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Everything posted by -Snowblind-

  1. I like all the nods to the other Marvel characters. It's great for world building and letting the audience know that there's a bigger super-powered world beyond what they're watching now. Yes, it is possible to go too far with it and have it be more of a distraction than a benefit, but I think it'll really pay off for the Avengers movie as long as they keep it reasonable.
  2. Don't forget the . As for the shield, my take was that it was a prototype or test model given that it looked like a cutaway showing the different layers/elements. All-in-all, not as good as the first movie - I think they almost had too many plot elements in here to give any one of them the full time it deserved - but still very fun and it left me wanting another one.
  3. I never used the word 'redemption', just 'sense'. The problem with Sayid was that he was supposed to be 'filled with darkness' and by his own admission he felt empty or emotionless. He had followed FLocke's orders to the letter since leaving the temple. So, yes, I'd say that first choosing not to kill Desmond, then disobeying FLocke, and finally trying to save the people on the sub and Desmond are all signs of him 'coming around'.
  4. The problem there is that Sayid disobeyed FLocke by not killing Desmond, and then lied to him about it - showing that he was already starting to come around. Beyond that, he ditched Flocke to get on the sub when he could have stayed like Claire did.
  5. No, they never actually showed Sayid shooting Desmond. Furthermore, Sayid told Jack where to find him before his, erm, sudden exit. That's why Sayid was back with our intrepid band of heroes. Desmond talked some sense into him.
  6. Hate to ruin your tally, but Desmond is still out there, too.
  7. For pointing out the obvious? o.O
  8. How about krypton? Used for strobe lights...
  9. The previews for tonight's episode make it look like we'll be getting a chunk of Rush's backstory. I don't think Rush is meant to be the 'bad guy', just another shade of gray like most of the other characters on the show. While he's Machiavellian, I don't think he's out to cause harm to anyone except the people that get in his way - which so far is only Young and some of the other military personnel. He definitely doesn't want the ship damaged, it's why he's there in the first place. So no, I don't think he provoked the attack.
  10. Tetsuro Shigematsu. Better known as a radio host, actor and comedian in Canada. I guess we can add part-time samurai to the list. O.o
  11. They're all a little ridiculous... It's a fun show as far as weapon-porn goes, but there's nothing particularly realistic about their results. The 'scientific' methodology is laughable, and the weapons seem to be largely chosen for their respective popularity, novelty or cool factors rather than practicality or realism. O.o
  12. Wow, didn't see this one coming. As with many others here, Robotech served as a gateway to Macross and anime as a whole, so I'll offer an unfortunately belated "thank you" to Mr. Macek and his legacy.
  13. New DLC weapon today. Cerberus Arc Projector.
  14. Arghunecessarilylargepicturesfornoapparentreason. M249? I prefer it's original 'name'... Minimi. 'Cause really, who wouldn't want a gun named 'mini me'? As for SAW... torture porn. Not my taste.
  15. Re: FFXIII Sometimes you can never please the fans. People build up preconceived ideas of what a game should or should not be, and if it fails to meet those expectations, even if it's a very good game, then they throw a fit. Re: PS3 version being dumbed down... It was still developed for the PS3 first and foremost where it's still an exclusive in the Japanese market, the 360 version is being adapted, so unless they did some sort of messed up port to the 360 for the RoW, and then ported the 360 version to the PS3, then there should be nothing to worry about. If you're concerned, give it a try with an open mind. Rent before you buy, etc etc. I'll probably give it a try sooner or later, but I can't afford any new releases at the moment.
  16. If it's really just a leap year date issue, then it's a really simple fix. Expect the next update to take care of it. No need to panic. It's not like other consoles haven't had their own problems.
  17. Don't get me wrong - just because I don't like the way they look doesn't mean I don't think they should be there. I'm glad they are.
  18. The extremely 90s pastel, multi-tone colour schemes don't help, I suppose. Funnily enough the Tomahawk II is my favourite of the bunch. The MacII Phalanx looks like a walking pot-bellied stove... with missile racks.
  19. Yaaaay, it's back. ...Y'know, I never really realized just how ugly Macross II destroids were until now...
  20. 'Fraid not. Came out before Trophy support was mandatory for PS3 games.
  21. You're right that they can't really top the story that they've given us this time around in terms of scale, but it's a big universe, with lots of intrigue and complex relations. They could take a page out of George Lucas' book and set up an intergalactic war (or, for that matter, have players try to stop one). Or go with more of a stealth, Secret Squirrel, Specter based game. And who knows what type of galaxy we'll be left with after the 3rd game?
  22. I dunno, I love the ME universe, but I hate MMOs, so I'm hoping future games will continue to be self-contained, tight plot arcs. I have no doubt that they'll try an ME MMO, though. Especially if the KotOR MMO goes well. (and that's pretty much a given)
  23. The Collector armour is fugly, and I hate being stuck with the mask. Decent bonuses, though, I guess.
  24. ...No, I made the same choice for him.
  25. Everyone survived the finale in my playthrough.
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