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Everything posted by -Snowblind-

  1. I saw it, I really enjoyed it... But I still want two questions answered... O.o I know, I know, plot devices and I probably shouldn't question too much, but the first one in particular was a bit of a stretch. Anyway, yes, there's clearly a sequel in the works if this does well at the box office, so maybe we'll find out then... saaaay 3 years from now? Oh, and...
  2. Might want to check the Macross Frontier and Fansubs thread. There've been other people talking about tinkering with the THORA subs on the last couple of pages.
  3. I'll see your CinemaSpy and raise you a TV Squad... Not so fast: Davies says Torchwood's fourth season on hold Quoting the relevant bits: The article was dated July 30, 4 days after the CinemaSpy article. Still positive, but not a done deal.
  4. A fourth season isn't a done deal yet, as far as I know. The BBC hasn't committed to anything. Ratings were strong enough with Children of Earth that it should be a given.
  5. I think I'm gonna pass based on forum reviews. Wait for the DVD or download. I can't help but feel that this is the movie that Michael Bay should have directed... I mean, most of the military scenes in the two TF movies were basically GI Joe anyway...
  6. Jealous, I am.
  7. Put me in the 'taking a step back' camp. There are 3 very active decades of material to mine between the end of the SDFM arc and the start of the Plus/M7 era that haven't been touched. ...By a series, anyway, I know the games and other material have ventured into that territory, but those aren't open to everyone.
  8. I believe he was referring to Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040... Which I still have to get around to watching one of these days.
  9. It's like the broken telephone game... I wonder what it will come back as?
  10. http://www.lilformers.com/index.php/2009/0...-154-robo-film/ Just something to lighten the mood. I was going to put it in the Robotech LA thread, but that hasn't surfaced for months...
  11. Ranka Lee/Megumi Nakajima, Sheryl Nome starring May'n It's the full version from ep 15, so they're both singing.
  12. Sounds like our soundracks came from the same source... That said, everything is attributed to the correct artist. The (Sheryl On Stage) just references the 'concert' effect with the crowds cheering and are taken from the concert scenes in the early episodes as far as I can tell, and should only be on tracks 2-4 Saying Sheryl Nome starring May'n is just a way of crediting the actual artist (May'n) while still attributing the IC song to Sheryl. Ditto for the Ranka Lee/Megumi Nakajima tracks. The only one by Maaya Sakamoto should be Triangler. All orchestral music is Yoko Kanno. Not all that helpful, but everything is correct as is to the best of my knowledge (and short of someone willing to do or provide a literal translation from the OST).
  13. He's joining The Village People? O.o
  14. No... spoiler... tags... eep. O.o
  15. Pretty much, yes... More robots, better dialogue/plotting/pacing/directing, less crude or juvenile humour would all be appreciated. I don't know... I actually enjoyed the first one far more than I was expecting, then the second one was a disappointment, and now I don't know what to expect from the third. Sadly, I think it'll be more of the same. The box office speaks, and it's saying that people approve of the second one, so... more of the same, or even worse.
  16. He's playing the martyr now. Poor Shaloom. So misunderstood....
  17. I'll wait for a full translation before coming to any final conclusions myself, but... yeah, sounds suspect to me. Weak defense for what what was presented as fact. Is it not proper to preface an opinion with a statement that it is an opinion? How do you simply misremember a 'source' that never existed in the first place? Why would you cite sources when you now say that you don't have access to said 'sources'? All of this coupled with avoiding forums, and even his own email (all while admittedly being online?) when he's called on it? Ehhhhh... sure. Who knows, though, it's a long post and could have a detailed explanation.
  18. Just giving this a bump because it premiers tonight, apparently.
  19. I went back and watched episode 11 again (or the relevant bits of it, anyway). I don't see how Sheryl couldn't have known, impulsively or not, that she was stepping on Ranka's toes. It's simple association... she knows that Ranka has a gift for Alto (she's even the one to point out that it's a birthday present), and later on she proudly presents her counter present. While impulsive, I certainly don't think that she's that forgetful, and she's definitely not dim.
  20. I wouldn't feel too bad. It may be rough over there (or they may get over it quicker than you think), but either way, you've done them a favour. It is a good forum, but it's reputation would have been hurt if it continued to be a source of misinformation. In the long run, their reputation remains good, and they're a a good source of Macross information for the Spanish speaking world.
  21. Under the circumstances, it may be best to post in both English, and a well translated Spanish version. Misinterpretation or miscommunication could just lead to more problems. O.o
  22. I wouldn't get too invested in the show. Speculation is that Fox doesn't have much confidence in it, and will probably axe it pretty quickly (par for the course an' all)
  23. Eh, I like it. Not entirely happy with some of the changes they made (Silver Sable... ugh), but otherwise it keeps true to the spirit of the old-school Spider-Man, and that's what made Spider-Man fun. As for the animation style... it's still far better than the majority of other modern cartoons. Any word on a third season? Or is it DOA?
  24. The first two seasons were great... the last two, not so much...
  25. The DownloadHelper plugin for Firefox works nicely for YouTube and other embedded media...
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