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Everything posted by RF-26AAC

  1. I can't find any art of Gepelnich. He's so gay, I love it. Does anyone have any pictures of him, without his stupid hat? I'd REALLY appreciate it...
  2. Mac 7 Q again, is Veffitas/Veffidas ever explained? Like, does she have a backstory? She just seems to be like a bit of the background and seldom says anything....
  3. On a different subject, what the hell is this reference to 'moe'? I don't really get it. Does it mean pretty or something? I asked my JDM G/F and she has no idea. Is that purely an otaku thing cos she says neither she nor any of her friends used it nor was it on TV.
  4. I'm on E10, but I saw all 4 eps of Dynamite first... I am currently converting all the other episodes into Mp4 format so I can watch them on my television (using my iPod) I reckoned she had some kind of crush on Basara, but other than that I wasn't too sure what the hell is her significance.
  5. Macross 7 Question. What the hell is the deal with this flower girl? I reckon she is some kind of running gag but I don't quite get what her deal is or why she is always trying to hand Basara flowers. I don't care if you spoil it, I want to know if this is ever resolved.
  7. The version with the name looks more natural though I am tempted to say that perhaps a different, more scholarly (old english) font may be in order...
  8. Having had experience with what a native-english speaking Japanese girl sounds like (in both english and japanese) I've gotta say I really think it's most likely a white girl and not at all asian because of the pronunciation and the way she hits the notes... gah, this is hard to explain but it also has to do with her singing tone.
  9. This week on Rowboat-Tech: We try the new Carbon Fiber XB-100 monohull and review the new Oars from Haldex®! Man-powered aquatic ride-armor! Stay tuned for more ROWBOAT TECH
  10. Hey, I resemble that remark! I'm surprised somebody actually remembered my name and my silly ideas. Thanks again to the guys at MW for setting me straight. Thanks to MW, I've gotten the REAL ending to the Mac Saga.
  11. I agree with Mr. March about Varuta underrepresented craft. My personal favorites are the Az-130A Panzerzorene, and the SV-51... weird, ornamental heads FTW.
  12. purple mecha = battle galaxy. The dulfim is red, and not purple enough. Unless of course, the Dulfim can transform. The RIP thing in the photo album may be someone who *isnt* Sheryl. I was thinking someone else. Like Ranka's mother or Sheryl's mother. I also suspect that Alto did fake his own death. The idea about Alto reentering the vajra planet's atmosphere is ridiculous. He would burn and die. I am fully supportive of Luca kissing Nanase. He is very well aware that he will probably die and wanted to do so without regretting never having acted on his actions. Shinji wasn't jerking off because he was marching off most likely to his death, so let's not draw those parallels. I do think that Alto is picked up by the M:Quarter. Best, RF-26 AAC
  13. bump to the top. So when can we expect goro's bar?
  14. Well, I'll see what I can do. I got a hold of a nice object drawing program, SanSerif DrawPlus 4.0, which does everything I was looking to do with appleworks/clarisworks draw. Unfortunately the newest design is also cab forward, but then again I wasn't really thinking about radar when I designed it (oops)... mostly focused on engine, wings, armament and transformation aspects. I'll see if I can put something up in the next few days.
  15. And bigger than a few square miles.
  16. Damn that's good! Also makes me jealous cos my crappy drawings are never that clean!! I had a much different design in mind but frankly that's a lot better; I was going for more of a civvie-type craft with a dorsal-mount single jet-engine and a split A-10 style rear stabilizer.
  17. O_o no I am a new member of the Macross online community, and the only two "valks" I am responsible for are the 26 and 31 concepts in my profile and they're crappy at that. Thanks for the idea though
  18. Actually I have a very simple design in mind for a single engine valk.. which is a seaplane o_o; (no propellers though)
  19. Well I used to hang around with a cosplayer who went by Eiko even tho she was Romanian/Spanish XD And then my GF chooses to go by Kristie even though her real name is nowhere close... nobody uses their real name, nobody likes theirs enough.
  20. Agreed, but only if the Cola is purchased... it means you won't get any if the cola is not purchased.
  21. It's for dramatic effect. He'll live. He's too big of a douche to die.
  22. seriously, the scene with grace fondling her assets really looked like it was taken from bible black or dragon pink or some other hentai. she was like, this close to doing something nasty to herself and simultaneously raping ranka, somehow.
  23. His appearance in super robot wars with a different seiyuu suggests that he is not off-limits for reappearances unlike Hikaru
  24. And the transformation, while cleverly designed... ends up with neither a pleasing fighter or battroid. This is fanart and has no place in the news thread.
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