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Everything posted by RF-26AAC

  1. THAT is brilliant. Pineapple joke: check Tropical Theme: check Macross-connection: check Wearable at an actual Luau or on vacation?: check!! Note: I have just been promoted again! w00t go postcount, go!
  2. I want a gif of Episode 17 18:50-18:54 where Ozma rips a Vajra apart. Episode 18, 5:46 - 5:53 Bobby! Episode 18: 16:56 - 17:02 Red Vajra blasting a hole in a cruiser Any of those 3 would be super!!
  3. meh, it's been a few years since I've last actually *used* any of my J-language skillz. But it does mean big brother.
  4. We need to come up with a concept shirt first before any will sell but frankly I am not sure we have sufficient demand for 1600! shirts...
  5. OHHHH. eheh. I'm really digging the Lion intro, it's really catchy; I'm enjoying it more than I did ep 18...
  6. You've gotta let me voice somebody in M+ O_O I would LOVE to voice Isamu or Guld, hell, even Yang... I have connections at a local soundstudio and could actually get it recorded without any nasty bg noise... Again, I'd also like to make a financial contribution to the project The work you've done thus far is really good especially for a test. best, Ghost aka RF-26 AAC
  7. Yes, it means brother, specifically in an affectionate context. It'd be weird if she called him aniki or however you say it (more affectionate form of brother) Anyways yeah they're brother and sister. Like it says in the Macross F wikipedia entry: Brera cares a lot for Ranka's wellbeing though he doesn't really know why (even without orders). I am surprised it has taken Ranka this long to go.. "hey, wait, I recognize him. I know him." But Ranka isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, if you know what I'm saying. While it is obvious that Ranka has severe PTSD, a memory like "my brother is ____" ought to be a little bit stronger, but then again, she was like what, 6, when Ozma took her in. I want to know more about Ozma's motivations for taking her in-- what was his connection to the 117th? More importantly, I reckon they have Brera on some kind of cybernetic memory inhibitor, but as we all know, the brain will forge new paths to old data... I wonder at what point Brera will remember who he is relative to Ranka, and at what point it will stop being Grace & Co's carrot to dangle in front of him. For storytelling purposes I would bet that it is highly likely that Brera -RF26 AAC
  8. Precisely; He can't get to the quarter and he can't really fight that well in an EX-Gear... so what the hell, steal the school mascot VF-1 XD From the beginning of the series I had this feeling that at some point at least ONE VF-1X would show up in a FIGHT sequence...
  9. Wow, that chick doesn't look Japanese, she must be mixed. (yes I know she has contacts and a wig) The variable costume is darn cool, and the quality! It puts the transformers cosplayers to shame! o_O
  10. W T F Nobody [in the crowd] noticed those?! I don't think those are Ai Kun but I find it hard to believe that NOBODY would notice a sitting behind them... How much longer will english subs be? I'd really like to make some kind of a donation to Lunar for continuing to fansub this series (without those awful MKV files)
  11. Why would it just be a prop? It's either a sculpture or a de-engined, decomissioned fighter... there's a decomissioned fighter of some kind on display at a park by my house, clearly, it has no engines but what the hell. It'd be cool if that VF-1 could be fired up and an interesting plot twist.
  12. Can someone post up a Luca version VF-25 (BATTROID FORM) wallpaper? I'd also like a GOOD Red Vajra wallpaper.
  13. Meh, I won't know what's going on till either one of you guys explains it for me (pretty please?) or the fansub comes out; I can't ask my wicked hot Okinawan GF to translate for me since she doesn't know I even watch anime anymore; this is the first series I have watched in FIVE YEARS, and I don't intend to travel back to the land of Otakudom, though I do have it to thank for my very limited Japanese skills and the development of my videography and editing skills. I -RF-26 AAC
  14. A hawaiian shirt with little VFs, helmets and Minmei dolls mixed with macross symbols over a blue background
  15. If they find the Megaroad-1 it better just be the wreckage of it.
  16. Elmo Kridanik was pretty good, he wasn't evil. I have no problem with him. Lin Kaifun is a freakin douche, but that doesn't make him evil; I haven't seen M7 but I think Grace O'Connor takes the cake for worst manager (in terms of Evil)
  17. My favoirte thus far: Sheryl's I will survive intro to ep 18; Sheryl's version of Aimo. Sheryl sounds pretty good whereas Ranka's starting to annoy me a little
  18. c'mon man, I'm like a junkie, I NEED MAH FIX MANNNN
  19. I was thinking we could do a Macross Zero Mayan Island Hawaiian-style shirt But of course that would make too much sense e_e
  20. Fixed that for you.
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