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About -Snowblind-

  • Birthday 08/29/1980

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    NS, Canada

-Snowblind-'s Achievements

Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. I recently purchased a Revoltech transforming VF-1S while on vacation. I didn't open it until I got home, and found to my dismay that part of the foot/thruster was missing. Since I don't speak the language, and I don't think there are any english contact options for Kaiyodo, are there any other ways to go about getting this corrected?
  2. I really enjoyed it. If anything I felt that it could have been a bit longer (the romance angle felt a little forced given the time constraints). Great casting, and I'm really impressed with how good the Asgard sections ended up looking given the early photos and skepticism.
  3. Avoid D-Link like the plague. I've had nothing but trouble with their stuff.
  4. Veffidas isn't a guy... Just a very sturdy woman. O.o It does improve as you get deeper into the series. Really... the first 10 to 15 episodes could be condensed (I'd almost say cut completely) and you wouldn't miss much. Sooooo much repetition.
  5. For the sake of not posting the images again, I'll just say Re: Female troll/Amy Winehouse pictures... I gotta say that suggesting Amy Winehouse is insulting to the troll in this case. O.o
  6. Part of me wonders... Future Dean? Probably not, but...
  7. Indeed. O.o Hank really seems to be getting all the love this season (figuratively and literally...). Would be nice for Dean to get an episode or two to balance things out. Still, that episode was so wrong, so very wonderfully and hilariously wrong... Much like the rest of the series.
  8. Could try the PC builder on NCIX.com? I've never used their building services, but I've ordered parts from them (prices can be a bit high initially, but they pricematch). It's a Canadian company, but they do US sales.
  9. Ehhh, no. I loved the original trilogy (some of the movies more than others, but I enjoyed all three), but I'm tired of these constant rehashes just to wring every last cent out of the series. 3D won't add anything new to the films, and even if it did... things tend to go horribly, horribly wrong when Lucas adds 'something new'.
  10. It took me a month of phone calls and back-and-forth emailing to get my issue with Samsung (mostly) resolved (to their credit, they came through as best they could in the end). I had a Samsung laptop which died after 6 weeks of relatively light use. They wanted to send me a refurb for a laptop less than 2 months old, which (while I know refurbs are standard policy these days) I thought was kind of ridiculous for a 6 week old laptop. After some complaining, they eventually sent a new one. That said, they wiped my old HD as soon as it got to the depot, which was annoying... it cost me one of my Office 2k7 license keys. There was nothing wrong with the HD, it was the GPU that failed, so I'm not sure why they did that. I had a similar experience with a Compaq laptop, but at least HP went out of their way to try and protect my data.
  11. I've seen the second half of season 4 referred to as season 5 because of the huuuuuuge break, but technically it's all one season. Haven't heard anything about a season 5, unfortunately.
  12. This is easily one of the funniest shows (perhaps the funniest?) on TV right now. Season 4.5 is off to a good start... here's hoping for a season 5...
  13. ...So, wait, K.A.R.R. was an evil, transforming, Cylon Optimus Prime in the reboot? So, so bad... I'm glad I ignored childhood nostalgia and gave this series a pass. O.o
  14. ...Is it wrong that the music alone probably would have sold me on this game? Not to mention the fact that it really does look fun and has been getting great reviews.
  15. Meh, unless it includes the original, unrevised versions of the first trilogy, I'm not interested. Han shot first.
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