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Everything posted by RF-26AAC

  1. SCORE. TY, mate!
  2. That's precisely what I dreamed up when thinking of "fold malfunctions". Grabbing the object atom by atom sounds closer to what it does, and then it disappears as it folds away... the question is, to where? o_O
  3. I'm pretty sure that it was animated at some point because I remember *seeing* it o_O That's odd, because I've only seen the RT ending of "the macross saga" once
  4. I can see why! Nice work anyway. Despite many years of sketcherie I'm still not that good. Oh well.
  5. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember some weird macross movie where Global dies, but pushes Misa into a closet or something so she survives some kind of major impact. This wasn't the TV series or DYRL, but maybe it was COTB? I rented a bunch of Macross stuff from blockbuster back in the day but have no recollection of it. Could someone clarify for me just wtf I am remembering?
  6. Well, I did a self portrait, just myself in a UN Spacy uniform. I changed the name to Kohler because I don't like my name enough and it fits the backstory to the General Galaxy RF-31 LRF prototype No 2 that I designed. So yeah. That's me, just with slightly longer sideburns in a UN Spacy uniform. Seriously. Anyone else done this? RF-26
  7. No, if only we'd gotten some REAL MichaelXKlan naked time
  8. Nice character development episode.
  9. Completely made it up. I set the timeframe between Mac F and Mac Dynamite 7. I haven't seen dynamite 7 yet but I'm up-to-speed on MacF and mecha technologies. I found my digicam this morning so I'll finally get some pics of the LRF up. At this point (after watching all of SDF:M and DYRL) I have seen RT for the travesty that it is. Even that game is a travesty; the Macross M3 game I bought for dreamcast ages ago flies better, has more craft and just.. was better, in every conceivable way. Now that I have the basic craft laid out I really ought to sit down and do some *really good* lineart for it but given that I sketch these at lunch with minimal supplies that kind of limits my capabilities. Thanks for reading, and I haven't decided whether the RF-31 LRF will be good or evil. It's certainly not terribly powerful, but pirates aren't known for having the most up-to-date equipment. I got the idea for the RF-31 disappearing in transit because of all the prototype cars and trucks or retired concept cars/trucks that "fall off the truck" or "missed the scrapper"... hence why there is an AWD Ford Thunderbird still in existence, one of three 1997 SVT thunderbirds dodged the bullet, the 1989 Fiero GTU concept (and its notchback, bastard cousin) escaped the crusher, along with quite a few other special manufacturer test-bed vehicles that never quite made it to the scrapper... I don't really know where to go with it, just... felt like writing, I suppose. The quality kinda slid downhill towards the end because my lunchbreak was ending >_< I'll go ahead and get those sketches up. -RF-26 AAC
  10. Shoot, I always miss Asuka cosplayer.
  11. So I assume this'll be at 9:30am PST?
  12. It's NAKED TIME apparently o_o edit: Michael X Klan naked time.
  13. moved to another thread
  14. This is so funny to me because I am *writing* some of the sales training guides for Yamaha right now, specifically the FZ1 at the moment... I also wrote sales training guides for two new *top secret* Yamaha models. I like the Macross bike; very cool. As long as you're not riding like a tool in civilian traffic I am totally cool with what you've got goin on. Ride safe. -RF 26 AAC from LGB Air Field
  15. Man, why do you always have to be right? That's a logical explanation for those stupid Vajra, and their organic form; it certainly behaved much like the birdman and the birdman, too, had some kind of external consciousness.
  16. I will pop by Bandai USA HQ which happens to be about 3 miles from my house... Did anyone else notice the gun splits apart to reveal what I think is some kind of beam weapon barrel?
  17. Yeah that's who's supposedly going to play her in the (I hate to say it here but may as well) RT live action movie, but it's good art no less
  18. Could you hook it up with an av from Macross DYRL at 1:09:01-1:09:03?? Pretty please??
  19. Try a google Image search. I figured somebody would have something better; one of them is now my avatar. Here are a few I found.... Surely somebody has something better!! I'm watching DYRL and good lord DYRL Misa is cute.
  20. I was asking for ANYONE to; and it was on *this* page, silly.
  21. No kidding. Of all the people out there I thought *he* might be able to oblige with some *good* Misa artwork; I had to go find it myself. Thanks alot, Misaforever, or rather KlanForever.
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