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Everything posted by RF-26AAC

  1. I'm only 23, hugely emotionally attached to the series and I didn't actually cry.. I got teary eyed and all but didn't outright turn on the waterworks... only the first two times I saw it... I dunno, coming from a paramilitary background I guess it's easier for me to be a touch nonchalant about death.. But come on guys! We're *men* here. You Bobby type-men are welcome to sob hysterically, though Race driver, pilot... same thing, practically except my kind fight each other with passes, not bullets and missiles... I dunno as sad as this is death is a part of combat, let's all move on past the grief stage here, men. maybe it's just cos I'm not so much into Anime as I once was stronger person perhaps, but guys, if you're seriously crying (more than a few tears once or twice), calm down, friends. /hugs for all
  2. You *are* a boy, aren't you? I own page 19. At this point it seems to be that Frontier has blinders on to the way Ranka's singing actually works. Ranka professing her love to Alto would be a huge step and is more likely to happen than Sheryl. At this point, Sheryl may very well die, decide to let Ranka have Alto, but not before telling Alto she loves him on her FINAL death bed. Unless she dies, I don't see Sheryl confessing to Alto and frankly, though Alto may have feelings for both of them, he's too confused to know what to make of it. Sigh, I wish I had some way to talk about this realtime with all of my friends here.
  3. That would be a hot coupling, right there. how's that for a Triangler ending? Partners in bed and in the cockpit!? XD While Michael's death wasn't Ranka's fault totally she had a little to do with it, but earlier posters are right, it's their own fault for not realizing exactly how Ranka's voice affects the Vajra and how it works. Like a kid playing with a loaded gun.
  4. That makes sense... The birdman created the Vajra (with integrated fold quartz and the ability to produce weaponry internally)... Birdman could do it. His mission was to prevent humanity from spreading its seed of war throughout the stars, so perhaps they were created to fold, find and eliminate warring races. I also agree, Shin died, but I disagree with you on what Mao saw. Mao saw Shin's spirit (fused forever with his plane... anyone ever see "Porco Rosso"?) and he disappeared to the center of the galaxy with Sara because that's where the one he loved went. Perhaps the center of the Galaxy is heaven? Another question is what precisely, is the V-type virus? What exactly does it do, really? It's obviously not contagious via air, but is by blood. It hasn't turned Sheryl into a zombie yet, despite the fact she is no longer taking the inhibitors. It's also not a terribly fast-acting virus... in fact, it seems more like Aids than say ebola or the 'rage' virus of 28-days-later fame. My thought about the Vajra, assuming they were created by birdman, is that were there no war and a lack of hate, then therefore the Vajra would leave them alone. Which explains Ai-kun's behavior. He stayed as a cute, fuzzy larva once out of the egg for quite some time because Ranka found him and was nice to him. Therefore, his programming prevented him from evolving into a full-blown big-zam Vajra. Ranka was loving and possessed no weapons. Or maybe just because she was the queen and was in a positive emotional state. As evidenced at the end of Ep 17 with the eggs hatching, all those other things were initially Ai-kun-type things... and they were also placid for as long as Ranka's emotional state was good (Why else were they sitting placidly at the concert observing??). But since Ranka's emotional index dropped therefore it sent them into a hurtful killing frenzy. What role does the Vajra overmind play? It asks Ranka if she's lonely, and she says yes, and then the vajra overmind says "then I know a good way" (presumably I know a good way to make you not feel lonely). Which begs the question, okay, we know what happens when Ranka is emotionally hurt, but what about if she's angry? What would that do? What would happen if Ranka were to fill with hate, anger or jealousy and then attempt to sing?? What then? SH!T WENT DOWN the second Ranka's emotional state went from elated to deeply hurt. Sigh, I don't know how this can end happily
  5. Guld, by a mile. Guld died a FAR, FAR more painful death and died to kill that ghost. Guld basically killed himself with his own sword, committing Harakiri pretty much whereas Michael was already critically injured. While Michael's death scene was SPECTACULAR, Guld's death was so badass and manly it was unbelievable. He had the discipline to keep going, keep fighting as his own weight began to crush him, hurt him with a level of pain that I have immense respect for him continuing to fight through-- the discipline necessary to fight to the very death. HIS EFFING EYEBALLS EXPLODED AND HIS ORGANS COLLAPSED UNDER THEIR OWN WEIGHT, MAN!! HOW MANLY IS THAT?! GULD, F T W.
  6. Seriously! English Fire was horrible >_< Nah but the guy who does japanese covers and english versions on youtube changes the lyrics so they (mostly) makes sense... he doesn't even speak japanese so he generally just redoes the song with "fitting" lyrics. I'm telling you, he's surprisingly good... check out his cover of Amuro Namie's "Come" o_O
  7. What songs? Oh, and if you want something sung, look up RoflWaffleLova on youtube, he's this white guy from Ohio who sings j-pop WITHOUT ANY ACCENT. My Okinawan GF (native english & japanese speaker) is like, WTF Why doesn't he have an accent? He does english versions of songs, too. Guy by the name of Mitchell Matsuzak, amazing guy. Check him out, maybe put in a request?? o_O It would also help if you specified WHAT SONGS you wanted translated since there are QUITE A FEW epic macross series ALL OF WHICH HAVE VOCAL SONGS
  8. It'd be grounds for a good military-life type fanfic, at least. I rather like that idea but we'd have a lot of characters die. Probably not unlike the culture soldiers have in Afghanistan...
  9. Hm, maybe I just see em in a bad light, I think they're hella cool, but I just wish they were stronger. I'm only up to episode 9 of SDFM right now. I also tend to watch these at low resolution so it isn't really obvious to me most of the time. I remember that Excalibur in Zero giving that SV-51 a what for... the Excalibur hit the SV-51 once or twice, got thrown off the deck of the ship, saved itself via thrusters and started shooting at the SV-51 again, and then the other SV-51 came and the destroid was promptly murdered. I dunno, I just feel like shouldn't they be *slightly* more resistant to damage? It's like they're made of glass-- when Valks get killed (non hero colors) they get hit repeatedly before they blow up... the destroids get hit once and then POP. While the destroids were very effective during the deadalus (spelling?) attack, that's like, the ONE instance a regular destroid (not the hero MONSTERS) seemed to be effective.
  10. Currently: Long Beach Airport (Daughtry Field), CA Reside: Seal Beach Joint Forces Naval Weapons Station
  11. I'm re-watching SDFM and also following Macross Frontier, and it occurred to me, how is it that Destroids are even being produced, when, short of the Monster/Koenig Monster, they are completely useless? I mean, weak, early form Vajra were killing destroids left and right basically with a gatling gun, no missiles or anything crazy. And apparently destroids can't fight regulds, either. Why?! The destroids logically would have heavier armor than the Valkyrie and therefore should be at least somewhat more destructive when stationary, or be able to sustain 2-3 direct hits instead of being hit and exploding... While I realize that it is the magic of anime, why are they still making Excalibur-type/Tomahawk type machines if they suck so bad? They must consume a lot of metal to make a combat-only machine, so there must be a reason for continuing to make them... I'm sorry if this is a repost but can somebody (Mr March, perhaps?) explain why these things suck so hard?
  12. That would be sooo insane it would like, pop my brain actually, that kinda seems plausible,
  13. According to whose source? God, I hate GG subs for their stupid MKV file format. They don't work well on my comp... it's like streaming but worse. Thanks to GG for speedsubbing tho, but please switch formats.
  14. /not-gay hug for misaforever
  15. There's no rationality to it at all...
  16. You think I'm not pissed that I was right about this one!? Seriously I really need a hug today after seeing today's ep
  17. Like Klan will figure it out.
  18. I watched the raw again in its-not-choppy-stream glory and it was REALLY good but I must say I'm sadder than the first time I watched it. God, I am sad now.
  19. Sorry, I meant that's where I think the plot's headed that way and one of the reasons why
  20. That would F@cking suck.
  21. While it won't happen that way I just mean that's where I think the plot's going
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