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Everything posted by Bri

  1. It's quite unlikely that BW would even get involved with the licensing. One of the more recent developments in the industry is to leave foreign licensing to partners with an international distribution networks. For example Kadokawa a major publisher with a large anime portfolio recently closed it's US offices and now relies amongst others on Bandai Visual for foreign distribution for it's anime. Kodansha has hooked up with Random House a major US publisher. Then there are players like Animax(backed by oa Sony), Disney/Ghibli, 4kids(Fox). These are all professional organisations that can operate worldwide, why would anyone want to get involved with a dubious middleman like HG anymore? Doubt anyone cares about the hassle to bring one anime franchise to the West. Just compare it with Gundam, which has no such issues. Most of it's merchandise is import as well. Getting Macross to the west would probably just mean DVDs/BR.
  2. 58 mins, and *cough* on the Unicorn. As for getting the BR, I've ordered it already from CDJapan, so yea I certainly think it's worth getting. Nah, Banagher Links resembles Amaru and Kamille, non of them is bad looking. They're all Yoshikazu Yasuhiko designs. He lacks the long limbs, high cheek bones and sharp features of the Seed and 00 cast.
  3. Finished the first episode of the Gundam Unicorn OVA. It's everything a Gundam should be. Whoever says you can't animate a classic 80s style mecha show anymore should have a look at this. No moe, no bishi boy toys, no twintailed tsunderes, no dumb juvenile fanservice, no concessions to the modern day anime crowd, nothing of the kind. Pure classic UC stuff. Sure there is some CGI, especially with the colony, but it's not to invasive. Hmm, and was that a Hikaru resques Minmay homage? I really hope this show will be a massive succes. Let out your inner old fart and enjoy the ride Just 7 months till the next one...
  4. Grabbing the Unicorn RAW as I'm typing, really looking forward to it. Edit: Finished the first episode, truely epic.
  5. Well I did now...and true, it's hilarious (Still, just the idea of a "true to the original series" one fills me with dread )
  6. Don't even think about it... a My Little Pony LAM would make my girlfriend so happy, and I'd be forced to watch it with her...*the horror*. I keep hoping against all hope that her VHS tapes will give out some day, along with her JEM tapes... (yes, there are things worse then Robotech)
  7. The "solution" will make clear why they have been endlessly looping, it's very well thought out. Endless eight was one of the most gutsy moves in anime history. I loved it. Not to mention it's more controversial then the NGE ending. The fanrage was off the charts during the airings. Note that the "trauma" done is the most important feature of E8, so yes there is a reason for this "torture".
  8. I think you just described the whole of Robotech in two sentences. A reboot is out of the question given the Tatsunoko-HG relationship. Without Tats support HG can not use any OSM, and without the OSM there just isn't much but Macek's sci-fi concept about a multigenerational conflict with a few alien races aliens and a time loop. The latter might be possible I guess, but not for HG given their ties. Assuming another company would want to do this, why would anyone want use the RT brand? They could just copy the concept just as easily but without the cheesy names.
  9. Surprised this old classic hasn't been named yet (I blame Funimation): and just for fun Konata's tribute: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_cqg6JcwfI...feature=related
  10. Slightly more Aerospace then Aircraft but a really nice pic. Endeavour Launch from the 9th of Feb. Using it now on as wallpaper: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/100...ch_nasa_big.jpg
  11. Oh wow That's saying something, worse then Gates from FMP:TSR or Canaans' Liang Qi?
  12. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/search3.html?r=an...ia=&step=10 Covers for the 8 DVDs of the second season. Vol. 8 will have a Kyon cover but the picture hasn't been put on the site yet.
  13. I've been meaning to watch this anime for ages. Just kept forgetting about it. Won't escape me now! Got to love obscure 80s mecha's. I had never heard of these. Clearly they are to epic for the faint hearts of current day fansubbers.
  14. The Haruhi movie is doing very well at the box office, given the small number of cinema's showing it. Performace in the opening weekend was a bit better then the very succesfull Frontier Movie. Haruhi disappearance Average 3,700,000 yen per screen Total 24 screens 60,306 watched Total 89,010,100 yen Average 1,476 yen per person Macross F movie Average 2,940,000 yen per screen Total 30 screens ——- watched Total 88,154,771 yen Average 1,436 yen per person though it can only compare to the results of mainstream anime, Disneys or Evangelion by looking at revenue per screen. For example: Doraemon movie 2009 Average 1,020,000 yen per screen Total 364 screens 335,738 watched Total 372,918,850 yen Average 1,110 yen per person Up Average 960,000 yen per screen Total 653 screens 440,804 watched Total 627,726,600 yen Average 1,424 yen per person Evangelion 2.0 Average 4,270,000 yen per screen Total 120 screens 354,852 watched Total 512,182,000 yen Average 1,443 yen per person (source: eigaconsultant)
  15. A few others: Magic knight Rayearth OP: Yuzurenai Negai http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9LMACH1QB4...feature=related Gundam Movie Trilogy Part II : Soldiers of Sorrow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3Dvq5I-8y8 Dominion Tank Police: Hot Dance and Cherry Moon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPtQwjU7bM8 Dragonar Second OP: Starlight Serenade http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zABrITb2nKQ...feature=related Tenchi Muyo OP: Boku wa Motto PAIONIA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEcx35CUJEo...feature=related Sakura Wars OP: Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0enTpFhFxgQ...feature=related Patlabor OAV 1: Miraiha lovers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrVBGrsV1J4 Patlabor OAV2 Op: Condition Green http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV5DQcqGbuU...feature=related Patlabor TV ED2: Midnight Blue http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aV-VPTKDMXM...feature=related Something hauntingly beautiful about this one: Megazone 23: Kaze no Lullaby http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAZ0LAcDtzw
  16. Wow, a Sheryl model that isn't sleezy. Cool!, I'd definitely buy that one.
  17. I sense no malintent so here goes: two Macross series already have their Blu-ray Release: Zero and Frontier. Given the pace of release of anime on Blu-ray in Japan, most if not all will see a BR release in time. The chances for a western release, hmm...well I give Susan Boyle a better chance to win the Miss Universe pageant... If you feel brave (and have a strong stomach) you may want to check out the HG and Robotech debate thread for the details of the rights issue around Macross.
  18. Thanks. And yes, honestly I can't make much sense of the model policy of the carmanufacturers. For example there are plenty of people here that would love the new Mustang, but doubt it will get here anytime soon. I agree it's ugly. People will just end up being annoyed that the part they like suffers under the hybrid. If you like a Station you'll see the SUV, if you like a hatch, it's too much of a sedan etc. They'll end up pleasing no one.
  19. Yea, it was a lot better this week, though still some time outs but much less then before.
  20. Just search a bit for a decent proxy server, that ought to do it. These sites rarely have extensive protection when it's a free service.
  21. It's one season, but it ran a whole year so it's 50 episodes.
  22. I enjoyed Raxephon, smooth and well paced. I have a soft spot for the Bones artstyle and the love story was nicely done. I second Eureka Seven, one of the best anime of the last decade and totally underrated. Can't believe kids these days prefer Code Geass /grumpy old man mode.
  23. Would love to get the TV Roy in both 1:48 and 1:60. Hopefully Yamato would also include a Hikaru figure and cockpit sticker. Can't imagine why they haven't done this already.
  24. Just ordered my new car at the dealer, a Volkswagen Scirocco. Chose the 2010 Volkswagen Scirocco 2.0 Highline Plus 170hp TDI version with manual transmission. Due to my yearly mileage it's more economical to buy the diesel version. It's not too thirsty about 5.3l/100km or 45mpg. Going to be a while before I get it as the waitlinglist is still quite long. Even though it's going to be a pain to keep clean, I just had to go for the candywhite version.
  25. The anime spring season: Not too bad, Gundam Unicorn as the main attraction. Let's see if PAworks can deliver on Angel Beats. A1 has a few interesting shows going on. Curious how Black Rock Shooter will turn out.
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