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Everything posted by RF-26AAC

  1. No, that would be gross. After GundamW I have had my lifetime fill of , thanks. I did have a lot of fun at con 2003, tho. Lots of girls ogled and groped me. It was great.
  2. Does it have giant robots? edit: yes it does, apparently. The big, ridiculous sentai kind.
  3. somebody could've posted the working link in the livestream thread! I can't wait for the raw, can someone tell me whether or not Alto wears a dress? I feel so cheated.
  4. Do you have a working live stream link!? I just have some stupid weird show!
  5. Keyhole doesn't work on my PC, sadly. mms://waryas.ath.cx/live this link yields Japanese TV though I don't really know what the hell is going on
  6. I totally don't get the joke
  8. I just wanted to throw this out there: Sheryl will personally kill Grace in one way or another. Or make an attempt at it. The V-type virus being the control mechanism for the vajra is so out there, I can't buy it. Though, it would explain the sudden reanimation of the 'dead' lobster in the tank (a la EVA 00). If its brain was destroyed, how could it reanimate? While I agree there is a hivemind, i don't think it would be just the virus controlling it. There has to be some other thing catch to it; I think the fold-quartz in the blood is just a side effect and not the reason behind the control.
  9. No kidding, "I AM SHERYL NOME, I AM AWESOME." I don't want to see Sheryl die, and I am pretty sure she lives. and kills Grace personally.
  10. I second that. I usually happen to agree with you, strangely enough o_O Nobody else thinks Alto will have to dress up like a girl? I bet on Michael getting Macronized (if he is even capable of it) OR being smuggled onto Zentran island hidden between her bosoms XD!!!!! lucky b@$t@rd!!
  11. I would buy it. So hey, if I can do anything to contribute let me know I could put together a music video pretty readily with good quality footage assuming you give me a decent song to work with. I hate to mention the RT word, BUT You could also consider stealing the Robotech Battlecry marching VF-1X series animation as the selection animation...
  12. Japan better kick taipei's ass. I think Alto gets forced to Geisha up once again and do Kabuki, to get Sheryl back from the house of Saotome. I think Alto realizes he doesn't really connect with Ranka, despite being forced to choose whether or not to protect her-- I think he has a little bit of conflict with the decision instead of his usual quick decision making. Where does the long distance fold take them, I wonder? And more importantly, at what time PST will this go live!? ;_; edit: FIRST.
  13. Ok, so that means it'll air at 11am PST?
  14. moved to another thread
  15. I don't think curing her was ever a part of the plan.
  16. I hated Sheryl until I made the Asuka connection, now I actually like her a lot. It'd be too much of a parallel if she started piloting on her own and was better than Alto... But seriously, amid all the flavors of Evagasm going on in this show, I don't really mind it. At least Ranka isn't like, totally soulless.
  17. Quick question guys, at what time (US pacific) do new eps of Macross Frontier air? Thanks, RF-26 AAC
  18. Sheryl's just having an Asuka breakdown, just watch, she'll get up and have an "I'LL KILL YOU ALL!!!" coup de gras moment... she won't die, but she will be significantly injured; moreso than she already is... Anyone else think she will have a violent, "kill em all" rebirth from the ashes of her ruined fame? I can't wait to see what happens next; Michael keeps hinting to Klan and Klan sure isn't shy about hinting to Michael; oh lord, it's ridiculous! When does the next ep air? Yay for no spoiler tags.
  19. YES, when that shat was in the Shonen Jump manga, it sucked, it continues to suck now and will continue to suck even more! It's the NEW dragonballZ!! YUCK. OnePiece was cool as a manga but as a show it just annoys me Um, I would say the best Macross Villain was that crazy dude who crashed his cruiser into the SDF-1. Whatever his name is. He was so freaking crazy. I'm sorry, I'm not that far into the original macross series, but in RT they called him Khyron. He was so incompetent, it was great.
  21. no, you'd get the above katakanaizations if it were Klein or Klang, (ku-rai-n) and (ku-rein-gu)... but yes, Japanese language doesn't permit "ng" (thank god) or the "L" sound in general. Without doubt, it's Klan.
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