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Everything posted by RF-26AAC

  1. They commandeered one of the grand cannons and hid there during the bombardment. XD Or, they hid in another one of their top secret anti-UN submarines. Maybe they had an ocean base?
  2. yes. @AgentOne: I merely figured that ranka's mix made the most sense the way I broke it out; obviously she's mostly human, has a quarter zentran mixed in (so what's the other quarter?)... vajra. ta daa! I mean everyone knows she's a quarter zentran, she said so... unless of course, this is a lie someone told her.
  3. while everyone wants to use the most literal translation, I think Ozma is really asking I'm usually pretty good at getting the intended meaning/context when translating from literal translation to *real* translation... but take that for what it's worth, friends.
  4. Since the v-type virus is bloodborne, shouldn't Alto be um, concerned with protection between himself and Sheryl?
  5. Does this crazy shet just come out of your head, or are you just trying to be funny? Seriously, I can't tell.
  6. Yeah, I can't really doodle mechanical details freehand, I need some kind of CAD version of the fighter. I *am* working on a LEGO digital designer version but it's very time consuming and annoying and complicated >_< I just want a program about as complex as MS paint that lets me create objects like squares and circles and then move them around.
  7. Ignoring them both would make it far worse as ignoring a girl when they like you makes them crazy!
  8. Try again. The phrasing is wrong. The correct version is: Alto: OH MY GOD, THEY KILLED MICHEL! Klan: YOU BASTARDS!!
  9. best first post ever. As I understood it I thought Alto had said he'd be there or something, but I did think giving someone tickets to go see you was a pretty sorry gift-- it'd be like giving someone a picture of you for their birthday. Sheryl never told him what she had in store for his birthday but yeah given the choice to sortie or eat bad cookies in the park with the boss' sister, I'd sortie, too. I never once thought Alto even considered seeing his father on his birthday (it was a non-option for him)... But if I misunderstood, that's my problem. Ranka is a victim very much of her own choices, but such is to be expected, she's a freakin' kid, she doesn't know any better. She's kinda been forced into the Britney Spears type of role, thrust into fame without any realworld knowledge or experience and has no idea what to do with it. At the same time, Sheryl's in the same boat, but all her decisions were made for her, whereas Ranka has a choice-- some sliver of independence over Grace & co.
  10. The original looked too lightning-ish. Can anyone recommend a good CAD drafting program like the old Clarisworks?
  11. buono detto. well said, mate. But bear in mind mate, this is like trying to resolve the Ford Vs Chevy or Mac Vs PC or Misa Vs Minmay debate or even Lauren Vs Heidi, there's nothing new about it. People like to be divided in opinion and will argue to prove themselves right regardless of how ridiculous the logic behind the opinion is. While the Mac vs PC crowd can't agree one is better than the other, they both agree they like computers. Ford Vs Chevy guys agree that they like cars, and Misa vs Minmay debaters agree that they like Macross. Team Lauren and Team Heidi can both agree they like "The Hills". So, regardless of the division the unity in opinion you are striving for is simply not possible when there is an inherent conflict in the show... it's going to breed debate one way or another. So while not everyone can agree on Ranka vs Sheryl, we can all agree we like Macross F.
  12. Ah, didn't catch that, I recognized a fold booster on it but figured it was pink/purple to match the plane... post edited. Vegeta, yeah, typically kids take the father's surname, so she could be Ranka Sterne and still be Ranshe Mei's offspring.
  13. Oh, do I know how it gets old if it's constant. But it's *still* kinda sexy if occasional or observed.
  14. Yes, but Sheryl can actually *sing*... and isn't a vacuous idiot. Sheryl is actually capable of learning. Sheryl is famous for singing, while Paris Hilton is famous for being... Paris Hilton. Let's not draw that analogy. You're spot on about the "Selfishness" argument about Ranka, the both of those girls have done pretty selfish things, though Sheryl has actually been a bit more selfish For instance I resented that Sheryl carried off Alto to another planet when Alto promised to meet Ranka... I don't like Ranka, but I'm one for not standing up your dates... And then, after standing her up, Ranka comes to save Alto's day. Despite this, I still want Alto to hook up with Sheryl already. Alto going to Gailia IV (or whatever) was selfish... regardless of Sheryl's motivation of wanting to give Alto a real sky. The date-stealing was one of the things that really cemented my hatred for Minmay in SDFM. I hated her for taking Hayase's date and ruining things. Mucking about cluttering Hikaru's head when he's finally getting serious about Misa. Thank god for DYRL. %*#^ you, Minmay. *sneer* At the same time, I don't resent Sheryl for it cos she's done her share of redeeming things... and she's not super obnoxious. Though maybe it's just that Asuka streak she has that appeals to me. I don't know.
  15. These are otaku fanboys we are talking to here, many of them don't know what a girlfriend is XD :hides: nah I jest, I jest. Sheryl's a little overt mind you, but at least her intentions are pretty clear. Ranka kinda kept herself well within the friend zone, making it unclear to a dunkopf like Alto that she's in love with him until her farewell love-confession. I think Ranka has more puppy love feelings for Alto, but unlike most highschool crushes, her crush holds wayy more water than most highschool crushes given that Alto's saved her life on more than one occasion... that kinda stuff turns (most) girls on in a huge way... but the thing is, she could not bring herself to say it or come out with it, and at this stage in the game it may well be too late for it, but it sure as hell confused Alto XD Sheryl happens to be in love with Alto more for who he is rather than something he's done... I can't say one's love is more valid than the other but both girls have their pros and cons.
  16. I think Ai-kun remaining green (other than color for differentiation's sake) has to do with queen loyalty. Unlike other Vajra, I happen to think Ai-kun is about as smart as a puppy. Which is probably smarter than most Vajra drones. This has a lot to do with how the Ai-kun larva was cared for and loved and snuggled and all puppies and rainbows and whatnot, and there's also the queen factor. Ai-kun is the first Vajra completely devoted to Ranka (as his queen) and obeys her before the other queen, the color difference also indicating loyalty to a different hivequeen than other Vajra. When the other Vajra were commanded to attack, Ai-kun simply hid because Ranka was doing the same. More or less Ai-kun seems pretty peaceful, surprisingly. Though I wouldn't want to be around if Ai-kun perceived someone as an imminent threat to Ranka... Ranka is not a traitor or war-criminal but she is driven by some other idea that by returning Ai-kun to his home planet or whatever she'll help resolve the Vajra crisis; I don't think it's totally driven by her simply wanting to return Ai-kun, she must have some kind of idea about it making a major difference. And I agree with others, Ranka probably doesn't think she'll come back alive, hence the past-tense "I loved you" to Alto. Best. RF-26
  17. That sounds like the worst premise for a Lemon I have ever heard.
  18. IBTL. I think she's innocent enough; though her Nausicaa-type approach probably will not bode well for many.
  19. Az, I'm going to have to disagree; I think Brera is more of a robocop kind of deal than Vader... sorry to use that crappy analogy here, but he doesn't remember much, but has flashbacks of who he was and who he subconsciously is has an influence... whereas Darth Vader *always* knew who he was, Brera does not... I think he suffered some major neural and physiological damage, I think many of his vital organs are still intact, as is much of his brain. I think he was *severely* injured during the attack on Global 11 years ago, to the point that it would have been fatal. Brera is a robocop in every sense of the word, a bastard abomination of humanity and machine that functions due to the body and (most of) the mind of a person who by all accounts should otherwise be dead. He will continue to act on his subconscious and will probably remember who he once was, but he won't ever be that person again. Robocop will never be Murphy again. On a different note, having seen the ep with subtitles I felt a little bit more of Ranka's internal pain and hurt over her perceived rejection by Alto, I don't really harbor any of the "God, she's annoying" type of feelings I used to have about her character; I wouldn't mind at this point of somehow she and Alto hooked up, but I'm not sure that's going to happen, nor at this point do I really figure we will see a resolution to the Triangler... also, Ranka's folded away using an older-type fold booster (unless the VF-27 can fold in real time), so she will be gone for quite some time in Frontier-time... leaving a lot of time for Alto and Sheryl to get *intimately acquainted*. But what do I know, I could be wrong. Edit: The VF-27 is equipped with a realtime foldbooster so time-dialation is a non-issue. Still; Ranka has left Alto on Frontier, and unless he chases after (which he can't do, I don't think) that leaves Alto on Frontier with Sheryl and time without Ranka around.. Best, RF-26
  20. Huge thank you to Lunar!! You guys made my day. <3 <3 RF-26
  21. Ok, I will start with ep 1 vs the movies for Mac 7. I watched the TV-series. I *never* liked Minmay but I especially disliked her in SDFM, I didn't hate her so much in DYRL. Mainly because she wasn't out there solely to make it impossible for Hikaru and Misa to hook up. They were always my favorite pairing anyways. Hence my av. <3 <3 <3 Here's the order in which I saw stuff: RT (episodes 1-3 and then the next 2 episodes after Pineapple Salad where Kakizaki dies) Robotech II Macross II Macross DYRL Macross F Macross Plus Macross SDFM so now
  22. fork that noise. So hey, I want to watch Mac7 but where should I start? Best, RF-26
  23. I hated the idea initially based on the synopses that I had read on it, but it's *really* good Good lord though, that show is a mindf**k.
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