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Everything posted by Bri

  1. Mazui for first viewing, they are the fastest group (average quality though). Then AFK and Yuki for rewatching and keeping till the DVDs/Blu-rays.
  2. Yup, it was the first of four OP's used. The second and third used the same visuals as the first but were trance songs and the fourth was a used for the 2005 rerun. , Kämpfe Sailor Moon and Started on Tokyo magnitude 8.0 and Canaan. Tokyo 8.0 : Animation quality is rather low, but story wise it is promising. Kids trying to survive after a Tokyo eathquake. The show is somewhat socio-critical like Eden of the East, but more slice of life and lower production values. Canaan: Getting a Nikita vibe from this. Plot wise seems to be standard bad-girl-gets-enhanced-turns-assasin but characters are able to arry the whole thing sofar. Animation is good as expected from PA Works. Really irritating fanservice at times.
  3. DYRL is visually still very impressive. Both mechanical and character designs are unsurpassed. Still I can easily imagine why younger anime fans are put of by it. Animation wise in modern anime, 3d-rendering software allows for greater accuracy in perspective and computer aided coloring allows for a greater color palette and blending. The lack of these two make DYRL look dated. DYRL has the problem that the characters don't conform to the post evangelion stereo types. Combine that with a hard to grasp plot and the lower exposure to mecha in general these days then the less then stellar responses from the young uns are easily explained. Also: taken from real life altough translated for viewer convenience: "What is Gunbuster?" It's the predecessor of Neon Genesis. "*Puppy eyes*, Neon Genesis?" *feels old*... well you must have heard of the Eva movies? "Oh, that one with the big robots? Bleh, I dont like mecha, and the main character was lame, the emo thing is so cliche..." "And it had those rip offs of Makoto and Nagato, seriously...why do they have to copy Kyoani?" Ermm...
  4. Much ado about nothing. But glad to see the people involved are unharmed.
  5. Wish they'd bring out a Blu-Ray version soon though.
  6. Rewatched the first season of Sailormoon subbed. That series really helped improve anime's reputation in western europe in the mid-nineties. Saw it originally when it was part of the saturday morning cartoon line up on RTL and ZDF, the dub still holds up well. One thing I miss is the happy hardcore opening of the dub based on the hit "Wonderfull Days",but it is an aquired taste, heh.
  7. Fan rage is a strange thing, E8 may have a bad rep it also created a large buzz. When all things settle down we will see how Kyoani's gamble paid off. Don't forget K-on! got blasted by a lot of Kyoani fans, but got massive sales. The Blu-ray is one of the best selling in history and outsold Macross Frontier two times over on the opening day. They have a keen sense of the market.
  8. They've repeated the cycle for 15,527 times sofar. Endless eight is a reference to the greek letter omega which is the mathmatical symbol for infinity. The chain of events only differes marginally from one cycle to the other. Only the truly important things change like clothes, swimsuits and hairstyles, remember that god is a woman here.
  9. This weeks E8 was the best one yet.
  10. Older thread, but seems to be the best place to put it. For the Mikimoto fans. Saw a new artbook from Mikimoto available on HLJ for the 30th anniversary of Gundam. HLJ
  11. That's a very good analogy and you put it in to words far better then I would be able to. I'm not out to bash Plus, it has it's fair share of good points, especially in areas of mechanical and military realism, it's just far from my favourite Macross. Elements like fanservice and moe characters in Frontier are window dressing, a signs of the times. Frontier's romance part is influenced by all the slice of life/moe shows of the last few years. Same as Plus carries a lot of cyberpunk of the early 90s and SDFM with the space operas of the 80s. In terms of character development and story complexity there is little difference.
  12. Honestly, I don't equate dark and gritty with mature, more often then not it makes the project juvenile instead of mature. However GiTS is an example of it done right with good characterisation and interesting exploration of the overlap between mind and machine. Macross Plus is an example where it went wrong, it suffers from a bad plot and unlikable characters. I'm aware that a lot of fans love this series but it's not more or less mature then SDFM or Frontier just more grim. Zero had a lot of potential, but Kawamori is unfortunately not Miyazaki. Zero lacks the elegance of Princess Mononoke or My Neighbor Totoro in exploring the effects of humans on the environment. Still I can imagine a number of situations where dark and gritty could work in Macross. For example a political thriller investigating the inner workings of the UN government and UN Spacy. Or a coming of age story that explores the Zentradi being awakened from their child soldier mental state and their integration in human society. Maybe a civil war on a colonyship that threatens the mission or focus on a grunt squadron whithout hero pilots. Still for it to remain Macross the anime would still need the classic elements of music, romance and valkyries.
  13. Ah, that explains a lot. It's based on two Leaf/Aquaplus games, didn't know that. No wonder the character designs are solid and nah, erotic VN make surprisingly good source material for anime last few years.
  14. Just watch the tea sets, each episode a different one of the most expensive kinds around. Tsumugi has to be bankrolling the club or that girls school is *really* posh. Yui is really my favourite, she just has a kind of lovable goofiness. Amazing that K-on managed to generate as much if not more fan hate then Lucky Star, so they must be doing something right, heh. Watching Tears to Tiara atm. A simple but enjoyable fantasy anime. The writers took some early european history (around 400AD) and gaelic mythology and put it in a blender, resulting in a rather intersting tale. An Irish gaelic tribe under leadership of Arwan a not so demon king and his first knight Arthur invade england(the irony) to fight the holy (roman) empire.
  15. This is true unfortunately, except the decline didn't start after Robocop, but after the Fourth Man. Robocop is too mainstream and cartoony to compare with his older work. Verhoeven's recent "Black book" is a lot better than his hollywood work. I have high hopes for Winterqueen. It's a shame he never got to make his dreamproject: Crusader. A dark medieval story with Arnie as a crusader knight chopping his way through the middle east with a finale of the sacking of Jerusalem . A more grim and serious version of Conan.
  16. Hehe, don't worry. I'm just making fun of Kawamori's different choices of genre. In fairness, I would love to see a darker, more complex Macross story as long as the characters stay true to the Macross concept of being a bit more noble then the real deal (and Mikimoto character designs would be mandatory).
  17. I'm sure Bioware will be able to create good Pve content for leveling. Question is what endgame will be like. WoW type raiding and arena, warhammer like RVR? Untill then can't say much. I don't hope it will be as much as a time sink as wow, original Naxx and Sunwell were nightmares. PVP is going to be an issue in any MMO. Different classes with different skills will result in unblance and flavour of the month setups.
  18. If we are looking post 2059 Kawamori could place the next Macross out of the Milky way galaxy, exploration with Varija technology. Personally I wouldn't mind an anime from the Zentradi perspective like Zentran or Meltran squad as focus. Maybe a bit like Valkyria chronicles. Seeing as pretty much every Macross series is influenced by a different anime genres or themes: SDFM: Space Opera,Romance Macross 7: Super Robot, Music Band, Vampires, Comedy Macross 7 Dynamite: Police, Pirates Macross Plus: Cyberpunk Macross Zero: Fantasy/Supernatural? Macross Frontier: Moe/High school Drama/Slice of life/Mystery potentially left would be: Tournament, Martial arts: Valkyrie competitions alla Macross II or even G-gundam Sports: Macross Seven Trash or similar Magical girl: Sheryl the Galactic Fairy does have a nice ring to it Horror: Ranka goes yandere? Psychological: hmm, Mamuro Oshii get's to direct a Macross project? Harem: Love Octangle Eroge: hmm, nope, let's not go there.
  19. Love the color choice, really makes it look like a grunt unit.
  20. I know I shouldn't laugh but it's funny. Just be glad he didn't ask you if you had a boyfriend. There is still a strong dislike against automatics in Europe for being unmanly.
  21. Out of curiosity, are you refering to translating text, or are there parts of the chronicles that are hard to read even for native speakers?
  22. Planetes is one of those rare gems of sci-fi. Absolutly loved it. Shame it has such poor sales.
  23. Wouldn't mind seeing a sequel to Léon with a now adult Natalie Portman taking over the cleaning business.
  24. I said the movie IS a satire, is it so hard to read? The book lacks a propper structure, it's storyline is dull and the main character lacks any form of personality. The book fails as a political essay, any undergraduate student who has done a bit of social studies can tear Heimleins musings to shreds. I'm sorry but the only people who can enjoy this book are the ones that get a hard-on from endless discriptions of bootcamp and military structures. The movie for all it's faults is entertaining, the book far from it.
  25. Nope I'm not joking. The novel is mainly a political essay about the writers views on military and politics more so then a sci-fi story. The views of the writer are dated imo and best left in the fifties. The book fails to deliver in entertainment as the sci-fi plot gets clouded by the writers views. To the books credit, it is visionary in the way new technology and the future of infantry is seen, but that can't save the book as it is neither entertaining nor politically relevant. As for the movie, it's only loosly based on the book and that really saves it. It is entertaining and works as a satire on both media handeling of military conflict and militarism, so it beats the book in both ways. Besides I love seeing all the pretty boys and girls go splat
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