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Everything posted by RF-26AAC

  1. Macross F question: What the heck are the "hydra" being talked about? I've seen everything but ep 3, 4 and 18. Can someone tell me what I am missing?
  2. There must be some kind of power in the hatred, either in controlling the populace or causing the Vajra to attack harder if we hate them badly enough. What's the motive behind inspiring hate? There's a LOT of talk of hate. RF-26
  3. bump for sketch upload
  4. A valid point, I wanted to equip it primarily with a shotgun but thought, hm, when I play Rainbow Six Vegas II, I ALWAYS need a machine gun or SOMETHING that is somewhat useful at a distance, shotguns suck over distance but nothin's better short range!! A shotgun might be pretty effective against vajra, especially if you keep changing what's in the shells... I am almost happy enough with the sketches to post em. RF-26 AAC
  5. I liked how we got a Zombie SDF I stand by my theory about that sinister green thing turning into a lobster and killing tons of people.
  6. no, RANKA is Kerrigan.
  7. If it was reconditioned I'm still surprised its working. And yes, I noticed EVERY car in MacrossF is somehow turbine powered. I guess the Ford Nucleon finally caught on XD!!! I finished sketching out the battroid configuration of the vehicle today, almost like a miniature YF-19 but there are very obvious design differences with the torso and actual transformation mechanism. The wings fold behind the back as do the vertical stabilizers a-la VF-1X series, but the cockpit remains horizontal like the YF-19. Sketched out the shotgun, as well, and decided to add a single machinegun barrel to the gunpod, totalling out at four. The machinegun is there for dogfighting purposes. I think the vehicle will end up being around 3/4 VF-19/VF-25 series size.
  8. I think it's unrealistic that there's a LANCIA still RUNNING in 2050!! (notoriously unreliable cars, you know)
  9. Oh, I spoilered my own text because I thought that was the etiquette here o_O I actually end up spoilering much of what I write. Oh, and Alto's dad is a douche. Alto's kind of a douche, too, come to think of it. o_O He's actually not that likeable as a main character, he's less likeable than Shinji Ikari. But apparently a lot more apt to do something than cry. But Gendo Ikari is far cooler than that mushroomhead guy who's boning Grace.
  10. Sorry mate, I'm RT native just now fully getting the idea that the two are completely different. I grew up watching the first four episodes of RT over and over and over again (because I didn't have anything else), that and transformers. Got a hold of Macross Zero, F, DYRL and am currently dl'ing the original series. I am loving Macross F, but the only thing I don't like is their strange usage of cars. Did anybody else notice Skull leader has a Lancia Delta Integrale Evo 4WD rally car? (and other times you see old Lexus LS400 series limousines) Doesn't change the fact that the mecha works the same way, regardless though. So anyhow I'll call it a Valkyrie. Best, RF-26 AAC
  11. No, not legos. This is just a series of sketches and ideas that may or may not be introduced into a fanfic or roleplay at some point. I'm a big transformers buff, so... after designing a number of unique autobots, it was only natural I'd attempt a Valkyrie (triplechanger ) I wrote up a general overview of features, speculative place where it would go amid Macross Canon and wisely did not design a god-mode valkyrie... instead, I designed what I like to think of as the Ferrari of Valkyries.
  12. I sure hope this isn't taboo, but I had the idea a few days ago. pre-Macross F era, prototype Valkyrie fighter. It's not like it hasn't happened before (like where did the damn VF-27 come from!?) RF-26 AAC Variant. Era: 2040-2045 Origin: Macross Frontier Colony Fleet Manufacturer: LAI/General Galaxy Variable Anti-Aircraft/Combat fighter. Intended useage: Subatmospheric and high-speed spaceflight Alternate modes: Gerwalk, Battroid Armament: 4x10mm armor piercing gatling guns (nose mounted), 1xTriple Barrel Melee Shotgun, 2x Energy Machete [battroid only] Thrust: 10x small manuevering verniers [various locations], 8X medium manuvering verniers (back of calves) [battroid/gerwalk only], 2x supplementary thrusters (aft/feet), 2X primary thrusters (aftward amidships) Braking: Thrust reversal, air brakes, reverse verniers. Power: twin compacted/tuned VF-25 reaction drive engines. Lift: swing wings in separate and delta-wing configurations, two 45* lean vertical stabilizers, 2x horizontal stabilizers. Description: Designed with both atmospheric flight, reentry and deep space technology in mind, it is intended as a high-speed interceptor fighter, equipped with very light armor and light weaponry as an aircraft. The cockpit is quite large for high visibility outward, but reinforced for moderate pilot protection. Equipped with standard energy-conversion armor, and can accommodate a pilot and passenger. Originally, I wanted to design a fan-racer based veritech, but found size to be an obstacle, and the usage of such a craft would be so limited, I opted to go a different direction. Instead, the vehicle is a long nosed vehicle, somewhat similar to the SR-71 and FA/22C aircrafts. This is not a VTOL capable craft in aircraft mode. It is, however, capable of VTOL as a Gerwalk and Battroid. It is a swing-wing aircraft, with wings that can sweep backwards to connect with the rear horizontal stabilizer fins creating a larger delta-wing type surface for extreme high-speed atmospheric flight. Much like the current space shuttle, the leading edges of the craft are armored more heavily to withstand the challenges of reentry. This is a craft CLEARLY designed for high speed-- hence, it suffers in maneuverability on its own, thus necessitating a number of vernier jets placed at strategic points all over the craft.. The major weakpoint of the craft is armor and armament. If hit by the energy beam emitted by red-type Vajra, the craft undoubtedly would be destroyed, whether in aircraft or battroid configuration. It is not designed for a long range battle; it's designed for high speed subatmospheric and space aerial combat, and high speed melee, serving more of a scout function than a frontline soldier. Powered by the a tuned and size-reduced version of the VF-25 prototype engines. Unfortunately, at this time the fighter does not have a FAST pack. It is mostly unnecessary, though, as the craft is designed with space flight in mind. It is, however, be equipped with a single experimental-type realtime fold booster, carried under the chassis (as opposed to being over-the-cockpit) mounted. I am currently developing the drawings. They don't suck. In Battroid mode, the focus of the craft shifts from extreme speed to manueverability and melee-type combat. It is equipped with a variety of powerful (yet short range) weaponry and carries an elongated energy knife (think Orc sword from LOTR). It is approximately the size of a shorter macronized Zentraedi. Control is handled through a direct-neural interface, which is forbidden aboard the Frontier. (like LEI cares) As this is an experimental craft, the pilot has extraordinary control over the vehicle, but at the same time, does not allow for emergency ejection-- if the craft is destroyed, the pilot will die if interfaced. The downside is that the pilot *feels* the unit's pain. Complementary to the neural interface is the cockpit anti-gravity generation system. By producing its own gravity field within the cockpit, the pilot is not subjected to extreme g-forces and consequently is not subject to blackout. This allows for super-intricate control and manuevering quicker than the body could physically react on its own and allows you to exceed the limitations of the human body in other craft. Overall, the RF-26 AAC is very effective, but was ultimately dropped in favor of the more reliable and durable VF-25 messiah series and never made it past the prototype stage. As it is a one-off, the spare parts and their quantities are quite limited, hence, there is only and likely, will only ever be a single RF-26 produced. If damaged, it will likely be destroyed as it is likely not repairable. This is a Valkyrie not so much about practicality as it was speed, grace and passionate melee killfests. For those of you who are car nuts, it's like a Ferrari P4/5... it's expensive, it's good looking, and there was only one built. Much like a one-off Ferrari (or any Alfa-Romeo for that matter) It's very finnicky and fussy and sensitive, but has more soul than your average mecha. In addition to weak armor, the unit is also unreliable on startups due to the finely-tuned nature of the engine and extreme handling. Because it was a test-mule prototype, the function beneath the skin isn't that great either and the dash controls are highly susceptable to failure. EDIT: Sketches added, from design to production. No scanner, so I had to just snap photos. I started the aircraft design by using the Aurora fighter from C&C generals though several other craft were in the running... I toyed around with several concepts for transformations but ultimately settled on a more-or-less YF-19 style transformation with a few minor modifications, primarily concerning the upper torso and the size of the cockpit relative to the chest. The size of the cockpit presented me a challenge because when it's big relative to the rest of the craft, you can't hide it anywhere. So, for Battroid cockpit sheilding I chose to use a shutter-type design that slides over the cockpit.
  13. Deculcha = UNWONDERFUL!! Ok, now I have another question: Is there any sort of a rule or like feeling against fan-designed valkyries? Granted, not to be taken as Canon, but a unit all its own, is that like, um... what's the word... taboo? Mind you, I am not talking about a fricken existing VF-variant with a different head or recolor, but I came up with my own concept (all three forms)... I tell you, it's hard to think of how this stuff moves and such; I still don't know how they came up with the complexity that is the YF-19... Best, RF-26 AAC Variant
  14. No, I wasn't kidding. So it is mainly an exclamation. Although "See you next AWESOME" or "See you next COOL!" doesn't really work. So it is a lot like Smurfs and the word Smurf.
  15. Why does everyone say deculture? What does Deculture mean, anyhow? It's referred to as a food, as a time, as an exclamation before death, god, it's like the Smurfs with the word Smurf. WHAT THE HELL DOES IT MEAN?!
  16. Ok, touching on an earlier writer's topic... maybe Frontier is annihilated in a blaze of glory and Alto and Sheryl (possibly Ranka, too) take the foldbooster and jump at the end of the series, and taaadaaaa, they jump and directly ahead is the Megaroad-01. The series will end as they make their approach toward Megaroad 01. HOW ABOUT THEM APPLES!? I agree, if Michael dies, Klan will die with him. Best, RF-26 [AAC Variant]
  17. I don't really like that furry thing. I *really* want to see Michael and Klan hookup cos that poor chick deserves some lovin' (though I think Michael should go macronized and nail KlanKlan... he's Zentran-mix, right? with those elf-ears of his...) I bet Michael would be like, "DUUUUDE! MY **** IS HUUUUGE!!!" and Luca needs to spill his littleboy guts and freakin fess up to Nanase, already. There's sooo much I want to happen. I haven't been this excited about a TV show in years, and certainly never a cliffhanger series where I go "OMG WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!? NOOOOO!" I *never* liked that sneaky green furry bastard and I know that thing is bad news. I'm kind of stuck between liking Ranka and not liking Ranka. My girlfriend is a lot like Ranka (was a model from age 10 and stopped after turning 20)... still looks like she's MAYBE 17 (a lot of people look at her funny when she says she drives and are like "You drive?"... but she has ridiculous huge boobs on a teeny frame a-la-nanase... imagine Nanase with brown hair, no glasses, and Ranka's teeny midsection coupled with Ranka's affliction with a need to have cute stuff. It's really immature but even at 26 now she still loves her Hello Kitty. I also like Sheryl because she reminds me of a very domineering yet-messed-up ex I had that was very similar to Asuka Soryuu... I swear, Cheryl is the-all-singing-all-dancing-pink-haired Asuka/(that alien pirate chick from FLCL whose name escapes me... the Vespa riding one)... I certainly see some bigtime Grace-Sheryl confrontation coming, and I suspect that we will see more Triangler Alto-torn-between-two-women in 2-3 episodes but for the timebeing I suspect we will see more revelation of the human instrumentality project graceclone conspiracy. Best, Model RF-26 Variable Recon Fighter [AAC Variant]
  18. I'll give you that, but what I meant was that maybe more discussion of legend to give us a tiny bit more backstory, by no means do I want to see these people show up all grayed and old-- though it would be one hell of a trip if Miko Ichijyo showed up out of nowhere--as unlikely as that is. I am sure the Megaroad is nowhere near the center of the galaxy and odds are it did not run into some other villain-race DBZ-style, but as I was saying, maybe a little bit of closure in a sentence somewhere would be nice, or a definitive "megaroad 01 was destroyed or lost". I stand by my theory that they made a random fold/jump either deliberately or unintentionally. And that's where they went, probably clear out of this particular galaxy, maybe even into the Andromeda or further. We will not see these characters again, but again, I'd love to hear just a tiny bit more reference to the past.
  19. I would like a further reference to their past but would not like Hikaru, Misa and Minmei to make an apperance. I'd like further discussion about it in subtle references like they've done thus far in Macross F referring to Ranka as "the next Minmei" or something to that effect... If we're ever to see these characters again it ought to be covering their disappearance and the circumstances thereof, like them making a fold without coordinates or something to escape the onslaught of some new super-attacker villainrace.
  20. This show has so many flavors of EVA it boggles my mind, Grace and mushroomhead's sinister plan sure looks like the human instrumentality project because frankly I can't see any good coming from the Vajra... though I was thinking it is possible that the Vajra were peace loving till we bothered them or possibly are the creations of the people who made the zentraedi... I dunno, that stupid Vajrapuppy Ranka has worries me. It and all of its xenomorph-egg spawn cousins.
  21. While I agree that the weird thing is going to cause some major problems, I am outright confused by it. For one, it's freakin furry. Two, it hatches from Xenomorph eggs. Three, it showed up after a Vajra infiltrated the ship... Hey, does anyone else notice the red ones bear a STRONG resemblance in head/chassis design to Eva 02? Ranka is a Vajra half-breed of some kind. Gah, I don't even know what I'm saying. Someone help me out, here.
  22. Hi all, I've been lurking around your site and watching Macross Frontier... seen every ep including 17 (can't wait for a decent sub to come out).. Anyway, here's my theory. so yeah. RF-25 out.
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