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Everything posted by Bri

  1. They could be using something as simple as telescopes. Just need to calculate where star systems will be from that info. Folds into planetary systems might need physical scouting.
  2. Finished Clannad After Story as well now. Well what to say...it's brilliant. Yes, it's a bit cliched at times... and yes, it is a tear jerker ... and well, you know, it's what Kyoani's best at. The second half of the show, the gloves are off and Tomoyo dragging himself to hell is impressive. This show knows how to play on the fears of people my age. Episode 18 is well...emotional Some fun details: Akiko's (Kanon) Jam meets Sanae's bread Sanae's seiyuu: Kikoku Inoue got to do her I'm 17 routine. Akio doing a Gurren Lagan, Kamina homage. This hot blooded maniac deserves his own mecha show!
  3. Very nice shot of that Thunderbird's F-16.
  4. How would you be able to judge the validity of those points raised, without having seen M7?
  5. I'm not sure if it was realistic to expect a public apology or admission of guilt, but this seems like an attempt at damage control. Even with his reputation damaged, a fan who can translate material, is still in demand. It's unfortunate that this kind of disinformation can get out of hand due to the language barrier.
  6. When comparing Basara to a female singer, I'm surprised the resemblance to Haruhi hasn't come up yet. Both are slightly anti social jerks with hearts of gold. Both can play a guitar and sing. Both are pretty much invincible. Could Basara have reality altering powers? hmm...
  7. Gurren Lagann and M7 share a super robot theme, not the same genre. GL is postmodern, parodies and makes homages to '70s super robot shows in a clever and unconventional way, M7 is just a copy of the format, without doing any thing inventive. Even within M7 there are differences, Dynamite is more capable then the TV series to interest a broader audience. Not surprising given that SDFM and M7 were normal TV-series that had to look at ratings in a time when anime was still mostly childs fare. Other Macross productions were OVA's/late night anime which cater to a specific audience. The target audience for anything produced after Eva can immediatly be identified if you look at the broadcasting time and format. SDFM is one of those rare exceptions that can capture a broad audience. M7-tv remains a kids show, more then any other Macross, due to it's point of view, it's repetative and simple nature. However M7 is fun and should not be ashamed for what it is. As for super robot, there are plenty of shows around, even pre-eva, to prove that it is not just kiddie stuff. Thinking of Gunbuster, Ideon, Mazinger-Z just to name a few.
  8. Indeed, the designs won't be much of a problem. The potential issue is more with the storyline. How would they use Rick Hunter and co. without using the story of the Macross saga, which by definition is an edit of Macross, and for which they have no license to make derivative footage, LAM or otherwise.
  9. The way I understand IP rights: the principle of a fighter transforming to a battloid and gerwalk can't be copyrighted as it's not a defined work or vidual design. The names can be trademarked, the fighter, gerwalk and battloid designs are copyrighted and the transformation mechanism can be patented. Therefore IP rights cannot prevent others from using the idea as long as the design, transformation mechanism and names differ.
  10. If there was a live action movie about Macross, we would be arguing about the story, the actors, what the mecha looks like etc. Not weather it would be legal or not. My fear about a succesfull LAMR is that it will recapitalize HG and re-establish Robotech at the expense of Macross. I sympathise with RT fans for wanting more material from their favourite show but aslong as HG keeps their stranglehold on Macross, I'd prefer to see all of their endeavours fail. Without further financial boosts my hope is that HG will lose interest in their anime portfolio and sell it off to a normal distributor like Bandai, ADV or Funimation.
  11. In addition to this, I really like the explanation that Kawamori gave for the continuity issues between the different Macross anime in a recently translated article. In essence each Macross anime is a filter to which we can percieve the Macross universe. We get a distorted view due to the demands of each particular show in terms of audience and sponsors. Macross 7 is aimed at the youngest audience of all Macross shows, is repetative and has a super robot theme. If the less serious elements bug you, just see it as a way to explain the M7 events to a 5 to 10 year old audience.
  12. Short version of the toy issue: wiki
  13. hmm...tempting... I bet the LAM will then just be a remake of Top Gun with Tom Cruise and Tobey flying F18s that transform in Legioss looka likes... It wont even need a plot and the generic aliens will just be flying F5s... heck call in Faltermeier and Berlin for a retro 80s soundtrack and we got a summer blockbuster
  14. I've started on AS, can't really wait after seeing the first series. As for finding the first series, it's licensed so very few are still uploading it. I just bought the ADV boxes, they are dirt cheap atm. Kind of tempted to splash out on the Japanese DVD LE versions, anyone know if a Blu-ray release is likely anytime soon?
  15. It's a bit difficult to find a decent sub atm. Mazui and Gleam are fast but both lacking in video quality and translation. Think I'll just wait till the a.f.k. ones, for the next episodes (if I can muster the patience). Other groups seemed to have given up on the project. Yuki is good video wise, but is lacking a translator, so will be slow for the time being.
  16. Just finished Clannad. I was sort of expecting a kind of Kanon. It's somewhat similar but different, more subtle, more humor and warmer. The animation, atmosphere, directing and voice acting is top of the line. Yes, the plot is a standard crying game, but who cares, it still manages to enchant. The bonus alternate ending with Tomoyo was sweet directing, with a few color changes and expressions, it all went from bright and hopefull to dark, grim and desperate. First time the male lead actually had an easier time then me to pick a favourite. They are all so damn cute and lovable characters. Although Nagisa's parents absolutly steal the show. Amazing to see that all the voice actors who did the major Kyoani series ended up in Frontier. I didn't realise before that Frontier had an absolute all-star seiyuu cast.
  17. yes, when Koizumi, Yuki and Mikuru met up with Kyon, they discuss the loop. It had been running for 594 years, 17 juli till 31 august, 15,498 times. No wonder poor Yuki looked bored.
  18. Ages in anime rarely make much sense to me. Seems like most of the time the characters act like they are 5 years older then their physical ages suggest. Personally,on gut feeling, I'd put Roy and Claudia around their late twenties, early thirties. Misa: mid-to-late twenties. Max and Millia: early twenties. Hikaru around 20, only character that acts her age for the most part is Minmay, who I'd put between 15 and 18. Maybe my age perception is off.
  19. English (and before that Latin) can be used to hide lack of expertise on a subject and make it sound official. Also cheesy or embarrasing lines become exotic. The quality of the English is irrelevant as long as it's better then what the of majority of the viewers or readers can produce.
  20. Maybe they just want to stretch the current material a bit so they can save the later novels for a potential season 3? Personally I liked these two episodes. The despair and changes done were just amazing and the story is simple but powerfull sci-fi. It reminds me of an inverted Groundhog Day (I just love that movie).
  21. yea, that album is a must have. I ordered it already from CDjapan after hearing a few more songs. Aya Hirano is no classical singer, but she has a very pleasant, distinctive voice so I don't mind the vocals at all.
  22. That's basically the main theme of Frontier. Even the Vajira are alone and need another hive every few million years or so.
  23. Oh, I agree. Sheryls carreer has been supported by the coorporation, however she did put in effort on her own, which should have have made the rise to stardom easier. I am sure she is a lot more in control (even though for plot reasons Grace has massive influence) over her carreer then Minmay who never seemed to care for the bussiness side of things. And off course would Sheryl take Bassara over the whiny kid Alto. I just wish they'd animate the dump scene.
  24. Sheryl and Basara are polar opposites. As killer robot already mentioned, Basara is a musician and Sheryl a performer. Personality wise they also differ a lot. Basara is a solitary being, independant and as low maintenance as humans can be. No interest in material wealth, fame or a desire to please and fiercely true to his principals, a ronin. Fundamentally, Basara has no insecurities as he has no ego to speak of. His disregard for social convention annoys people but he is a kind and loyal person. Sheryl is a social creature, high maintenance, ambition stemming from an insatiable need for attention and acceptance. Socially gifted she worked her way up in the idol/music business. Her selfesteem is based on her achievements. I guess this is why the revelations by Grace hit so hard and cause her selfconfidence to take a hit. Sheryl shares Basara's kindness and for both goes that it is not immediately apparent, be it for different reasons. Edit: Come to think of it, I can just imagine each of them doing better in the others role, Sheryl working with the M7 military in soundforce and Gigile, smitten by her, turning on his own kind. Basara would not have cared for Graces manipuations to his carreer, nor would he allowed him self to be used against the Varija. He just would have made Grace listen to his song and turned her in to a drooling fan girl. Heck, Ozma would have kicked Alto out of his valk and given it to Basara. I can see serious improvements here
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