flavor" to their subs, but then the same goes for a.f.k. and coalGG (those are the ones I have seen). Imo it's just which flavor you prefer. Yuki has subbed the reruns aswell and the visual quality is excellent, but they release slower then the speedsubbers.
  24. Adult clones would exclude the use of mixed DNA clones. Don't think a clone can function as a human adult without giving the clone memories and professional skills. They would need the memories and skills of the original. Not to mention the ethics of taking away a persons youth. Hmm, this would explain the two Minmays in FB2012 during the takeoff. My guess would be that the writers were diliberatly vague about it as it opens up quite a few cans of worms. Personally I would rather have had a retcon stating that a lot more humans had survided the bombardment. Say if 10% of the population survived, the world could be repopulated within 2 generations. The Zentradi are a different story. The majority that remain on earth are part of Britais fleet of 1200 ships if we should believe Klans story. She stated that the rioters in Frontier were part of the forces that never swithced sides during SW1. What happened to the remains of Bodolza's fleet that folded out? That should be more then half of the 5 million ships. Then again maybe its best to let this bit of Macross continuity a bit fuzzy.
  25. I like DB L-E's more literal aproach sofar. I'll probaly stick with them.
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